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The Phantom of Deck 9 (Halloween Contest 2023 Entry)

Posted on Sunday November 5th, 2023 @ 2:17pm by Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi & Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu & Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden

4,061 words; about a 20 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: USS Poseidon; Deck 9 - Laundry Compartment
Timeline: The Grand Tour
Tags: Grand Tour, 2395, Character Development, Halloween 2023, 2023, Spooky


All had been relatively quiet since the departure from Earth Spacedock. With the addition of so many new cadets on board and the formal establishment of a "chain of command" for academic operations, the USS Poseidon felt like she was back at full capacity. Nowhere else could reveal this than the ship's antiquated Laundry Compartment on Deck 9, which had been maintained and modernized to allow use. Many forgot the complexities involved in earlier decades of space travel, where advanced computer systems and replicators weren't readily advanced enough or available to essentially take over most functions. One of those was laundry, yet even in this modern era there still were areas of starships dedicated to - at the very least - cleaning uniforms. The USS Poseidon, effectively being an operational museum ship, still utilized laundry services.

Rarely did Oscar travel down to Deck 9 without reason. The crew on board the Poseidon had a wide range of capabilities to both cross-train between departments and double-shift for either volunteer work in civilian areas or pursue experience in those areas for academic or career advancement. One of those roles was Laundry Attendants, whose primary function was to gather and clean soiled and used garments of all types to be cleaned on Deck 9. These attendants usually also were Cleaning Attendants, who both comprised the hidden essential background of the crew that was vital to the cleanliness and functioning of any starship. As Oscar rounded the corner into the Laundry Department, he noted several cadets intermingling with officers as they conducted their side duties hidden mostly from view. A few turned to wave at Oscar, who waved back, but he wasn't here for a simple visit.

Security had received a very unusual request to check in on a situation on Deck 9. Apparently, there had been some "very odd" occurrences since departing Earth Spacedock, and while the events themselves hadn't immediately warranted any sort of investigation, the situation had apparently escalated enough that the Security Department had been requested to "check in" on the situation. Looking at his PADD for confirmation, Oscar looked up to an empty Laundry Machine - a combination of both washer, dryer, and steamer - that had an "out of order" tag on it. The crew were going out of their way to avoid it as they conducted their duties.

"All this over a malfunctioning machine," Oscar said, sighing under his breath. He glanced at a few of the Officers around. Some even from the engineering department. Apparently, there was nothing wrong with the machine, just that it acted strangely. "I suppose sometimes even the smartest just need someone to make sure."

Lieutenant Priadden yawned as she made her way to deck 9. She had dismissed her staff and cadets and told them she would take the bio-hazard linen to the laundry. She was a firm believer that one should lead by example, therefore she took her turn at the boring but necessary task of running a sick bay. She entered the Laundry Department she was shocked to see Lieutenant Vladinchi, as well as some other crew lingering around, but avoiding one Laundry Machine. She heard Lieutenant Vladinchi mutter something but could not make it out. She was too tired to play games with the personnel in the laundry. "Okay someone wants to tell me exactly why everyone is just lurking about and not performing their duties?" she inquired. "Because I have several bags of Bio-hazard laundry that need to be done." Kicil sounded tired and annoyed at the crewmen standing about.

Oscar turned around to see the Cardassian standing with their soiled laundry. He watched as she was almost instantly accosted by crew who went instantly to work to their duties, forgetting for the moment their fear. Impressed, he made note of her method of motivation, giving her a gentle nod before resuming his "investigation".

[A Day Prior]

Sam had a routine. It was simple every Sunday morning, usually early he would walk to deck 9 and get his laundry done. But thanks to Norman, Susan and Penny’s pet Chihuahua holding a projectile spitting contest, with him as the target. Perkins needed to visit the Laundry a lot earlier.

He had gone into the Laundry late at night and proceeded to load a machine. He had a sudden feeling that someone or something was there with him. Just as he was about to put his uniform in, the machine door shut. Sam tried to open it but the door would not open. Then the thing started to shake sideways and he was sure a voice said “ NO”. So grabbing his dirty washing he fled.

