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The Friend

Posted on Thursday November 2nd, 2023 @ 2:17pm by Lieutenant Stan More & Ensign Penny McTaggard & Captain Franklin Johnson & Crewman Eradaar Ezazzan & Cadet Freshman Grade Max Gill & Cadet Freshman Grade Hapam Rajam

1,605 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: Various locations on Poseidon
Timeline: Just after we leave Earth Spacedock.
Tags: Grand Tour, 2395, Character Development


-Science lab-

Penny was not having a very good morning. It all started when she arrived in the science lab to start her shift. Now Penney had been warned about Commander Perkins' pet plants. however, she did believe half the stories she’d heard. I mean a small plant like that, kidnapping a large person like Lazarus. But after this morning she now knew differently.

She found Norman and Susan waving their tentacles at each other and shrieking. Susan then attempted to bite Norman. She had never seen anything like it before. It had to be in only one thing.The two plants were getting it on and the last thing the crew of the Poseidon needed, was more of these things running around.

So she picked up Susan and placed the female plant on a lower shelf. Penny thought this would shut the thing up, but instead Susan just kept on shrieking.

“ Oh be quiet yer wee bampot.” Penny said.

McTaggard continued with her work and Susan soon calmed down. She heard the doors open and close a few times but continued to work without looking around. It was only when she turned round Penny realized something had happened that made her blood freeze. Susan was missing!

She looked over at Norman who seemed to be happily humming to himself. not the sort of thing, lovesick partner would be doing.

“ He always does that when he wins an argument with Susan.” Said a Lab technician.

Nodding Penny rushed out of the science lab and looked up and down the corridor.

-Crew Quarters -- Deck 6-

Eradaar, Max, and Hapam were all assigned a shared quarters on deck 6 for the duration of their training regiment on board the Poseidon. The shared crew quarters typically had 4 to 5 beds with a shared eating area and a shared restroom and sonic shower. All three had been assigned to a 4-bed shared quarters, with an empty bed pending any new recruits to board later. Most of the time all three of the recruits were busy on their separate schedules furthering their education to Ensign; Eradaar Ezazzan in the Cultural Division for teaching and cultural studies, Hapam Rajam in Engineering for damage control and technical studies, and Max Gill in Operations for logistics and ship-wide operations management training. All three rarely saw one or the other, but they were acquainted.

Eradaar was the only one in the shared quarters when the slight commotions began outside her door. She was studying for the upcoming Cultural Studies tests that would further her prospects for her position. She had also been trying to cram down the words because later in the evening, she had planned to spend an hour or two as assistant bartender before retiring for the night. There were shouts and screams of alarm from outside just as her quarters door opened, inexplicably, on its own. Curious, the young Gornling rose from her bed and moved closer to the entrance, only to see something out of a horror film.

She did what she could only do. She screamed as the plant-monster thing rushed at her.

Penny had grabbed a tricorder and began scanning for Susan. She soon picked up its trail to Deck 6. As soon as she left the turbo lift she heard a scream.

“ Oh my…” She said as she followed the scream.

Penny rushed into the door which refused to open. There was only one person who could help her. She called for her cousin Stan. He was In security and would be able to get through a locked door. Although she could of managed without his hysterical laughter when she told him what had happened.

“Well cousin this is going to be a Poseidon record for the fastest demotion.”Stan said as he unlock the door.

Penny pushed past him and saw Susan wave its tentacles. They it lifted itself and scuttled into an open Jeffries tube grill.

“ Are you ok?” Stan asked the frightened occupant.

The young Gornling was crying by the time the tentacle plant had almost practically wrapped around her. When she was saved, Ezazzan clung to Penny like a scared puppy.

"I've never been so scared!" she admitted. "Thank you for saving me!"

Stan scratched his head in thought.

“You know the last time Norman went after Lazarus. Maybe he’s after him again. Uncle McGregors left knee he’s gone into the Jeffries tube.” Stan said

Ezazzan’s grip was quite tight but Penny was still able to talk.

“ That was Susan Normans girlfriend. It’s ok she/it has gone. But if I remember didn’t Lazarus have some of Lieutenant Commander Perkins scale potion on…..Do you have any of that stuff on you Ezazzan?” Penny asked.

