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Captain's Personal Log #1

Posted on Saturday August 24th, 2019 @ 5:42pm by Captain Franklin Johnson

386 words; about a 2 minute read

Captain's Personal Log, Stardate 70634.06

My last log was....not well done. I'm going to do better this time. If I am to be Commanding Officer, I have to give appropriate verbal records for posterity. This even includes me sitting here at this desk, speaking these words. It feels odd not typing them in like on the USS Tennessee. Systems here are better suited for verbal input, I think. Probably just me adjusting.

Anyway, yeah, replicated sweet tea actually tastes better than the real thing! I don't know how.

So, I guess I need to start off by saying the first meeting of my Senior Officers went over well. I know I said that in my last entry, but honestly listening back on it I almost sounded like some shy school-boy who just got introduced to a new group of friends. Admittedly I did used to be like that.

[audible sigh is heard]

In any event, to clarify, a few days ago we had our first Senior Officers meeting. Despite a Lieutenant, Junior Grade at the end taking a bit of an offense to my correction, everything went splendidly. It was also where we promoted Lieutenant Commander Shakura to my Second Officer, a promotion that desperately needed to happen in my professional opinion.

Things have since quieted down mostly on the Poseidon since then, and I can tell the crew is waiting with professional anticipation for the call to depart. I'm left with the decision on when to depart, and I believe that we should wait an additional week to finalize what the Dock Foreman is calling a "last checkup". The Chief Engineer on the dock made a personal appearance here and I wanted to make sure I made a good show of cooperating, so here we sit. Once they finalize their review of the state of the updated warp core and systems - which they said would take a week at most - we'll start preparations.

I think I'll make an announcement to the crew sometime today, give them something to look forward to.

[2 minutes of unbroken silence, followed by an audible sigh]

I think I'm out of words, so, hopefully this log is better.

Computer, end log.



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