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Reflections on Vulcan courting practices

Posted on Tuesday October 3rd, 2023 @ 2:52am by Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden

731 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part One
Location: Kicil's Quarters

Kicil returned to her quarters post meeting the new head of medical. She brought the room temperature up to take off some of the chill the standard Starfleet ship temperatures and even brought up the gravity, after all she had been raised on Ti-Valka’ain or Vulcan in Federation standard. She was quickly reassimilating back to Federation standard and away from her adoptive parents and societies language of Vulcan. She undressed from her Vulcan mourning robes and took a sonic shower. After putting on her Starfleet uniform, she thought back to her adoptive mother’s funeral and what happened afterword’s. Her adoptive father had brought her into his study and had asked her about how her career was going in Starfleet. Was she facing much prejudice because she was Cardassian, and such. Typical family talk between one's parent and child; she was however caught off guard when her father asked about her romantic life and whether she had a current or potential prospect for being a mate. She had replied that she had not, only friends and acquaintances. That was when he hit her with the Vulcan logic whammy. He informed her that her mother and he had been seeking a suitable mate for her. Kicil was not surprised by this as it was often the Vulcan custom, but she had thought her parents would allow her to find her own mate as she saw fit. As if reading her mind, he explained it was only to arrange a meeting and perhaps nudge a little. He then stated her mother had thought she found the perfect match, well suited for her and for both great houses. Here he paused and looked at her, “He is a Vulcan/Romulan Hybrid and has rejected both the Tu-Surak teachings of Vulcan and his own families Hakihr way. Instead, he has adopted the teachings of the School of Nirak. He has trained at the Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts and is also a Starfleet officer in good standing. Your mother thought he would make a good mate as the two of you share common experiences; he is an outcast amongst both Vulcans and Romulans, more so the Romulans, you yourself are an outcast amongst most species. You two know the struggles and pains of proving yourselves in the Federation and in Starfleet. There too is another similarity, your both members of Starfleet. I would request that you at least meet with this individual, think of it as a final request from your mother.”
Kicil sighed thinking back to that conversation as she had agreed to meet Drauc Kejail ei-Xen'tal. She had found his name unique amongst Vulcans as he added the ei-Xen'tal to the end of his family's surname, by doing so he adopted the Romulan custom of indicating the village, city or province one was raised in. She wondered if he had done this deliberately as a subtle insult to his house. She had made a mental note to ask him when she meet him. Of course, she had not taken her adoptive family name but instead stayed with her deceased Cardassian parents' surname, to keep it alive and to show those who killed them that they failed to end the line of her family.
Kicil was pleasantly surprised when she meet Drauc at the small cafe in ShirKahr's artisan quarter. He was easy on the eyes as the Humans would say and for a Vulcan he showed some emotion, and Kicil remembered what her father had said about him being a disciple of the School of Nirak. He was currently holding two duty post in Starfleet Security and Tactical division; he was a special investigator for Starfleet JAG/OIG and the Master-at-Arms. The meeting went well, and they agreed to meet again. Kicil meet Drauc five times during her time on Vulcan and her meetings with Drauc helped her through the mourning process of her adoptive mother death.
Now in her quarters staring out at Earth she wondered whether she should pursue a relationship with Drauc or not. She was torn as to what to do. She was also unsure who she could ask for advice in this situation. She agin sighed and turned and exited her quarters and made her way to sickbay. The Poseidonwas preparing for departure and she had work to do and cadets to train.


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