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Food & Friends - Part One: The Food

Posted on Monday August 28th, 2023 @ 1:42pm by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon & Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Erika Itsumi & Lieutenant Miles O'Connell & Lieutenant Lazarus Kord & Cadet Senior Grade Roho Louis

3,496 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part One
Location: Earth: North London
Timeline: Just after Poseidon docks at Earth Spacedock.
Tags: : The Grand Tour, 2395, Plot Development


-Transporter room one-

Some time during the 20th century just before the Eugenics war broke out. A fad on Earth took hold in many high streets. Chinese food became very popular and people would go for miles to the best restaurant. There was one in the Northern part of London called The China Garden. It was so good that Chinese people ate there with their families. Unfortunately, that part of North London was heavily destroyed during the Eugenics wars this included The China Garden.

A few years ago the whole area was given heritage status and rebuilt exactly how it looked all those years ago. The China Garden was rebuilt and the new owners somehow found all the original recipes. Everything was real no replicators and boy did it tastes great. Whenever he was on Earth it was the first place Sam went to. The perfect place to take some good friends.

=/\= Perkins to everyone. If you enjoy good Chinese food and feel like treating your taste buds. Please meet me in Transport room one in an hour please.=/\=Sam said

Trensu looked in the mirror on his wall this would be one of the few times he would not be in uniform. Some people joked he probably slept in his uniform. which was not true he slept mostly in athletic gear. His departure meant having their orders and rotations for shifts like engineering their job never stopped. 24,7, is what most humans called it. 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The Poseidon was no different than any other Starfleet ship in that regard.

Tresnu heard Perkins call over comms and gave a few good tugs on his civilian clothing to make sure it look straight. Wearing navy blue colored pants leather belt a black T-shirt and a leather jacket of the fashtion for the time. Trensu would take his time making his way to the Transporter room one to meet up with the others going to this Chinese restaurant. He was excited he really did not eat too much Chinese maybe twice 2 years ago maybe.

Erika heard the call for Chinese food over comms, and couldn't resist the thought of food she had eaten often during her childhood. Of course, having grown up in Tokyo, access to Chinese food was plentiful, due to the two countries' close geographical proximity. Of course, the quality was often hit or miss, as some restaurants used replicators, others still used antique food synthesizers, but there were a few who still opted to do things the old old fashioned way, and it was those kinds of restaurants that Erika loved going to as a kid, where all the food was authentically made.

=/\= This is T'Pri , I'll meet you there =/\=

Erika had decided to ditch her purple uniform for this occasion, opting to wear a beige striped blouse with a black overshirt made from a rather thin material, paired with a pair of black casual slacks and a nice pair of black slide on shoes. After making sure she looked alright in the mirror, she made her way towards transporter room one, hoping Perkins had something yummy in mind.

Lazarus heard the call on comms after the formal announcement for crew leave was approved. His rotation had been freed up since the Poseidon would be in spacedock and undergoing a brief interval of routine maintenance. That being the case, he tapped his communicator.

=/\= Sam, this is Lazarus, I'll be joining you shortly=/\=

He made his way to his quarters and cleaned up. It had been a significant amount of time since he had any legitimate time off. He figured that utilizing that now would benefit his mood. After all, Sam had helped him immeasurably as a friend and colleague. He left his quarters with casual clothing on 45 minutes later, semi-tight-fitting civilian attire that somehow managed to fit his reptilian frame. He then began to head to Transporter Room One.

"Sam!" he greeted as he entered. "You said food, and I am here!"

“ Great the others will be here shortly the reservation has been made so once we are all here we can beam down. You will love this place the food is incredible they don’t use any replicators even the all the meat, fish, and fowl are plant-based. Once you take a bite of their Chicken Chop Suey you think you’re eating the real thing.” Sam said to his friend.

The doors to transporter Room One slid open Trensu walked through seeing Sam and Lazarus already there. Trensu gave a smile at the two. "Mr Perkens, and Lazarus I see you two are ready," Trensu said unusually cheerful. "I hope they know Lazarus is coming and they have enough for all of us." Joked Trensu. Joking was something Trensu did not do often. Trensu hoped he did not offend Lazarus. Trensu honestly did not know too much about the Gorn and in all of his years Lazarus was one of the first he actually met or saw around the ship. This would be a good time to get to know Lazarus and the others better.

