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Posted on Monday September 18th, 2023 @ 1:09pm by Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu & Lieutenant Stan More & Cadet Freshman Grade Nigel Raymond

4,182 words; about a 21 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part One
Location: Jeffries tube
Timeline: Just after Poseidon docks at Space Dock.
Tags: Tags: The Grand Tour, 2395, Plot Development


- Jeffries Tube-

There is a very old Earth saying. The games not over until the fat lady sings. Well, she was still at home having a bath as far as Nigel was concerned. If Captain Johnson wants him off the Poseidon he would have to find him first.

Most of the security guards had their minds on the upcoming shore leave so escaping would be easy. The grill in the sonic shower was loose so all Nigel had to do was give it a push. He had heard a story about an incident that happened a few years ago. Something had escaped from Perkins's laboratory and hid in the Jeffries tube system. Raymond would do the same, he would hide in there until the ship left the space dock. Then he would sabotage the replicator system. Nigel would emerge from the grill without cooked food he would be welcomed with open arms.

Lieutenant More had come to escort Cadet Raymond to the airlock. But when the door to Raymond’s quarters was opened. There was no sign of him whatsoever. Stan and the others searched the Cadet's room. Then More noticed the loose panel in the sonic shower.

=/\= Lieutenant More to Commander Trensu come in please we have a problem.=/\=Stan said after tapping his comm. badge

CommanderTrensu was doing his last checks when his comm badge chirped. he heard Lieutenant More's voice and wondered what was the Lieutenant up to now.

=/\= Commander Trensu, here how can I help you, Lieutenant =/\=

Trensu thought for a moment. It had to be one of the cadets what trouble have they got themself into now?

=/\= Sir. As you know we were going to escort Cadet Nigel Raymond off the Poseidon. We arrived at his quarters and…=/\= Stan began but stopped when one of the other security guards found a piece of fabric inside the Jeffries tube. =/\= Sorry about that sir. It seems he has escaped into the Jeffries tube.=/\= Stan continued.

Trensu stood up from his desk he had several thoughts running through his mind and many ways of finding Cadet Raymond.

=/\= understood, well then we have an intruder on board then start the necessary procedures. He could be anywhere. Make sure you assign Security to all critical areas =/\= ordered Trensu.

Trensu did not need this right now and it angered him some. He had a few ideas about where the Cadet could be but he was an engineering cadet and knew the ship probably well. Now the question was was his security officers have the operational experience to know what to do next? Trensu asked himself what he would see next. This will be a good test and see what they can do.

Trensu balled one of his hands into a fist. He hated what he would call insubordination. This cadet was already getting on to his bad side. Trensu gave a sigh. Well, let's get this going.

"Computer, Intruder alert!" commanded As the ship sounded and the system reacted flashing red lights and alarms.

"Computer, ship-wide broadcast. =/\= This is Lieutenant Commander Trensu, we have now an escaped criminal on board, Cadet Nigel Raymond, He is somewhere on this ship probably in the Jeffry tubes. He is an engineering cadet so he knows the ship well. If see him notify Security immediately. This is not a drill. Security to your stations. =/\=

There was a pause still on the ship-wide broadcast. =/\= Cadet Nigel Raymond, Do us all a favor and turn yourself in. You are just making harder on yourself. I will not charge you if you turn yourself in. I give you 30 minutes. after that UCMJ will be applied, Trensu out. =/\=

Oh, they were clever. But Nigel knew differently he had hidden his comm. badge behind a panel. By the time the yellow shirts found it he would be well out of the area. Plus he knew there was an area near the main power relays that was difficult to scan. It was too dangerous to beam in and they would be too nervous to beam him out of there. In case they accidentally took some important relays with him. He secretly thanked his Great Uncle Harris for making his mother see sense and allowing him to study a second subject. Even though he was a top chef he was also an engineer. They would have come after him but first, he needed to do something about that UCMJ. That would be easy to sort, he could divert any knockout gases into security.

