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Food & Friends - Part Two: The Contest

Posted on Saturday September 23rd, 2023 @ 9:39am by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Miles O'Connell & Lieutenant Lazarus Kord & Cadet Senior Grade Roho Louis

1,589 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part One
Location: North London; Earth
Timeline: Just as the Poseidon docks at Earth Spacedock
Tags: Tags: Grand Tour, Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development


-China Garden Chinese Restaurant-
-Maida Vale, North London-

Cadet Hughes stood up and pointed at Perkins.

“Ok Commander, how about a little contest sir? I bet we can eat five of the hottest and spiciest dishes on the menu.”

“ Now look Cadet, I was not poking fun at you, it’s no shame to be unable to digest number 75. Your taste buds have not matured yet. Unlike ours which are considerably older. Come back in a few years and you'll be plowing your way through it in no time. Without a painful hiccup.” Sam replied

“ Cluck cluck cluck, “ said Cadet Brown

“ Now listen!” Sam said

“ Cluck cluck cluck,” said Cadets Hughes, Trent, and Brown.

“ Ok. Ok five of the hottest dishes no water between courses,” Sam said.

Shaking his head Louis looked at the other cadets he knew better than to challenge the senior officers to this. But it is all fun until someone probably throws up. He got a grin "Well, good luck" Louis said quietly. "Hughes, you know why he took the bet he knows he will likely win. Senior officers just don't take any bet unless they think they can win. Louis warns Hughes.

"If I may add here, I am up for the challenge as I enjoy a large palette of tastes and I know I can beat any cadet in this challenge." O'Conner inserted. "I feel that even without water, this is possible."

Lazarus rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll do a contest, if it'll stop their silly clucking."

He growled at them.

Perkins smiled as he turned to the Cadets.

“ Ok. Numbers 75, 80a, 102c, 27, and of course number 90b. What do you think Cadet?” Sam said

The Cadets bent their heads down low so they could read the menu and whisper amongst themselves.

“ Oh, my goodness have you seen what number 80a is…… You had to cluck at them, Brown!” Hughes said

“ So did you! “ Retorted Brown

“ You’re right Louis we are so dead…….” Trent moaned.

Louis's eyes widened when he saw the list "Ah... ya, I can eat hot food but that hot." commented Louis. He wondered what he was getting into with the other cadets but if they won it could look good for them.

Perkins clasped his hands with glee.

“ Guys I can see fear in their eyes. Here’s a small tip about dish number 80a best to eat it in one or it will burn the roof of your mouth.” He whispered.

Tresnu who was sitting at the offers table smiled. He sniffs the air loudly "I smell it to fear, Cadets" commented Trensu.

Looking at his friends Sam made the order to the waitress. Naturally, she was very concerned about the contest. But Perkins assured her they would have a transporter lock on all competitors. So if any got into distress they would beamed straight to the Poseidon's sickbay. This reassured her and she went off to process the order.

“ Well, guys no turning back now,” Perkins said.

Lazarus was the first to receive his order, oddly enough. He had ordered Saliva Chicken, with Sichuan. When he took his first bite, he had expected some sort of heart or hotness, but instead, it was extremely mild. He then proceeded to scoff the entire dish down within a second. A mild burp later, he turned to Sam.

"That was actually delicious!" Lazarus beamed.

"Interesting pallet," T'Pri remarked.

Trensu just gave a smile. Trensu knew with some food it just took a moment for the heat to set in. This should be interesting trensu had mixed reservations about doing this with the Cadets if this goes wrong it could put the senior officers in an awkward situation.

"Interesting indeed," commented Trensu.

Sam took slow bites of his dish he could feel the heat from the chilies kick in. But because this time he had been cautious his throat had time to adjust.

Over on the Cadet table things were not so ordered. Hughes had thought it would be best to eat the dish quickly. This was not a good idea because the Cadet's eyes started to water and their sight became blurred. Then the dish decided it did not like its destination and came back up again.

“ Hughes you idiot!” Said Trent as he got sprayed with regurgitated food.

T'Pri's eyebrows shot up at that then handed the cadet a napkin. She knew better than to comment.

Another burp, unprompted, emerged from the giant lizard before his eyes widened. He hadn't expected it! He drank down half a glass of water before tasting his palate to confirm his suspicions.

