Cadet Senior Grade Roho Louis

Name Roho Elden Louis

Position Tactical Officer

Rank Cadet Senior Grade


  • 2 Mission Posts

Last Post

Saturday September 23rd, 2023 @ 9:39am

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Ardanan
Age 21

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 180
Hair Color Redish
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Catdet Louis Average human, with an athletic build. With reddish hair and blue eyes, He has a baby-face look to him making him look younger than he is.


Spouse NONE
Children NONE
Father Elden Louis governor of Planit Ethose II
Mother Ethoe Louis
Brother(s) governor.
Sister(s) Britney Louis

Personality & Traits

General Overview Roho is a confident young man who is focused on his area of tactical ship weapons, which is primarily in the operations of the Phasers with some focus on the structure of matter/antimatter reaction systems. He enjoys teasing people to get a bit of a rise out of them, but never in malice, and tends to be laid back.
Strengths & Weaknesses Too smart for his own good.
studies vary hard.
good with working with a crew

like teasing and sarcasm too much.
wants to help and get involved where he does not have to.
Ambitions to become a ship's captain.
Hobbies & Interests being with his friends showing off and doing some pranks.

Personal History Now in her fourth year, Catdet Louis received his posting for his training cruise aboard the USS Poseidon as a Tactical Officer which had recently been transferred to Theta fleet so he can be watched closely. Now for the next months, Louis has to prove he has what it takes to be a Starfleet officer. to show that he has the maturity to act accordingly.
Service Record 2391-2392 Cadet year 1- Basic officers course
2392-2393 Cadet year 2- Basic Tactical training
2393-2394 Cadet year 3- advanced ships weapons systems
2394-2395 Cadet year 4- Cadet cruise- USS Poseidon