“ In an hour you be begging me to stay on the Poseidon.” He said out loud as he did a few alterations.

Cadet Louis heard what was going on and the Intruder alert. He thought what a fool he looked at the Senior Chief security officer. "Cheif what's next?" the cadet asked. "we go to our station which is the Engineering, cadet." replied the Senior Chief.

later walking into the Engineering Senior Chief and Cadet Louis checked all personnel were accounted for. Walking to one side Senior Chief looked at Cadet Louis "Think of yourself as a guest here try to stay out of the way of the Engineering crew. untell there is a situation that involves Security the Chief of Engineering is in charge you will follow his orders. it is the respect of his depart meant and ours. He won't to get in your way and you don't get in his." instructed the Senior Chief.


Tresnu made it to the bridge and his station. He started to monitor all the ship's functions He looked over at operations "If there are any power deviations send them to my console to schedule or not." Orderd Trensu

Now the hunt begins He thought. he scand the obvious places on the ship just to knock that out. Knowing he would not be there. But the procedure was everything.

Stan entered the Bridge and moved to Trensu's station.

" Commander we may have a wee problem. We were looking through the Cadet's quarters. It seems Mr. Raymond has been studying the Jeffries Tube system." Stan gave his department head a Padd. " He has marked off this area here as you can see. The thing is the area is shielded so scanning is impossible. Plus due to all the sensitive equipment in that area, we dare say try to beam him away."

Trensu gave a low growl. "You little.... Cadet." He mumbled and where he was would take time to get to him. He low to look at the area he thought the cadet was in. The power relays were all important to the ship's operations so Trensu could not just cut power in that area. Raymond could control that area.

" Lieutenant Stan Send in a team from both directions and post security at all adjacent junctions." Oerderd Trensu. Now Trensu had to work up a plan now.

- Jeffries tube-

Nigel slowly placed the floor panel back in place. He checked there was nothing showing and smiled. If one of those yellow shirts trod on that. They would get a quick and unpleasant shock. It would also set off the little surprise in the ceiling. The yellow shirts would then be covered in a sticky green goo. That Nigel had concocted for just a situation like this. Singing a little tune he moved away.


Stan looked at Trensu.

“ Commander if I May it may be prudent that I go with one of the teams,” Stan said

" Go, Lieutenant Stan, I am good with that lead the teams. I would go but I am worried if he tries something dangerous I need to be here to counter it," said Trensu said with a little annoyance in his voice.

-Jeffries tube-

With everything in place and the other team on their way from the other side. Stan led the other group through the grill into the port side of the Jeffries tube system. They were heading toward the area that could not be scanned. It was slow going as there were quite a few areas where someone of Cadet Raymond’s build could hide. Suddenly his comm badge almost shrieked at him it was the other team.

=/\= Lieutenant More arrrrrrrrr………….=/\=

=/\= Come in team two? Come in team two……. More to Commander Trensu come in please,=/\=

Trensu was watching the systems in the area that the security was moving looking for anything that could be a problem. there was a slight power spike in the area of team two. Trensu smiled and chuckled to himself. Trensu was not sure what just happened but it would be a good one. "well played, cadet." Trensu said to himself. Thinking it was too bad the cadet threw away a promising career.

=/\= More, this is Commander Trensu, report. =/\=

=/\= That little…….he’s booby-trapped parts of the Jeffries tube system Commander. Team two is stuck in some kind of goo sir. That’s before they got shocked by touching the floor. Commander I have an idea maybe we could vent these corridors with knockout gas. We can wear face masks it will slow us but with that little……out cold it will nay matter. =/\=

=/\= If Cadet Raymond had done that many modifications he would have probably done more. He does have an engineering background of sorts. If you want to gas him out you will need to use grenades probably. =/\=

Trensu had a better understanding of what the cadet was doing now. his hands moved across his panel at his station. everything looked normal then he tried to turn off a few systems in the area that could affect the cadet. "Dam good move Cadet" he mumbled to himself. Raymond let the systems run so everything looked normal but some of the lockouts were changed manually.

