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Starting out

Posted on Thursday August 1st, 2019 @ 1:48am by Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon

389 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Getting to know the XO
Location: Starbase 99
Timeline: Pre-Poseidon Launch

Phoebe was not new to starfleet. In fact she had been with starfleet now for nearly 12 years, in a wide array of positions. She'd started as a mere cadet, working her way through the Academy, and scoring among the top in all of her classes. She'd specialised in Medicine, while also taking additional classes in Security and Tactical. Once she'd passed out of the Academy she received her first posting onboard the USS Gulliver. She'd taken up the position of Tactical Officer, and worked hard onboard for 5 years, before being promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. This then gave her the opportunity to act up into the role of Assistant Chief onboard the Gulliver. She spent a further 2 years here, acting up as required, before looking for a permanent position as Assistant Chief Tactical and Security Officer. She found a position onboard the USS Aberdeen, where she was quickly moved upto the position of Chief Tactical and Security Officer. She was also given the opportunity to train as Second Officer, to further her skills in starship command.

Having completed this training onboard, she transferred back to Starfleet Academy, where she taught Medicine, while also studying the command programme. Again she passed this top of her class, and started looking for a position as Executive Officer. She then found a position onboard the USS Highlander, where she served for 2 years. She was then headhunted, by one of her instructors from the Academy, Professor Scott. Phoebe had been instructed by the Instructor, upon authorisation from the Admiralty, to report to Starbase 99, to meet with a new Commanding Officer, fresh out of the Academy. This Officer apparently showed great promise in the Academy, and would be given his own ship, which would be made up of officers fresh out of the academy, for the most part, backed up by a team of experienced NCOs and Enlisted crew members.

Phoebe had been told to meet the Officer on the starbase, at one of the bars on the promenade at 1600. She'd got there early, and was waiting at the bar, keeping an eye on the people coming and going. She saw someone who looked like he was looking around and waiting for someone to appear. She walked over, and got ready to introduce herself.

=/\=To Be Continued=/\=

Lieutenant Commander Phoebe Graydon
Executive Officer
USS Poseidon


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