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Meeting the Quartermaster

Posted on Thursday August 8th, 2019 @ 4:16am by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant JG Sydney Allen

510 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Getting to know the XO
Location: Starbase 99
Timeline: Drydock; Pre-Launch

Franklin arrived early to the restaurant area where he was anticipated to meet the new Quartermaster. He quietly ordered another coffee from one of the local dining facilities and sat at the outermost dining table to await their arrival. While he did so, he would gaze at his PADD and review her file. It wasn't much, and she was fresh out of Starfleet Academy. Quietly he sipped his coffee, gazing around every so often in anticipation of her arrival.

Sydney walks into the restaurant with a nervous smile on, with her fresh new uniform on. She noticed her new Commanding Officer and walks up to him.

With a nervous look, and a tap on his shoulder asked "Commander Johnson?"

Franklin looked up, caught off guard as he was reviewing the PADD on Ensign Allen's history. He flushed slightly, looking up with a stoic expression before noticing the face of that same Ensign. His smile appeared, widened, and he stood up to extend his hand to shake.

"Ensign Allen! Pleased to meet you! Please, sit," he gestured after the greeting as he sat down on the other side of the table. "Yes, I am Commander Franklin Johnson. So you're my new Quartermaster?"

Sydney takes a seat, "Sir, I am. Can you tell me why I am here. I haven't finished the academy yet?"

Franklin's smiled lingered, but his expression was blank. He blinked once, twice, then gazed down at his PADD as he adjusted to this new element in this situation. He knew something was odd when he saw an ensign assigned to the Quartermasters position. He cleared his throat as he let out a soft sigh, sipping his coffee as the waiter approached to take Sydney's order, if she wished.

"I must admit I wasn't informed of this," Franklin admitted truthfully. "However it says here you're assigned to our ship for training, so I'm assuming since the Poseidon is a training ship of sorts, the Academy may as well utilise us."

He cleared his throat again. "How many years have you completed?"

"2 years, Sir," She replied with a very nervous look. "I was starting to do courses on commanding, until i was ordered out of class and told to pack for your ship. Sir, I will warn you now that that I am a very nervous person but i am willing to learn from the best."

Franklin nodded, smile returning. "I'm sure we'll work through this little difficulty. I'll try to get more information on this transfer as soon as possible, but in the interim, I can only welcome you aboard. Are you familiar with the duties of a Quartermaster, Ensign?"

With a smile "Yes sir, where do I put my bags and I can start straight away."

The smile on the Commanders face widened. Her enthusiasm was, in truth, infectious. He finished his coffee, taking the empty cup with him as he signaled for her to follow. There, he would direct her to the ship, and her new quarters.

"Don't worry Ensign," Franklin said reassuringly, "We all start somewhere."


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