Ternsu had an Idea but the ship would be crippled by putting everything in maintenance mode in that area. Trensu thought about it that would have to be the last ditch effort.

=/\= Stan, Commerder Trensu, Raymond has good control of that area I will isolate him for now and make sure he does not have control of anything else

I am closing all hatches and placing force fields up. he will only be able to move in his area he will be in a bubble if he wants. =/\= Trensu was worried this was getting out of control.

Tensu opened the Comms in that area that Raymond was in. =/\= Cadet Raymond, Commander Trensu here. what are your demands for surrender? =/\= asked Trensu.

Nigel was smiling as he heard the security guards swearing. It was a good job he had put soap in the overhead panels. It would wash their potty mouths out. Then he heard his name being called out he moved towards a wall panel. But before he opened the link Nigel placed a scrambler next to the comm unit. If they tried to home in on his signal and beam him away. Then the signal would be diverted to engineering and they would be beaming the warp core away.

=/\= I want a cast iron guarantee that no one can kick me off the Poseidon. I want it so tight that no one not even the President of the United Federation of Planets can override it.=/\= Nigel said

Trensu thought about what he asked there was moor to the story or request because before this he stood a chance of staying in Starfleet. In Trensu's opinion, Starfleet is too forgiving and soft at times. In that thought, They did let Trensu into Starfleet. Even with ah some of his modifications.

securing the comm's channel between the two he would drop the Cadet part to make this more personal.

=/\= Raymond, look, I am not sure what is going on with you. I feel you are running from something other than Starfleet. But if you want to stay then stop this now. Come in and I will do what I can to help you. If you stay on this course of self-destruction I can do nothing for you. No one will not be able to help you not even the Captain. The only hope you have is to come in and tell your side to the Captain and me. =/\=

Trensu did something he does not do much. Yalk with compassion and concern for the Cadet. If anyone knew Trensu he stepped out just now something he never does. An ancient saying came to Trensu

Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's despair. Do justly now, love mercy now, walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. It was a quote from an ancient Earth General.

Nigel shook his head.

=/\= No. I have been down that path Captain Johnson would not listen. Oh, he pretended to be my friend while I had that phaser in my hand. But then when I lost it he had me dragged away. Do you think I am a fool, Commander? Do you think I was spat out by my mother's rancid womb only yesterday? As soon as I step out into the corridor your squads will jump on me like a Ferengi in a Casino! No Commander either you can that cast iron guarantee from the Federation president, or the Poseidon is going to go hungry.=/\= Nigel said

His comment about his mother hinted at something else he was angry at his mother for some reason. Trensu thought to himself time to test the theory

=/\= No the security teams will not swarm you if you give up. I will come and get you personally. As for the Captain, he is a fair man. probably did not have all the information or not all the information was given. Also, you can never get what you want. You are smart but there are smarter people aboard this ship than you and me. In the end, as it stands you will go to prison for a long time. =/\= Trensu paused to let him think on that now to test the mother theory

=/\= I could get your mother here or on a viewer so she could talk to you. =/\=

His mother! Nigel shook his head so violently his neck gave a click.

=/\= NO NO NO. If you bring her aboard I’ll cut off all your oxygen which I can from here you know kill her kill, kill you all they pushed me into it sir oh yes they did they caused the deaths of the whole crew yes kill you all and that rancid old crone of a MOTHER aha whose the failure now MOTHER whose the failure now MOTHER! A good crew will die because of you MOTHER!!!! =/\= Nigel ranted.

Trensu knew now where it all came from. But how did this problem get by Starfleet screening? and what to do next if he is willing to blow up the ship? Trensu would have to calm him down now.