[The Next Day]

Feeling as silly as a box of squirrels, the next day Sam went back to deck 9. He had to have a clean uniform. He doubted Captain Johnson would let him keep his three pips if Sam walked around naked.

As he walked in he could see Oscar and Doctor Priadden were there plus some other crew. They were all looking at the machine.

“ Has it been acting weird again?” He asked.

"Oh yes," confirmed Oscar with a semi-serious tinge to his normally deep accented russian-english voice. He rolled his eyes for emphasis that there was, in fact, nothing serious. "Just some investigation on equipment."

--[Deck 9 Damage Control Locker]--

Walking doing some checks Trensu was looking over his Padd. He saw Deck 9 listed Trensu remembered some of the reports coming through. There were some injuries reported but nothing but a few bruises and cuts. Now why was this being elevated to him? He glanced at the report and then gave a sigh. looked to be more of a maintenance issue than a security issue thought Trensu.

Trensu looked around checked the locker and checked that off his list. He started to walk towards the Laundry compartment area it was a big area with lots of cleaning and pressing equipment anything they might need. He knew injury reports did fall to safety. Then safety was security, which made Trensu Safty officer of the ship. A job that is never exciting and most of the time full of reports. Trensu knew it was important for the running of the ship's operations.

--[Deck 9 Laundry Compartment ]--

Walking in Tresnu looked around for any obvious signs of trouble. This could be another bad prank by the cadets. Which would be swiftly met with discipline by Trensu. Many ideas came to mind and how to Discipline the Cadets. Rounding the corner Trensu heard Sam's voice and saw others looking at a laundry machine. Most were new all but one and 4 others they have been with the ship for a long time.

"Commander Perkins, good morning, and to Lieutenant Vladinchi and Doctor Priadden, I can see we all have gathered here to deal with a laundry machine. I hope it is not too dangerous." Joked Trensu with some sarcasm and disbelief.

Oscar saw Trensu and gave a firm nod, before chuckling at his joke. Not everyone felt the same as the arriving crew got scornful looks from the crew around them who had experienced something.

"I'll just check it, Sir," Oscar said as he approached the machine. "One mome-"

And then, quite suddenly, the laundry machine came to life and it started to turn on. Oscar, bewildered, looked into the interior bay of the machine where laundry was stored. He peeked in, and quite suddenly the door closed on his head! A painful cry erupted from Oscar as he managed to escape, but not before having a bloody appearance on his head and a concussed walk - almost like a zombie! He groaned in pain as the laundry machine began to whine a monstrous whine, shaking about and vibrating intensely as it began to shoot out water spurts at Oscar and basically hosed him to the ground.

At this point, all the laundry and cleaning attendant crews scattered and screamed!

Perkins was knocked into the path of a fountain of water which soaked him.

" Oh no not again!" He said

As everyone screamed and fled, Kicil let go of the gravsled she had been guiding and stepped forward. Grabbing Lieutenant Vladinchi by the collar and crabbed walked back with him. She was getting just as drenched by the water the laundry machine was spewing, but she was determined to pull the wounded Lieutenant out of harm's way. She clucked her tongue against the roof of her mouth "Dammit Lieutenant Vladinchi I have my hands full enough with cadets injuring themselves, I sure as hell do not require any more work from you. Also, I believe I need to put you on a damn diet." Kicil said as she successfully pulled the Lieutenant back out of the way and sat back with an umph. She took a look about mentally remembering which medical personnel had fled the scene.

The moment Oscar was pulled away by Kicil and the two collapsed on the ground, the laundry machine went dead. The almost invisible-visible aura of power dissipated as if it never existed. The feeling of overwhelming dread caused by the phantom-like malfunctions was gone. Oscar, to his benefit, looked to Kicil and patted her shoulder.

"Thank you, Lieutenant," he said, then groaned as he held his head. "I think I need a medic. I will report to medical."

