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A Determined Man Indeed - Part 2

Posted on Monday January 1st, 2024 @ 2:12pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu & Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Stan More
Edited on on Monday January 1st, 2024 @ 2:13pm

1,018 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: Tellor; USS Poseidon
Timeline: While Docked on Tellor
Tags: Training story arc: Tellor, Grand Tour, 2395, Character Development

"It is a wise father that knows his child" - William Shakespeare.


Vanir looked disappointed. Seeing Poseidon's Chief Engineering Officer depart didn't sit well with him.

“Must the enchanting female leave us?” He asked.

"Unfortunately, yes," the Captain said as he looked over to Vanir. "Mrs. Williams is our ship's Chief Engineering Officer and maintains the stability and functionality of our vessel. Since this problem doesn't reside specifically in her normal expertise, it's only natural she'd return to our ship."

"Mr. Vanir, If I may ask, why is it so important to you that your son become a Starfleet officer," T'Pri asked in all seriousness.

Trensu was starting to understand the Tellarite he had forgotten how to deal with Tellarites. They normally start with complaints, then go into arguments with someone they have recently met. If they have nothing to complain about, they would simply insult the person. Transu thought they just liked to argue. Let us not forget there are impatient people, with stubborn pride. This was one of the times that what you are trained to do is not what you do. Trensu hates it when this occurred.

Trensu looked down at the Padd that the Cadet had handed him with the information of the Vanir son. The Son was substandard in his scores. His writing assignments were borderline disrespectful to the instructors and other officers evaluating the son. I think this was more a misunderstanding than low scores.

Trensu leaned over to the Captain "Demand, do not ask, it is their way." whispered Trensu to Captain Franklin.

Kicil also was reviewing the PaDD a cadet had handed her in regard to the situation, there was information of an autoimmune deficiency that currently could not be corrected and could potentially lead to harm if the young Tellarite was exposed to unknown viruses, bacterium or fungi.

Captain Johnson nodded to Trensu, then looked toward the Tellarite Vanir.

"You WILL tell me why you want your son on my ship!" he demanded, with authority this time.

Kicil pursed her lips, how could the father not know about his son's medical condition? She would need to inform the captain of this so he could navigate the complex issue with the Tellarite father.

“ My son needs a chance to show what he can do. I know if he could be allowed onto your vessel he will shine.” Vanir said.

"I have looked over his fine, Vanir," Franklin said, swallowing back his decorum. "Your son has failed every necessary grade required to NOT be a safety hazard on my vessel. Your people are blunt, Vanir, so I'm going to be blunt. Your son doesn't belong in space."

"May I also add Vanir that during his last physical, he failed it. Due to constraints of confidentiality, I may not tell you why, but your son knows," said Kicil in a firm voice.

T'Pri nodded.

An idea came to Kicil "Have you considered having your son join the Federation Merchant Marine. He would be able to show his skills and learn valuable skills for your company, perhaps even helping you acquire lucrative trading route deals with the Federation Merchant Marine command."

“ This would not be Starfleet though?” Vanir asked

"Not entirely," Franklin interjected. "The Federation Merchant Marine supplies Starfleet with everything, and the entire Federation. Your son would be serving all of the Federation, not just Starfleet."

Trensu chimed in. "Master Vanir, your son can be on Federation Merchant Marine ships maybe even like this ship. some of the ships even have retired Starfleet Captains on them. He can learn and show his stuff aboard those ships. Now I can recommend a few to you." Trensu paused then looked at the people at the table thinking he might of over overstepped. "But!, I mean it But! Your Son has to sell himself. Not you, not someone else your son." Trensu used his instructor's tone when he was pushing his authority. "Now that I just put my neck out there I might send a letter forward If he can write a paper on what is expected out of that training." Tresnu knew this was basic almost all cadets do it. "Again But! from a Star Fleet point of view. Do this and I will write a letter of recommendation for him," added Trensu his tone was not polite or even nice.

“ There is one concern that I have for my son. In Star-fleet there are rules about the treatment of crew and personnel. You see when people look upon us all they see is something humans used to eat with something called eggs. Racism has always been a problem maybe my people are to blame. We are not known as the most patient of Alien races. Will my son be treated as fairly as he would be on Starfleet?” Vanir asked

"If that were true, we wouldn't even be having this conversation," T'pri said.

"The Federation Merchant Marine is a 'Federation' organization and adheres to 'all' laws, regulations, and rights given to Federation citizens. Your son therefore would receive the same treatment as a Starfleet officer." replied Kicil. "He would go to the Federation Merchant Marine Academy on Danula II, where he would train in a career field, in fact Tellarites are famed as engineers and highly sought after for their skills in engineering. I believe there is a recruitment center here on Tellar, you could easily go there and verify what we have stated." Kicil again stated, trying to be helpful.

“ Then I shall trust you and advise him to join this Fedation Merchant Marine service.” Vanir said

The Captain, impressed with the negotiation skills of his crew during this situation, nodded approvingly. "I'll make sure it happens," he promised as he broke off from the group, returning to his office to make the appropriate arrangements.

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Lieutenant Stan More
USS Poseidon


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt Cmdr T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer/3rd Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


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