=/\= Nigel, hay!, ok no mom, Just seeing if that was an option she is not here and could not be here right away anyway. =/\= said Trensu

Trensu sent a report to the captain so as not to start a panic or more trouble. doing it by voice and besides Trensu was sure he could follow the comms for the most part.

=/\= The longer you take the longer you will be in trouble, Nigel. you will reach a point very soon where you can not make it back to us. =/\= warned Trensu

Nigel shook his head why was this person speaking to him? The only person who could help him now was Captain Johnson’s superior and not this Commander Trensu.

=/\= Actually why am I speaking with you? Get Captain Johnson’s superior to sign that order or go hungry. =/\= Nigel said cutting the link.

He then moved over to a panel and removed the cover. He looked inside and swore out loud. Nigel needed to be nearer Engineering the problem was as soon as he left the Jeffries tube. They would be on him like a rash unless he could mask his image. He fiddled with the comm badge Nigel had stolen from Ensign McTaggart.

“ Yes, that should do nicely. Thank you, Penny. Nice.” Nigel said with an insane cackle.

Watching several things on the ship communications one of them Trensu saw an error come up with two Ensign McTaggarts showing on the system. This cadet is good real good Just wish he would do the right thing.

Trensu gave a sigh. =/\= You ask why you are talking to me, It's my job Its what I am supposed to do help, assets, Others, and crewmembers in many areas. My job is not just to run around and arrest crew members. I am to help with safety. Crew members in trouble, cadets guide them. =/\= Trensu paused to let that sink in.

=/\= I can show you the path but I can not walk it for you. right now you are walking a path of distortion of yourself and the people who do care about you. Are you worried about what is going to happen to you? There is no I in the word team. Did you ever think to come to me directly? From what I can see you did not even use the applies prosses. You might still be able to use it. But! only if you give yourself up to me! you damnded things from the captain right it will not end well for you. =/\=

With Trensu's hands moving across the Security central panel it only took a few seconds to figure out where Nigel was. Thinking to himself Trensu wondered what he wanted to do next he was trying to get us to spread out and make gaps in the net that Trensu had made. He had an Idea but that would have to wait for Nigel's next move.

Nigel smiled to himself as he slowly opened the Jeffries tube grill. With McTaggard in sickbay, Nigel could move around pretending to be her. Making absolutely sure the corridor was empty he stepped out. Hurrying quickly he sneaked into Engineering everyone was too busy to notice him. Opening a Jeffries tube grill he hurried inside. After closing it he hurried to a panel further down and opened it.

“ Good.Good. My little surprise in the replicator system is still there.” He sat back and started to laugh.

Stan’s team had lost Cadet Raymond. Angry at being fooled by that insane would be Chef. He stopped by a replicator and ordered a cup of coffee. As he took a sip Stan spat it out in disgust instead of sugar it had put salt in his drink. Another crew member from a different department ordered the same but hers was perfect. More tried again but he got the same result instead of sugar it had put salt in his coffee.

=/\= More to Commander Trensu come in, please.=/\= He said tapping his comm. badge.

Trensu saw the move and isolated the signal from the others. from his panel, he could make it all sorts of ways. It was about time to flush him out. and bring him in. This had to be planned to the second or trensu would lose him again.

With a chirp from his badge, Trensu taped it.

=/\= Commander Trensu here, What Can I do for you More? =/\=

=/\= Commander there is something wrong with the replicator system. I think that wee shit has done something to it.=/\=

=/\= Lieutenant More, watch your language of the comm's I will deal with that in a little while. I have to meet with the Captain about all of this. =/\=

Trensu had to set up something so Nigel thinks trensu was somewhere else. He left the Comm's open between Nigel and More on purpose. so Nigel could listen in on some stuff.

=/\= I will be with the captain for 5 minutes Just a quick rundown, Trensu out. =/\=

knowing he could get to Nigel in that amount of time. Trensu mutted Nigel's channel He took his badge off and placed it on a Padd. seeing a crewman Trensu called him over. "Take this to the ready room and give it to the Captian let him it is from me and read the message on the Padd." The crew gave a confused look and then left.