To Trensu's credit, Lazarus did indeed laugh at the joke. It was an odd sound, like a forced huff and hiss, but he did laugh. He then rolled his eyes as he patted his rather fit belly.

"I may be able to eat much, but not that much!"

Trensu smiled at Lazarus's laugh. "That's good to hear I was afraid there would be nothing left over for me," commented Trensu.

T'Pri walked into the transporter room ready to beam down.

"It is good to see some of the crew taking Perkkins up on the offer to go to a chinses restaurant," expressed Trensu. To be honest with himself about Lazarus. How the public will take him being there? There is a little stigma about the Gorn they were the type of story you told children to keep him in line as a bedtime story. True or false people have a way of believing what they want Trensu knew this well even with his own people.

"Hello, Am I too late to join in on this adventure?" Miles asked as he entered the transporter room and noticed the other guys already gathered. "I figured this would be a good break before I have to get buried deep in my work."

Phoebe was one of the last to walk in. "Sorry i'm late folks, I had to make a quick pit stop on the way. I am ready for some good food and good company though!" She said with a smile.

They waited a while longer for the others to arrive. Then Sam gestured towards the transporter pads once everyone has stepped on. They were beamed down to planet Earth and a good feed.

-China Garden Chinese Restaurant-

-Maida Vale : North London-

Not only famous for Abbey Road Studios where many famous people recorded their music. But also the China Garden Chinese Restaurant. The whole area had been recreated to resemble how it had been during the 20th century. Long before the Eugenics wars had flattened the whole area. Except for the heavy traffic that plagued the area. Even though this was now a heritage site they decided not to pump the area with exhaust fumes.

T'Pri looked around, She had never been to Abbey Roads before. She did understand the cultural significance of the place, however.

Inside it was quite busy Perkins noticed they were not the only Starfleet officers there.

“ I booked a table for seven. “ Sam told the nice lady at reception. Who nodded and gestured they follow her.

The table was quite pretty with flowers in the middle. As they all sat down menus were handed out.

“ When you go to order use the number by each dish. For instants the Spring rolls with Satay sauce dip are No.8. So I would say could I have a Number 8 please.” Sam explained to his friends.

Lazarus was somewhat excited. While the stares of most of the patrons had been off-putting, they had corrected themselves quickly. That was, thankfully, one of the best parts of being a citizen of the Federation. People caught themselves when being rude or inappropriate, and most even tried to be sociable or give things a chance. He ignored the rare few with lingering stares and followed Sam to the table. Sitting down was somewhat difficult for the almost seven-foot-tall reptilian humanoid, but the Gorn had managed to tuck his tail at an angle so as to not be too uncomfortable. Afterward, he settled and looked at the menu.

He was familiar with some of these dishes per his experimentation of the best foods. He saw something he liked and piped up to Sam.

"I want the Shrimp Lo Mein noodles," Lazarus said, a hint of anticipation in his rather gruffy voice. "I've had it before, in the replicator. It was delicious! I wonder how the real thing will taste!"

" These people have the best chefs in the country." Sam replied," It will taste great."

Walking behind most people Trensu watched the crowd there as they walk. It was something he could not help and did normally. Lazarus was not hard to miss. trensu was off duty he thought to himself but could he ever really be off duty? As they got to the large round table he took a seat. looking over the menu placed in front of him he went through the option deciding on a few. He looked at the traditional dress waitress. "I will have Fried Rice with chicken, Chicken Chow Mein, Wonton Soup, and Char Siu with Hot green tea and a bottle of Xifengjiui," Trensu ordered in a polite tone.

Char Siu cooked barbecued meat made of pork that sounded so good thought Trensu. The bottle of Xifengjiui was for everyone it is an ancient Chinese spirit Xifengjiui is a crisp and strong drink with complex, harmonious aromas and a lingering finish.

"Lazarus, yours does sound good. The bottle of Xifengjiui I have ordered is for everyone to try I hear they make it the old way and is real alcohol," commented Trensu with a smile.

"Thank you, sir, I will try it," Lazarus promised with a smile.

Phoebe nodded with a smile, ordering the Duck Spring Rolls, Yeung Chow Fried Rice, Duck in Oyster Sauce and Chicken Chow Mein with House Spices. To wash it down she ordered a large Diet Soda.

