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Reporting aboard the USS Poseidon

Posted on Monday January 1st, 2024 @ 2:38pm by Crewman Eradaar Ezazzan & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon & Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Cadet Senior Grade Lexi Mcintyre

1,268 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: Tellar Prime/USS Poseidon
Timeline: 239611.18 [Grand Tour]
Tags: Grand Tour, 2395, Introduction


-- [Tellar Prime] --

Lexi was in bed when she got the call, she answered her communication alarm and was pretty groggy, sleep still in her eyes. She had been assigned to Tellar Prime some six months ago, but due to various disciplinary infractions at the academy, she had been held back from graduating for a year.

"Cadet Mcintyre, You are ordered to report aboard the USS Poseidon, for your cadet cruise. Furthermore, you will report to Commander Stevens who is the Chief of Operations," The computer said.

"Acknowledged," Lexi answered.

Lexi had been working in an underground mining facility as an operations assistant processing fertilizer. It was a dirty disgusting job and was a sort of punishment. While she did learn a lot, it was quite a humbling experience. She was trained to operate Starships and Starbases. She endured her punishment. She was a little lax with being on time and had acquired too many demerits, She had racked up an impressive amount of demerits which would normally have gotten her kicked out of the academy but she had managed to clean up her act, and for the last six months had been a model cadet.

Finally, fate had forgiven her.

She got up and took a sonic shower, got dressed, and packed what little she owned which all fit into a single duffle bag.

She checked out of her minuscule apartment and went to the nearest travel tube. She booked passage to the academy indoctrination center, collected her orders, and reported to the transporter room. She verified her orders with the transporter chief and beamed up to the Poseidon.

-- [USS Poseidon] --

The Cultural Department had tasked Eradaar Ezazzan with greeting the new arrivals from Tellar and helping acquaint them. She knew that they would be busy first reporting to their stations, however afterward she would be assigned to shadow them and help out. For now, however, she awaited her cute, just outside the offices of the Operations Officer.

"Hello Sir, I am Cadet senior grade Lexi McIntyre, I am here to report for my cadet cruise," Lexi announced.

Eradaar gave a start! She nearly squeaked in fright at Lexi approaching so stealthily. Giving a nod and recovering quickly, she introduced herself despite her fright.

"Y-yes! Hello! I am Cadet Crewman Recruit Eradaar Ezazzan, attached to the Cultural Divison," the Gornling greeted. "I am assigned to introduce you to the ship. I am told you are stationed in our Operations Division! Very good! You will, unfortunately, be birthing with the rest of us Cadets on Deck 6, but fortunately, you'll be primarily working out of the same deck in the Operations Offices just adjacent and near the Junior Officers Complex. Do you recall what the specifics of your assignment are and your schedule?"

"They told me I would be one of the operations officers for the rest of this cruise, including bridge duty. I've never met a Gorn before. I am happy to make your acquaintance," Lexi replied.

"Oh, yes!" Eradaar spoke, at first happy, then shying away a bit. "My family, original family died in the Dominion War. I was adopted into a Federation one, then was welcomed into Starfleet in their Cadet Program on the USS Poseidon. I want to be an Engineer one day. I like fiddling with codes and circuitry. Right now I usually....usually just bartend or help out where I can."

She looked away several times, shying a bit further, before taking a big deep breath in for confidence and examining the PADD she produced in her claws.

"I, um...I believe you would like a tour, yes?" Eradaar asked. "Maybe of Deck 6?"

Lexi looked at the Gorn. "I have studied all the specs and diagrams of this ship," Lexi looked around somewhat in awe. "Yes I think I would love a tour, Mr. Eradaar," Lexi said taking his arm. "Please lead on, do cadets get their cabin or are we bunked together in the corridors, like on Cali-class ships?" Lexi said.

"We're bunked together," Eradaar said, beaming with delight at the acceptance for the tour. "If you'll follow me, I can show you to the quarters first?"

-- [Operations Office] --

Lexi Materialized in transporter room 2, she showed her orders to the security officer on duty and asked where she could find Commander Stevens. She was given a cabin assignment and given cadet-level security clearance and a class schedule.

She made her way to the operations officer's office.

She knocked before entering.

"Come," replied Micheal as he sat behind the desk going over the service jackets of the new Cadets that he was to have under him for the duration of this cruise, but he knew that these new kids were the best that this year's graduates had to offer.

"Lexi entered the Ops Chiefs' office.

She stood at attention for a moment then then announced herself.

"Cadet 1st class Lexi McIntyre reporting for duty, Sir"

Lexi a smallish human girl with blonde hair, youthful just a meager 21 years of age, handed her orders to Commander Stevens. as well as her training certificates to date.

At least she looked professional if green as a tree leaf in summer.

"At ease, Cadet," replied Michael as he looked up from the PADD that he was reading, he had been going over Lexi's Cadet form and found that she was top of her class, which told him she did things by the book which was good to know.

Phoebe stood quietly behind Michael, having been notified a few minutes before the cadets had beamed aboard of their imminent arrival. She thought it easier if the cadets could report to both of them at the same time, saving time later down the line.

"Is there a problem, Sir?" Cadet Lexi asked.

"No Cadet," replied Michael looking back at the young cadet, he continued, "We are just waiting for Cadet," as he looked around the table for the PADD and then found it "Ezazzan," as he looked up at her.

"I'm sorry!" Eradaar said as she rushed into the room. She had just concluded her tour with Lexi and had inadvertently forgotten about the meeting with Lieutenant Commander Stevens. She gave a shy smile to Lexi upon seeing her, then stood at attention in front of Michael.

"Cadet Ezazzan reporting, sir," she said, hoping to not be in too much trouble.

"Sir, Cadet Ezazzan had just given me a tour of the ship and had led me here, If He is late I must take full responsibility for that,"

"I See," replied Michael looking at both cadets, he continued," That is commendable that you are willing to take full responsibility for this Cadet." he leaned back in his chair as he could see a good pairing in front of him. He finished " As of now you are to be paired together,"

Lexi turned towards Ezazzan and shrugged, "I can take it if she can," Lexi said.

The Gorn nodded. "I accept," she replied, smiling in her way. "It'll be nice to have an official ship buddy."

Phoebe moved her hands over her PADD, still standing quietly, making a note of the two's pairing, and making a note to have a check-in with them in a few weeks to ensure they were settling in ok.



Crewman Recruit Eradaar Ezazzan
Cadet Learning Program Trainee
USS Poseidon


Cadet Lexi Mcintyre
Operations Officer (Cadet Cruise)
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Executive Officer
USS Poseidon


Cadet Senior Grade Lexi Mcintyre
Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens
Chief Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


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