The younger Gornling stepped back a step. She tilted her head confused, not understanding. "Potion? No, I am not aware of any potion."

“ Perkins made some potion for Lazarus to treat a scale problem. He used a mixture of chemicals that produced a pheromone that made Norman , another plant like that one. To fall in love with Lazarus and romantically kidnapped him. So why did Susan make a bee line for you?” Penny asked.

Ezazzan felt on the spot momentarily. She started to briefly shrink back. "I-," she began, hesitating. A gulp later she found the courage to continue. "I don't know?"

Stan scanned her with a tricorder and shook his head.

“ There’s nay anything that stands out as to why the wee beastie picked you out.” Stan said

Just then they heard a sound coming from outside in the corridor. Penny poked her head out of the door and saw Susan waddling down the corridor. It was using its lower tentacles as legs and doing a better job at walking. Than most humanoids with flesh and bone legs. Every so often it made a grab at any female who got near.

“ It may not of been you Ezazzan. It’s going after all females that go past. See what it’s doing,“ Penny said.

The younger Gornling poked her snout out of the doorway to glance, in horror, at the walking abomination. As soon as she did, however, the plant screeched and began a bee-line towards her. Ezazzan screamed in fear and hid behind Penny shaking.

"It's after me!" she shouted, then seeing it approach closer she released Penny and rushed into the room to hide.

The plant stopped and waved its tentacles.

" That is enough you! Your scaring my wee friend here. " Penny shouted at the plant.

Susan banged its pot and took a step back. Then it made a strange crying sound and the main part drooped down. Then something happened that surprised Penny. It spoke.

" Me sorry" It said.

The voice sounded very tiny but they all heard it say the words.

After a second or two, Eradaar felt cowardly so she moved forward behind the Ensign. That's when she heard the plant talk. Wide eyed, the Gornling looked between Penny and the plant. She was struck silent.

“ That wee plant just spoke!” Stan said

“ Yes. I have heard that plants do well if you play music to them. But this is incredible unless…..the universal translator. It must of picked up on those sounds Susan makes and turned them into understandable vocal sounds.” Penny said

Bravely, the Gornling stuck her head out at the plant. "You shouldn't grab people like that!" she said, a tad bit of fear mixed with anger. "You can't do that! It makes us scared. It made me scared."

“ Me sorry me wanted to be friend. It is how we be friends in my kind.” It replied.

"Friends?" The Gornling asked, then turned her head to Penny for support - and a face that begged what she should do.

" Interesting. It somehow has the ability to see. Your skin tone is green , it must think you are one of its kind. I believe it was not trying to harm you. I think Susan was trying to be your friend. It had a row with Norman and was looking for a new friend. I don't think you are is any danger." Penny said

Eradaar cautiously approached the plant thing. She gingerly reached out a claw, hoping to give a gentle touch to confirm its safety before outright believing Penny.

The centre part of Susan raised itself up and gently nudged Eradaar’s claw.

“ You my friend.” It said

Penny smiled then a crazy idea entered her head.

“ I wonder if we could do the same thing with the universal translator for canines?” She said aloud.

“ Can you imagine what would come out of the Wee Ones mouth?” Stan said

“ Perhaps you’re correct.” Penny said

"Friend," the Gornling confirmed, smiling. She then stood straighter. Despite being younger, she was just under six foot in height. She looked back to Penny. "What do we do now? Do we return her to the Lieutenant Commander?"

Penny considered this.

“ Why don’t we have a trip to the Holodeck just the three of us wee girls. Maybe we can find out why Susan was upset and looking for new friends. What do you think Eradaar?” Penny asked.

"I think..." she started, glancing between the group. Taking a deep breath, she nodded with renewed confidence. "I think that'll be a good idea!"



Ensign Penny McTaggard
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Stan More
USS Poseidon


Cadet Freshman Grade Max Gill
Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


Cadet Freshman Grade Hapam Rajam
Damage Control Specialist & Gardener
USS Poseidon


Creman Recruit Eradaar Ezazzan
Cadet Learning Program Trainee & Bartender
USS Poseidon


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