T'Pri ordered the Edame and the house egg drop soup and something called spicy drunken noodles with Tofu instead of chicken.

-Cadet table-

Not far away at another table, a conversation was being held.

" I really don't think this is a good idea Thomas that Gorn on that table over there serves on the Poseidon. I am quite sure the others with him are all top brass too," Said Cadet Trent.

" Cluck cluck cluck...," Said Cadet Brown

" You dared us to order it. Extra, extra spicey fried Squid intestines coated in ginger and red chilly sauce. Stuffed with onion and peppers," Said Cadet Hughes.

" Cluck cluck cluck.." Said, Cadet Brown

" Shut up or they will hear us." Said Trent.

Cadet Louis looked over to the table of Poseidon officers "Some of them are even our department heads. I would say they already know we are here." commented Cadet Louis.

-Perkins table-

Lazarus did indeed hear the sounds of "clucking" from the other table. His head slowly turned so one eye focused in that direction, and he stared intently observing Cadet Brown specifically. After a moment, he looked away, not allowing unprofessionalism to win this over. He relaxed and continued on with the casual conversation at the table.

Looking over where Lazarus was looking Trensu saw the cadets. He saw them on the way in but thought nothing of it he was off duty. Thinking I guess you have to deal with stuff even off duty Trensu Sedelm even says he is off duty on the ship. clucking is this some strange cadet ritual? trensu asked himself. He looked straight at Cadet Brown and just gave a stern look only a senior officer could give and slightly shook his head no.

As a waitress walked by Trensu stopped her. "Ma'am, could you give a bottle of Xifengjiui to that table over there" pointing at the table of cadets. "It is on me. Tell them Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu sends his concerns." she gave a small bow "Yes Sir" she replied.

Trensu looked at Lazarus "Now let's see what the cadets think. says Trensu taking a drink of Xifengjiui.

Lazarus gave a smirk and nodded to Trensu as he watched the ongoing situation.

The waitress brought the bottle and some glasses over to the Cadet's table. Seeing their faces she told them who ordered it for them. They all turned and nodded toward Perkin's table.

“ I have never heard of this stuff before do you think it’s ok?” Asked Trent in a whisper.

“ The Chief of Security of the Poseidon has ordered it for us. I don’t think he will be best pleased with us if we send it back.” Said, Hughes

“ Well, it tastes ok to me what do you think Louis?” Asked Brown.

Louis rolls his eyes "They know it's us, from what I know of Lieutenant Commander Trensu he would never put us in danger unless it was necessary. I would not want to make him mad for two reasons. one is he is my commanding officer, two, He has forgotten more ways to make someone miserable than all of us know at this table." informed Louis.

"I think those cadets are curious about us," Offered T'Pri. "Perhaps they are our next students," She added

"Perhaps," offered Lazarus as he continued to observe.

Phoebe looked over at the table discretely, taking a mental note of who the cadets were, just in case things escalated. She also noted the bottle that was sitting on their table but chose to keep quiet for now.

Sam nodded he looked down the menu and noticed a couple of dishes had five tiny red chillys next to them. He noticed one of the dishes was a spiced fish dish. Perkins was rather fond of anything tasty from the ocean. So he decided to order it after all it could not be that dangerous otherwise they would not sell it.

Looking over at the Cadets he said.

“ Was it wise sending them that bottle Ahkhsu?” Perkins asked

Giving a crafty smile Trensu gave a nod to Perkins. "It was a statement and a nice gesture. Letting them know we know if you get what I mean," explained Tensu.

Lazarus grunted, resuming whatever was left over from his meal as he tried to ignore the previous heckling and hazing from the group.

Sam took a bite from his dish. It took about ten seconds for his brain to register that his tongue was on fire. With his face now the colour of his hair he grabbed the jug of water and poured it down his neck.

Starting to laugh and trying not to spit out his food Trensu swallowed hard coughing some. "Perkins, know your limits" joked Trensu in a raspy voice.

Lazarus took note of Sams predicament and, against his normal behavior, chuckled. It was a series of short, deep bellows that sounded like elongated laughs.

The whole time, Erika had quietly eaten her food and let the others do the talking. However, seeing Perkins' tom foolery was admittedly too funny to not comment on.