Trensu grabbed another Padd so he could track Nigel. walking off the bridge Trensu walked into the turbo lift.

-Jeffries tube: Engineering-

Nigel was happy soon once he had done a few alterations his little surprise in the Replicator system would spread. Then it would be everyone who would go hungry and not just those no-necks in Security. He found the correct junction and was just about to lift off the cover. When Nigel thought he heard a noise.

Working his way towards where Nigel was in a different Jeffries tube he came to the intersection Trensu was 90% sure that Nigel would have to come this way. Trensu made sure Security and Engineering made a noise to drive him toward Trensu.

Trensu was rounding a junction when the Padd he was carrying bumped into something. The nose was not loud but probably enough to be heard. Trensu froze and even almost stopped breathing. Not making any sound Trensu just waited for a little while before he started to move again. being even more careful he used the shadows in this section to hide in a hard-to-see spot on the side like a predator waiting for its prey.

he had done this type of stuff for a hundred years now and was an expert at it. Along with his close-quarters-combat training, Trensu knew Nigel did not stand a chance with Trensu. He had to hold himself back He knew if He just all-out attacked Nigel he would probably kill him. He took slow breaths relaxed some and just waited for his chance to seize Nigel. The trap was set now it was all about time.

Nigel was sure he had heard something but shrugged no one knew he was there. If they did scan him they would pick up that silly Scottish girl. He was just about to start his little alterations however when suddenly Nigel was not alone. Trensu! In a panic, he grabbed the wrong conduit power shot through his arms and he jerked around like a rag doll.

“ Noooooooooo!!!!!!!” Nigel screamed in pain.

Trensu had moved to take Nigel down but when blue energy streeked across his arms it turned into a rescue mission. Trensu knew he did not have much time if Nigel could not let go he would be dead and burnt to a crisp. The smell of his skin and uniform burning filled the area. Thinking quickly Trensu knew he could not just grab Nigel he would get shocked too.

Trensu leaned over to his right side and planned his hand below him bringing his body around and bringing his leg folded up to the chest, Then extending his leg completely connecting with Nigel's chest sending him down the Jeffries tube. Nigel bounced to a stop at the intersection.

Trensu moved quickly past the sparking box getting some burns from the sparking metal. Trensu grabbed the first aid pack there and started to treat Nigel.

Cadet Raymond trembled with shock. He began to cry like a newborn baby.

“ Please……….I meant no harm………all I wanna do is stay on the Poseidon………don’t send me back to my mother…….I would rather die than go home to her…….” Nigel begged.

"No, I can say with certainty you will not go see your mother. Now be still I have to treat your burns," replied Trensu. "I am sure you have a lot of reasons for your actions but we will get all of that sorted out after you get medical treatment That I will supervise personally." Informed Trensu.

other security officers started to show up trensu looked up and saw Lieutenant More. "Great timing," stated Trensu.

Stan looked down at the fallen Cadet and gave a sigh.

“ I bet that stings. Which sick bay do we take him to Commander? The bases or our own sir?” Stan asked

Trensu smiled and was relieved that this was over for now. "Cadet Raymond will be fine I think after some medical care," commented Trensu as he gave a Hipo for the pain and sprayed some anti-burn cream on his hand. lying him back for a moment. "Ship sick bay will be fine. I will go with him," advised Trensu.

One of the Security officers walked up and gave Trensu his comm badge. "Captan said you might need this." said the officer.

Trensu looked up and took it placing it back on and thanking the Security officer.

He tapped his badge it chirped =/\=Cancel intruder alert. =/\=

=/\= Sickbay, two to beam straight to Sickbay Cadet Raymond is stabilized but has some bad burns. =/\=


Lieutenant Stan More
USS Poseidon


Cadet Nigel Raymond
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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