"A bit spicy now, nothing bad," remarked Lazarus as he looked over to the cadet's table. He then had to stifle a laugh as he chuckled heavily. "But apparently they're bad," he added.

Giving a loud chuckle at the Cadets table Trensu just shook his head. but kept an eye on the cadet to make sure he was going to be okay. "Lost already did they?" Commented Trensu.

At the cadet table, Louis just managed to dodge the spray of food as he leaned to one side. "O man Hughes! You ok?" asked Louis a little concerned.

Although he gave his friends the thumbs up. It was clear Hughes was anything but alright. Every time he tried to breathe it hurt. His coughing started to get pitched higher and higher. As his throat started to constrict.

Seeing that Hughes was in distress. Brown hit Hughes comm. badge.

=/\= Poseidon emergency medical beam out direct to sickbay. Please lock onto this signal.=/\=

Seconds later Hughes vanished.

“ Sorry guys. My friend's life was much more valuable than winning this contest.” Brown said

Lazarus watched some concern on his expression. "I hope that doesn't happen to me," he said, feeling something akin to foreboding.

Sam gave his friend a big smile.

“ Your physiology is different to other humanoids. Your saliva is 85% more dense than other species so you could eat the galaxy's hottest chilies and it would just tickle your throat, my friend. It’s a shame these Cadets did not read up on Gorn physiology before accepting you as a participant.” Sam said

"Lazarus, you are amazing my friend" commented Trensu with a small chuckle. Knowing that fact himself but not considering it in this situation made him think more about the Gorn. he had to get past thinking only about tactics and more on the culture of other races.

Lazarus, awash with praise, gave his friends Sam and Trensu a nod of appreciation before tilting his head slightly away in embarrassment. However, there grew a slight irritation in his stomach that went away at first, but seemed to grow slightly in recognition. Naturally, he ignored it.

"Thank you both," he managed with his version of a smile.

On the Cadet table, Trent began hitting the table with his head as the contents of his meal entered his stomach. Once again Brown became concerned and slapped his friend's comm badge. Trent tried to stop him but could not speak.

=/\= Emergency medical transport to Poseidon now.=/\=

“ No………” Said Trent as they vanished.

Sam looked over.

“ Well, my friends looks like only two left. Lazarus as you alright?” Sam asked concerned.

"Yes," the Gorn lied, feeling something akin to a stinging sensation now. Naturally, he ignored it. It was probably due to how he scoffed his food down. "This food was acceptable. When we get back to the ship, I may even allow myself a nap to enjoy it."

Sam wondered about that Gorns very rarely had naps. Something was wrong with his friend.

A silence as he looked over to where the cadets had been before. "Should we be concerned about them?" he asked.

Trensu looked at the table and gave a smirk. "Yeah, we should. I know as officers we should check on them. Just as if they were crew on the ship." suggested Trensu "It is our duty," Tresnu said almost with a sigh.

“ Lazarus, are you sure everything is alright only your skin coloring is a lot paler than it should be? “ Sam asked.

Hearing what Sam said Trensu looked over Lazarus. The color of Lazarus's skin was dulling. Trensu knew some things about the Gorn. Like their slow metabolisms. So most reactions to anything could be delayed when they get sick. His eyes were starting to dilate. Lazarus started to salivate. Something was wrong But Trensu did not know what all this meant but with human types nothing good.

With a concerned look "Lazarus, you should go see medical now. You are not looking so good." suggests Trensu. "Perkins, what do you think?" asked Trensu.

"Yeah, maybe you're right," Lazarus said as he stood. "I'll report back to the ship."

Lazarus gave each a nod before turning to leave.

Sam shook his head.

“ That’s it. I calling it a draw this has become too dangerous. Everyone it’s over we all won.” Sam said

Then there was the sound of glasses of water being grabbed and drank.

"Agreed" Remarked Tresnu.



Lt Cdr T'Pri
Chief of Intelligence/3rd Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Executive Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Miles O'Conner
Deputy Chief Engineer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Erika Itsumi
Chief Cultural Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
2nd Officer/ Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Cadet Senior Grade Roho Louis
Tactical Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lieutenant Lazarus Kord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


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