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A New CMO with Promotion

Posted on Sunday November 5th, 2023 @ 2:13pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden

567 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: USS Poseidon; Bridge, Captains Ready Room
Timeline: The Grand Tour
Tags: Grand Tour, 2395, Character Development


It had been a long time coming. With so many issues in Medical over the last year, one individual had been a staple in the department that never seemed to have any real issues. Kicil had been a dependable and reliable officer that showed up on time and gave productive effort to everything they did. Franklin had noticed this, so when the Commodore had helped promote Lt. Cmndr. Saint-Pol off the ship to a more prestigious posting, Franklin had immediately selected Kicil for replacement and promotion to the CMO slot.

He had just informed Kicil of his expected arrival, so the Captain waited patiently to greet his new CMO - who as of yet wasn't aware!

Kicil had been reviewing the reports on the medical cadets and also working on a schedule to start the training of those crew members and cadets in other departments in emergency medical aid and procedures; she would need to decide who was best for advanced training and those for basic. She was shocked when she was summoned to the Captain's Ready Room. She wondered why she was being summoned as she made her way to the bridge. She crossed the bridge to the Captain's Ready Room and hit the enter button.

Franklin stood at the entrance as the door was manually opened by him pressing the button. He ushered her in, smiling.

"Welcome, Lieutenant!" he greeted. "Please, sit down, we have something very brief to discuss. But first, I'll need those Lieutenant pips."

He said this so casually, extending his hand, open, awaiting the pips.

Kicil reached up with trembling hands, she could not think in the world why the captain would want her lieutenant pips. She could not fathom any reason to be demoted, okay there was that incident on Risa, but still that shouldn’t have been an offense that resulted in demoting her. As far as she knew she was also not in line for any promotions. She handed the captain her lieutenant pips and waited for the other shoe to drop.

Franklin smiled as he took them. He then produced a new small box for pips. He withdrew a new set and replaced the old ones into it. After a brief moment, he put on Kicks uniform her new Lieutenant Commander pips. Standing back to observe his work, he smiled, patted her shoulder, and extended a hand for a shake.

"Congratulations, Lieutenant Commander Priadden," the Captain said. "It gives me great pleasure to finally and formally promote you for all your hard work. Additionally, we just had the Chief Medical Officer position open up. Mrs. Saint-Pol has other business needing attention and is advancing her career in Starfleet. I need you to fill the void she left. Do you accept?"

Kicil stood gob smacked and speechless. She did not even begin to suspect she was due for a promotion. Then news about Lieutenant Commander Saint-Pol leaving and that the captain wanted her to fill the Chief Medical Officer slot. Kicil stammered out “Thank you sir, I will endeavor to do my best sir as chief medical officer.” The realization of what had just happened hit her like a ton of bricks, she found her knees beginning to go weak.

"I know you will," Franklin replied and smiled broadly.



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


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