"Perkins, if you think that's bad, next time I'll take you to a Chinese restaurant in China;" She giggled. "In their home country, they don't mess around."

"I am quite sure the food is different in China," T'Pri offered.

“ Maybe……our……next……shore leave….” Sam whispered hoarsely.

Trensu smiled "I hear India and Trinidad have the hottest food but have never tried that before. So much still to learn about Earth and its people." commented Trensu who seemed not to be bothered by the spices. But his comment seemed odd for a man that looked and acted human.

"Have any of you ever tried Thai food, I understand that that can be quite spicy as well, " T'Pri added.

Sams mouth started to feel normal again. He slowly drank a glass of water.

“ Actually there is a very good Indian Restaurant on the other side of town in East London. As you know much of that part of the city was untouched during the Eugenics wars. So it has all its original building features still intact. They do a very nice simulated lamb curry. But this is my favorite place here in London I love Chinese food even when it’s trying to burn a hole in my larynx.” Sam said.

"That seems illogical, to purposely burn your larynx," T'Pri teased.

"T'Pri, Sam sounds interesting so next outing or maybe get a group and go there?" suggested Trensu.

Lazarus was glancing at the Cadet Table. "I think they're leaving, looks like something happened."

looking at the cadet Table almost instinctively making sure everything was ok. His academy days of teaching are still ingrained in him like a parent making sure everything was ok before he laughs at the cadets himself. "I think more like taking cover from the spray of drink or that's what it sounded like. Do the Cadets nowadays have some strange behavior or customs?" Trensu seems to make a comment more than a question.

“ Phew! Looks like someone did what I just did but drank from the wrong bottle. It just shows that todays Cadets are not as sturdy as we were.” Sam said

Lazarus simply chuckled.

-Cadet Table-

Looking at the other Cadets at the table. "You guys have your assignments right? I found out early and started my homework on the officers and ship the more you know the better. that's how I knew Commander Trensu was there. Lieutenant Kord, well he is easy only Gorn on the ship." commented Cadet Louis.

“ Why is Commander Perkins tipping that jug of water down his throat?” Trent asked the group.

"It took some time before his mouth was on fire from the peppers, my guess. If he sweats some we will know. That's why I don't order anything too spicy." replied Louis with a grin at the spectacle of Commander Perkins.

One of the cadets pointed a fork at the Cadet Louis. "Nu-uh! There's also that new cadet Gorn, what was her name? Ezazzan or some stuff? Very weird names!"

Louis looked surprised. "Dam.. I missed Ezazzan and you are right they do have odd-sounding names. But remember our names are just as weird to them. I just hope I don't anger one of them. I hear they are worse than Kliningons" commented Louis putting more food in his mouth.

"I still don't like them. Tall chickens that don't deserve to be here. Didn't their kind kill ours when we first met them?" asked another Cadet.

“ That was true but that was back in Pike's time. Since then the Gorn have learned not to use us as egg sacks……arrrrrr my mouth my mouth!” Trent said as he ate the same dish that had just shut down Perkins's ability to feel his tongue.

The other Cadets pointed and laughed at Trent for his misfortune.

Even Louis seemed to be holding back at the spiciness of the food. "Yes the food is hot here" he added with a raspy voice as his nose started to run and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Then took a drink of the Xifengjiui which did not help he coughed a few times before drinking water.

With his eyes watering Trent could not see properly instead of grabbing the water jug he grabbed the bottle of Xifengjiui. He drank a good mouthful down before his gagging reflex took over and the liquid went back out spraying Cadets Brown and Hughes.

“ Eeeeeee!” They both screamed.

The other Cadets jumped up from the table and ran off, either in a laughing fit or enduring the torment of the hot sauce.

Louis swallows hard and chokes Laughing very hard and loudly at what was going on.

“ Thanks Trent.” Said Brown wiping himself down

“ Did you hear what Perkins said. He thinks we are not sturdy enough. I say we show me otherwise what day you Louis?” Cadet Hughes said.

[ OFF ]

TBC in Prt II: The contest.


Cadet Senior Grade Roho Louis
USS Poseidon


Lt Cdr T'Pri
Chief of Intelligence/3rd Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Executive Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Miles O'Conner
Deputy Chief Engineer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Erika Itsumi
Chief Cultural Officer
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer/ 2nd Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Lazarus Kord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


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