Franklin Johnson

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Displaying 7 of 7 personal logs

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Captains Log - Stardate 72302.09
on Friday April 21st, 2023 @ 10:44am
Computer, Begin Log. Captains Log, Stardate 72302.09 on a brisk Friday Morning on Risa. It has been a considerably long time since I have even… View Log
A Change of Assignment
on Monday February 14th, 2022 @ 11:50am
Captain's Log, Stardate 71121.77 The USS Poseidon is to be assigned soon. Starfleet has deemed the recent events and loss of life to be a… View Log
The Weight of Command
on Wednesday July 8th, 2020 @ 3:49pm
Computer, begin log. After what has come to be known as the Battle of the Bright Nebula, I have found myself in a particularly bad… View Log
Captain's Personal Log #2
on Thursday October 24th, 2019 @ 12:23am
I really need to be more active with my logs. Audible sigh. We lost a good man recently. His name was Jonas Pavan, our recently… View Log
Captain's Personal Log #1
on Saturday August 24th, 2019 @ 5:42pm
Captain's Personal Log, Stardate 70634.06 My last log was....not well done. I'm going to do better this time. If I am to be Commanding Officer,… View Log
Captain's Personal Log #0
on Monday August 19th, 2019 @ 1:12pm
Captain's Personal Log, Number Zero, Stardate 70630.834 I have just concluded the first Senior Officer's Meeting onboard the Poseidon. [elapsed 5 minute silence] I am… View Log
The Quartermaster
on Thursday August 8th, 2019 @ 4:28am
Personal Log, Commander Franklin Johnson, We have barely started our journey as a crew and already we have the youngest among us. Ensign Sydney Allen… View Log