He tried to stand, then collapsed suddenly, and passed out.

Sam sploshed towards them but as he did Perkins was sure he heard something. Laughter. But not the sort of laughter that came from something biological. This sounded almost ghostly not of whatever world everyone present came from.

" I know as the ship's Chief Science Officer I should not say this. But that thing is now really giving me the willies." Sam Said

Walking over and kneeling down next to Oscar looking him over then looking at the laundry machine. "Commander Perkins, You are right about one thing this is not right." Trensu stood to his feet and started to walk over to the laundry machine. Most everyone there looks shaken by the incident. But Trensu looked calm and focused all the training he had had over the decades was at work.

Trensu stopped and put his hand out waved it some and looked around. Then squatted down looking a the ground around the laundry machine he touched the floor now wet from water. It was cold no vibrations that he could feel he expected an electric shock. But there was none to his disappointment. Trensu had hoped that would explain the malfunction. The standing again he took a few steps closer and stopped. Examining the Machine and the area again, He was looking at everything.

"Commander Perkins, being ranking officer on site, I have no idea what is going on with this equipment," reported Trensu.

Not waiting on a response Tresnu took a few steps closer. He knew something was off his instincts were screaming at him. Danger, danger, danger. His body hesitated to move. Something all veterans experience over time. Just like stepping over a trip line or boobytrap without thinking. Tresnu was now within arms reach of the laundry machine. He reached out and taped the machine. there was nothing the laundry machine felt cold and lifeless. No indicators no humm of operations nothing.

"Well it seems to be off now Commander Perkins" commented Trensu in a calm but confused tone. Stepping forward again Tresnu stopped and was ready to get back if he had to, still nothing. Holding out his hand and now laying his hand on the top of the laundry machine and out of the way of the door to it. Nothing happened the machine seemed to be off with no power Trensu could feel nothing. He reached and snatched the door open and stepped back. the door swings open with little effort.

As the door opened some water ran out of the door and machine onto the floor. There were some spatters of blood on the door but that was not much. Trensu's eyes narrowed then looked back at Oscar and his injuries. Then back at the machine then back up slowly looking like he expected something to happen. When Trensu got back to the others the machine door closed slowly and quietly on its own. Where did the blood go there should have been more there thought Trensu.

"Commander Perkins, I would advise you to get everyone out of here. The door does not have an automatic closing mechanism. So it is impossible for it to do the injuries it did to Lieutenant Vladinchi. But it seems to be off correctly. The rest I will tell you alone Sir," said Trensu his tone respectful but had a hint of urgency to it.

Maybe it was the three new pips on his collar? But Sam showed no hint of the fear that was jumping up inside him.

“ Ok people you heard Commander Trensu anyone who does not need to be here better leave.” He said aloud.

Kicil sighed and looked over Oscar and his head wound. He had a deep laceration to his head and most definitely had a concussion. Glancing up at Lieutenant Commander Trensu "Sorry commander but myself and Lieutenant Vladinchi are not going anywhere soon. Seems the young lieutenant has a major concussion, and I will not move him till I have a med team with a medical gravsled come and pick him up. Not safe to move him in this state." Kicil then began taking some bags of laundry and propping the lieutenant's head and shoulders up ever so slightly. She ensured his head would not move. She then began dabbing the head wound and inspecting it further.

Just watch for shock it would be best to take the propping from the shoulders. Vladinchi might have a neck injury. Support Vladinchi's head and neck and elevate his feet some so he does not go into shock. Cover him with the clean towels from over there to keep him warm." instructed Trensu. He eyed the machine "Your lucky machine. I don't have a phaser on me or I would disintegrate you." said Trensu sternly in a tone that was cold and unemotional.

There was a vibration from the laundry machine almost a hum. Then a hiss in defiance. Trensu's eyes widened then he took a Defiant stance. "This can't be good. I am talking to a laundry machine I have to be losing it," commented Trensu.

