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A recipe to avoid.

Posted on Friday August 18th, 2023 @ 12:08pm by Commander Sam Perkins & Ensign Penny McTaggard & Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint-Pol

1,239 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part One
Location: Galley , Sickbay
Timeline: Start of Grand tour.
Tags: Grand Tour, Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development



Penny was hungry, but she wasn’t sure what to eat. The menu and plenty of great things she fancied too many to be truthful. She was about to pick a rather delicious sounding vegetable lasagna with real cheese, when a voice behind her stopped her.

“ Why don’t you try some of my fresh mushroom and cheddar quiche?” Cadet Raymond asked.

Looking back now and what was to happen the next day. Penny wished she had said no, but at that time she had no conception of future time, so with a big smile, she said yes. The quiche was actually quite tasty. In fact, Penny had a second helping. However, when it came to the desert, suddenly she didn’t feel like it.

It started about 2 am in the morning. Penny woke up with a feeling that the room was tilting badly. She had expected to hear the red alert warning. It was then she realized a red alert was in her tummy. She only just made it to the toilet where things got rather messy. She had seen these symptoms before her cousin had once for a dare eaten a toad stool. He had been violently ill afterwards just like Penny was now. If her suspicions where correct McTaggard needed to get to Sickbay and fast.


Very slowly Penny made her way to Sickbay. She was scared moving too quickly would cause another vomiting fit. Followed by her now uncontrollable bladder and bowel expulsion. Plus her head was spinning and her vision seemed to be blurry. A strong pair of hands guided her over to a bio bed.

“ I have eaten Toad Stools…..that stupid trainee chef thought they were Shiitake Mushrooms….. everything coming back up and bodily functions out of my control…..” Penny informed them.

Ysabeau looked at the mess Penny was in and sighed. “Okay Penny first of all I will give you something for your sickness and to calm your stomach down. Unfortunately the diarrhoea is your bodies way of getting rid of the offending mushrooms.” Then she gave double take “Toad stools!” She exclaimed. What is this trainees name,I have to stop him feeding it to anyone else or we will have a full outbreak to deal with?” Whilst she was waiting for Penny to talk she injected her with her anti nausea medication.

Penny felt the injection and subconsciously put her hand to her arm. It was like laying on your back on a beach as a wave washed over you. The nausea slowly began to subside and Penny could open her mouth without fear of covering anyone with her last meal.

“ Cadet Nigel Raymond. But if I know my department head Commander Perkins will no doubt have him in custody. That is if my cousin Lieutenant Stan More has not ripped the Cadets testicles off and nailed them to the Galley wall.” Penny said weakly.

“I will need a specimen of the offending article so I can synthesise something that will rid your body of toxins.” She turned to the nurse “Give me a hypo of 2cc hyosceine and 4 ccs Adalnthall?” She asked and thanked the nurse as she handed the hypo with a satisfying snap into Ysabeau’s hand. “Please go down to the the galley and procure me a specimen of the toadstool, mushroom, whatever.” The nurse nodded and left. She looked back at Penny. “This should make you feel better Penny. It’s a good job you came to me when you did and thanks goodness that sweet doggie of yours didn’t eat any.”

“ Oh no The Wee One hates cheese. Plus you’re not suppose to give a doggie cheese anyways. He has his own food and thanks to you is more happy now. When I was a bairn my cousin ate a toadstool he had the same symptoms I did. It’s a pity I did not do the same thing. Then I would have recognised the taste and spat it out.” Penny said

Ysabeau took out her medical tricorder and scanned Penny. She smiled, “well I will need to administer something that will cover most poisons.” She stopped smiling. “However Penny there are some side effects you may experience that will necessitate keeping you here for another few hours. Most toadstool toxins attack the liver and cause general organ failure. With this injection I am about to give you you may experience abdominal pain and possibly hallucinations.” Ysabeau applied the hypospray over the correct medication and it hissed as it met the injection system. Here we go Penny” she said as she depressed the hypo.

“ Hallucinations…..” Penny began.

A man appeared dressed in traditional Scottish soldiers uniform holding some bagpipes. He had dark red hair and a beard. McTaggart recognised him as her late Great Great Great Uncle Angus. She had seen pictures of him and heard stories.

“ Well lassie are yee ken? “ His voice sounded with an echo.

“ The piper……the piper has come……” Penny said pulling the blanket over her head.

Ysabeau gently took the cover from Penny’s head. “Penny, you are safe in sickbay, remember I told you there would be some hallucinations with the treatment. You are safe in sickbay. Try to clear your mind and I will give you something to relax.” She dialled another hypo and depressed a small dose of relaxant into Penny. She was reluctant to give her more in case she became lost in her hallucinations. “Penny?” She asked.

“ Oh he’s gone…. Sorry, I was being a wee silly girl. I hope that Commander Perkins is dealing with that horrid cadet. Because when I get out of here, I will make the cadet, eat his own testicles with a nice Chianti.” Penny said

Ysabeau sighed as she realized she had something else to do, she tapped her commbadge =/\=Chief Medical Officer to Cadet Nigel Raymond respond please?=/\=

“ =/\= Sorry Doctor it’s Lieutenant Commander Perkins here. I am afraid the Cadet is rather busy at the moment with the Captain, and if there’s anything left of him, I’ll pass it on to you once Johnson is finished with him. Unless you have anything urgent that needs to be dealt with?By the way how is Ensign McTaggard? =/\=” Perkins asked

=/\= No problem Lieutenant Commander I just wanted to tear the cadet a new one. I want the seriousness of this to be recognised. Ensign McTaggard is now stabilised but she could have died. She will remain with us in the meantime, this mushroom, toadstool causes acute liver failure. I am still waiting for a sample of this item and, I presume there have been no other reports of ingestion? =/\=

Perkins paused a moment.

“ =/\= Actually I have just had a message from Captain Johnson. Cadet Raymond has not only been banned from the Galley. But he is also going to be kicked off the ship at our next stop. =/\=“ Perkins cut the link.

A few days past and Penny had made a full recovery. Smiling she left sickbay once outside McTaggard had another surprise. Her Chihuahua happy charged towards her leaping into her arms. Then the Wee One began to lick any part of Penny’s face his little tongue could reach.

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Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint Pol.
Chief Medical Officer.
USS Poseidon.


Ensign Penny McTaggard
USS Poseidon


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