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Meeting the Chief of Security

Posted on Thursday August 8th, 2019 @ 5:59am by Lieutenant Commander Karn Karn & Captain Franklin Johnson
Edited on on Thursday August 8th, 2019 @ 6:03am

1,267 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Getting to know the XO
Location: Starbase 99
Timeline: Pre-Poseidon Launch; Drydock
Tags: Drydock, Pre-Launch

Commander Franklin Johnson was a busy man today, it seemed. After his fruitful meeting with his new Chief Counselor, he got word that his new CoS would be stopping by. There was some information that he was an attache from a different power, an exchange program veteran, necessary for Poseidons particular mission perimeters. From the records Franklin had reviewed on his PADD, it appeared that his new Chief of Security was a Lurian named Karn. Right away his suspicions were aroused, but he kept himself steady in the face of some particularly unusual circumstances.

As he neared the north recreational lounge, the Commander spotted a single Lurian in what appeared to be a long black leather coat with gold shoulder pads that sported one diamond. The coat's chest pocket boasted a number of medals and the insignia of the Lurian Royal Navy. Underneath the coat was a shirt the same shade of gold as that of a Starfleet operations officer. He approached and, facing him, spoke.

"Lieutenant Karn?" Franklin inquired, hopeful. "I'm Commander Johnson, USS Poseidon? I'm told you'll be attached to our ship? Mind if I have a seat?"

"Ah mon capitaine! Please do! Yes, it is I! The famous Lieutenant Karn! Faithful Negotiant of the Royal House of Luria. It is pleasing to make your acquaintance and to be assigned to your fine ship. I'm having a glass of kanar - what can I get you? "

The Lurian stood up to greet him and raised his arms wide. He was only an inch taller than the human captain, but had a good one hundred pounds on him. He pulled another bar stool out and yelled at the bar tender to get his attention.

Relieved that he not only got the Lurian correct but he appared to have a friendly demeanour, Franklin took a seat offered by the Bartender and ordered himself some grape juice. It wasn't anything particularly fancy, but considering the amount of walking he had been doing it surely wouldn't hurt. He gave a nod to Karn once seated.

"Lieutenant? May I call you simply Karn? I've been curious about something," he began, nodding to the Bartender as he was handed a glass of grape juice. He sipped casually. "I was told by Starfleet that you were assigned due to the Poseidon's specific mission requirements. Tell me, just how do you fit into this picture, especially considering the exchange program you used to get here?"

"Ah, au contraire - It was Starfleet who requested my expertise. I thought I was going to get my own ship, but instead my talents as a Negotiant among the various Lurian trade and privateer fleets brought me here. You do have a pirate problem no?"

In all truth, Franklin was more taken aback than anything else. He had never known a Lurian to be so fluent in dialect. It was possibly due to the universal translator, but it was a nice touch nonetheless.

"Pirates? Yeah, it's strangely been on the rise. So you're familiar with the pirates we're expected to face?"

"These pirates? No. I've only seen what's in the mission briefing. The pirates I've dealt with have mostly been in the Nebula and don't venture too far out from their hunting grounds... and I don't think it's that strange. All the major powers had their fleets decimated by the Dominion War and are all still rebuilding.. and ... how do you say in human.... "When the cats are away the mice will play?"

Franklin eyed the Lurian suspiciously for a moment, a playful expression, then offered a smirk as he leaned back in his chair.

"I see," the Commander said, tilting his head slightly. "How do you know so much about the pirates? Are you Starfleet Intelligence?"

"It was my job to know and I was very very good."

Franklin eyed the Lurian, more intensely now. He slowly nodded his head, his demeanor changed to a more relaxed posture.

"I won't ask," Franklin finally said after a moments pause, then added, "Yet," as he eyed him again. With a sigh, he crossed his leg as he situated comfortably in his sitting position.

"So, what skills do you bring to the table as my Chief of Security?"

"Oh come now Captain, if you want to something then say something. We're getting to know each other are we not?"

Franklin's eyebrow raised, "And what do you want to know?"

"Why a security officer has been tailing me ever since I arrived on station."

The Commanders eyes flicked to the side, as if gazing there, trying to find something, before looking back at the Lurian. He lowered his voice, "Are you in danger?"

"Ha! The great Karn could never be in serious danger in a place such as this. I'm drinking kanar for goddesses sake! I'm celebrating with my new friend... but having a few starfleet cops following me around does damper the mood."

The Commander let out a heavy sigh, placing two fingers on the side of his head, resting against his palm and elbow as it perched on the chair arm. He blinked slowly.

"You're a pirate, aren't you," Franklin stated, deadpanned. "How did a pirate get approval from Starfleet to be on my ship?"

"A pirate! A piiirate? No, I never engaged in any piracy! Now, I may have negotiated some deals with certain trading companies of questionable legality and I may have negotiated myself a cut of the goods they were carrying in exchange for my services and my personal goodwill.. but never piracy! It was all in my contract with the Royal family. I think in ancient earth history I'd be more of erm... oh how you say... privateer! Yes, yes - pirate bad - privateer good. And, I might add - I was very good at dealing with the pirates. Which is how I landed on your ship."

"And how did you negotiate?" asked Franklin, maintaining the deadpan expression.

"Well, I offer a deal in which I think everyone wins. This pirate gets a little something something, that pirate gets a little something something, and they quit causing so much ruckus on the shipping lanes which makes the Royal Family happy. I'm a pretty fair person Captain... and once somebody agrees to terms there's no backies. People who go back on their deals or won't take a good deal when I offer one... explode."

The Commander rubbed his forehead, slowly, then sighed as he sat upright. He figured that since Karn was already here, things were provisionally set in stone. He gazed down at his PADD and grumbled something, under his breath. Most of everything was matching up with the psychoanalysis included in the report. With a click of his teeth thanks to his tongue, he looked back up to his Chief of Security.

"Well, you're here now, and I figure you'll be useful in that regard with pirates." He rubbed a hand through his hair, "I honestly don't know why you're not some diplomatic attaché, but Starfleet is Starfleet. Concerning the bridge, however, you will not make things 'tend to explode' as you say. You will show some moderation. Can you do that?"

Karn lifted his hand as to make an oath, "Of course - you are the Captain. Nothing explodes unless you order it to. Which, if you need to, I will do with the highest level of skill."

Franklin stared at the Lurian, simply nodding in return. He stood, "Very well, Lieutenant," he said as he began to turn away, "Welcome aboard and see you on the ship."


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