Kicil looked at Lieutenant Commander Trensu and sarcastically replied "Jeez you think. I guess I wasted all my time studying to be a doctor at the Monastery of T'Shen, then the Vulcan Science Academy and finally Starfleet Academy. Tell you what commander I will tend to my patient and stay in my lane, if you tend to this situation and stay in your lane. I believe my medical knowledge is far more in-depth than yours." Kicil was angry, she had a wounded crewman and had to deal with uppity security personnel, she wondered if he knew she was the one that trained his personnel in emergency medicine. She tapped her combadge =/\=Kicil to sickbay, I need a medical gravsled to Deck 9, Laundry Compartment. Be advised situation is still fluid and scene is not deemed safe.=/\= Looking back at Trensu and smiling "Commander could you please try and make this area somewhat safe for my medical personnel, when they arrive."

Pausing at what Lieutenant Priadden said almost felt like a reprimand. Trensu glanced over to the Doctor. Priadden was right Trensu knew he overstepped. Looking back at the laundry machine. "Lieutenant Priadden or Doctor Priadden, I have never fought a laundry machine before and this is almost out of my lane too. So how well I can guard you could be questionable," stated Trensu. His face becomes expressionless. speaking in perfect Valcon "As far as my medical training is not as prestigious as yours. But when I have been around 150 years maybe I can get a break about trauma care as well, Doctor." said Trensu in a nonemotional tone but with respect to Priadden.

Kicil allowed the medics to take over the care of Lieutenant Vladinchi. She sighed and looked at Lieutenant Commander Trensu "My apologies commander, it has been a long day for me. Standard protocol calls for the slight elevation of suspected concussions; especially if the patient passes out. This prevents further fluid buildup and pressure forming on the brain."

-- [ One Moment Later ] --

There was a evil laugh. It was soft at first, quiet as a tune, then grew in intensity as it became an overwhelming reverberation of sound. It echoed intensely off the Laundry Compartments walls and almost instantly all the Laundry crew escaped - possibly the sanest move they could make. As they did, a medical detachment came and began to try to work on Oscar. Oscar, to his credit, had gained some ability to glance around, and looked defiantly at the machine as it began to vibrate and rattle demonically.

"I AM THE PHANTOM OF DECK 9," boomed the eerier, otherworldly and demonic voice from the laundry machine. "ALL WHO ENTER MY DOMAIN SHALL BE CLENSED OF THEIR IMPURITIES! PREPARE TO BE DISINFECTED!"

The laundry machine rose off the ground and began to twirl in an impossible motion as it shot out stream after stream of disinfectant water and cleaner at everyone left in the room.

Kicil was just getting back to her feet when the laundry machine began the new routine, looking at Commander Perkins she inquired "Another one of your jokes or contest commander?" She was used to fluids being squirted about, at least this time it wasn't blood or bile.

Sam shook his head. “ This has nothing to do with me….”

Oscar looked wide-eyed at the machine as it sprayed disinfectant on his wounds. He began to thrash around as the machine directly attacked him! His screams of pain were loud!

"Damn it, get him out of the direct line of fire. Also bandage that wound." Snapped Kicil to the medics as she turned to face the laundry machine.

“ This has to be a software glitch! Are these machines connected to the ship’s computer? “ Sam asked

"Yes and no, Commander Perkins. but this is not normal by any stretch of the word," commented Trensu.

Thankfully the medics were quick to respond, dragging the screaming Security Officer out of the line of "fire" and into the hallway for treatment. His screams subsided shortly as he passed out. The machine, meanwhile, was laughing manically.

"AS ONE OF YOU FALLS TO MY CLEANLINESS, SO SHALL THE REST! PREPARE FOR THE RETRIBUTION OF YOUR SINS!" it proclaimed as a brief hint of something...unnatural flashed through the machine as if some sort of entity. The Laundy Machine then dashed forward, opening its dryer bay, and trying to lunge after Kicil to engulf him in it.

Sam was not in the mood for this. His only clean uniform was now wet which meant he would have to wear his dress whites until everything dried. Which meant being giggled at by Cadets, who would not be listening in lessons.

