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Captain's Personal Log #0

Posted on Monday August 19th, 2019 @ 1:12pm by Captain Franklin Johnson

205 words; about a 1 minute read

Captain's Personal Log, Number Zero, Stardate 70630.834

I have just concluded the first Senior Officer's Meeting onboard the Poseidon.

[elapsed 5 minute silence]

I am not used to using personal logs, I believe I am more familiar with writing things down. Having a computer dictate for me the words that will appear there is sometimes unnerving. I am generally very nervous.

[elapsed 8 minute silence]

I believe the meeting went well. I believe I may have hurt the feelings of Lieutenant, Junior Grade Sydney Allen whom I believed at one time to be quite different than she presented herself to be. It is a good lesson in humility.

[elapsed 4 minutes of silence]

It was much easier on the Tennessee, I believe. I do not know why Gregory pushed me into this, but I hope it'll turn out to be worth it. I feel horrible about what happened in the meeting. Unsure of myself. I am told by my new Second Officer, the ships Chief Councelor, that I did the right thing. I am just unsure of that. Maybe if I keep this facade up, no one will suspect a thing.

[elapsed 9 minutes of silence]

That is the end of this log. Computer, end log.


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