View Award - Joint Mission Award

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Joint Mission Award

This award is given to crew-members who participate in joint missions with other fellow Starfleet vessels, outposts, starbases, and/or the crew thereof.

This award is an In-Character award.

Category: In character
Awarded: 4 times

Captain Franklin Johnson
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 @ 12:47pm
This award is granted to the CO, by the CO, not for any particular recognition other than to mark their contribution in the Joint Mission Role Play event conducted by Pegasus Fleet Staff on the date of the anniversary of Pegasus Fleet.
Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 @ 12:46pm
For their recent involvement in the Joint Mission conducted by Pegasus Fleet Staff on the date of their anniversary, in collaboration and with the intention to foster and promote a sense of positive community interaction, and with the obvious skill to work with fellow officers and players of other sims, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby grants this award to Lieutenant Phoebe Graydon!
Lieutenant Hibiki Zh'kallas
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 @ 12:44pm
For their recent involvement in the Joint Mission conducted by Pegasus Fleet Staff on the date of their anniversary, in collaboration and with the intention to foster and promote a sense of positive community interaction, and with the obvious skill to work with fellow officers and players of other sims, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby grants this award to Lieutenant Hibiki!
Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 @ 12:44pm
For their recent involvement in the Joint Mission conducted by Pegasus Fleet Staff on the date of their anniversary, in collaboration and with the intention to foster and promote a sense of positive community interaction, and with the obvious skill to work with fellow officers and players of other sims, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby grants this award to Lieutenant Freya!