“ Oh for goodness sake! This is 2395 not 1970 why don’t you drop the spirit whose holy then thou act? You’re obviously some non corporal being who took over a washing machine. Just so you could bully us and scare the mittens off our fingers. Well I am sorry we have grown past being afraid of kitchen appliances!” Sam said angrily aloud.

The Laundry Machine froze, then sighed as if an event had been ruined. The machine dropped to the floor as out of it manifested an energy of pure red. It coalesced into a figure, almost humanoid, but pure energy. The only telling feature of his face was his eyes, though lacking any form, they shone somewhat bright and displayed emotion. At that point, they were considerably fouled.

Trensu stepped forward to stand between the pure red form and the others and stood definite. Tresnu did not seem to be fazed by the being.

"I worked a full year on this prank!" the being said as it huffed and crossed its otherworldly arms. "This vessel is sorely lacking in any comedy so it was MY job to bring it! But did anyone catch the comedy, catch the festive spirit?! NO!"

Kicil dived to the side as the laundry machine dashed towards her. “I swear to whatever deity is out there if I find out who ever is doing this, I’ll have them scrubbing the outside hull of the ship with an old-fashioned scrub brush.” She muttered under her breath. “I’ll deem it as a medical necessity for their health.” She then heard Commander Perkins comment, she turned to one of the medics, and aid quietly “Give me your medical tricorder.” She was now intent on getting information recorded on this being after all one rarely got such a chance.

“Oh, great Loki is paying us a visit. Why is it the more all-powerful the creature is the more of a blinking nuisance it is.” Sam said.

Kicil accepted the medical tricorder from the medic and began to discreetly scan the entity. She had to try very hard not to smile or laugh at what Commander Perkins said. She racked her brain and then recalled the Human mythology of Loki, and she understood why the comment was made.

Trensu looked at the pure red form studying it. "I am afraid ah.. RED Loki, that you miss the sense of humor of humans and when they get hurt it is not funny," said Trensu in a tone that he would talk to a Cadet if correcting them.

Tresnu was not sure what Loki was or what Commander Perkins was referring to but went along with it. "I am not amused by your acts Loki. I am Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu Chief Security and in charge of safety on this ship. You violated many regulations or rules. Wait what is your name what do we call you other than Ass." asked Treanu his tone still defiant and some anger in his voice.

As Commander Perkins and Lieutenant Commander Trensu seemed to be distracting the "being" Kicil did a discreet scan and looked at the results. It appeared to be composed of Thoron radiation, not the old known 21st century science type, trianic-based energy, and multispectrum particles. She winced when she heard Lieutenant Commander use a defiant tone with the being. These things could quickly get out of control, the interactions with the Q, Trelane, Organians and countless other non-corporeal species that the Federation and Starfleet had encountered.

"How absolutely rude!" the trickster entity said. "You can expect a poor rating for your hotel, sirs and ladies, and with that I'll be off!"

A moment's hesitation, then the entity looked directly at Trensu, Sam, and Kicil as they grinned mischievously.

"For now, that is," they added with a laugh as, upon snapping their fingers, they vanished in a flash of light.

[--- Aftermath ---]

Looking back at Commander Perkins Trensu smiled "Yes not very diplomatic of me was it." commented Trensu as he turned to the others. "Did you get what you needed on the tricorder?" asked Trensu looking a little more relaxed now.

“ Well we saw it off for now. My money is on that it is possibly one of the Q maybe , although they are not red in colour. Loki was the Norse g-d of mischief on Earth so it could not of been him. I do not know what is going on here.” Sam said

Kicil shook her head "For what its worth. More data to add to non-corporeal beings. It still less than what we need to know."

Outside the ship, the being manifested itself, observing the sleek and old vessel as it traveled through warp space. It would return, that was most certain. And next time there would be more games to play.



Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Commander Sam Perkins
Second Officer/Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Unknown Entity


Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden
Chief Medical Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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