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Safe Arrival

Posted on Saturday July 22nd, 2023 @ 11:42pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon & Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams & Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu & Commander Sam Perkins & Enlisted Cadet Jessica Stewart

1,402 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part One
Location: USS Poseidon; Bridge
Timeline: During the events of "The Grand Tour: Part One"
Tags: The Grand Tour, 2395, Plot Development


Phoebe sat in the Executive Officer's chair on the bridge. She would normally take the CO's chair when she was in command, however, they were nearing their destination, Earth Spacedock, where they were due to pick up a new complement of cadets to train. She had been advised that they weren't too far away, and had made the crew aware. She tapped her commbadge "Bridge to Captain Johnson, we are approaching Earth Spacedock, sir." She said, waiting for a reply, and to see who would arrive on the bridge first.

=/\= On my way =/\= replied the Captain. He arrived shortly after from the entrance to the foyer, where his ready room was. He came to the bridge, moving beside his Number One as he observed the viewscreen.

"On time and on schedule!" he said happily. "Any anomalies, XO?" he asked.

Phoebe looked across at the Captain. "Nothing out of the ordinary, sir." She replied with a small smile. "It's been a while since I've been to space dock, forgot how big it was." She said, looking back to the viewscreen.

Sam looked up from the science console. It had been a while since he had been back here. There was a very old Earth song that had the lyric. ‘ It’s always nice to go travelling but it’s even nicer to go home’. Good old Earth. A small tear in his eye appeared as he looked at the spinning top shape of Spacedock looming ahead.

Spacedock was indeed very huge. The Captain stood beside his XO, letting her have her moment as he too enjoyed the view. It was breathtaking. He watched as the huge orbital station came into view, a practical second moon by itself and in its own right.

"She is, indeed, very beautiful," he remarked to no one in particular.

“ It’s funny but every time I see it it reminds me of an old spinning top toy my grandmother had. From when she was a tiny girl. It was too fragile to be played with although I did once try. Had to spend an hour in the naughty corner. Happy days.” Sam said

Arriving on the bridge for the first time while on duty "Well I never thought I would see Earth Spacedock again so soon, how come we did not go to one of the starbases closest to our last location Captain?" Williams asked as she walked over to the Bridge Engineering console and tapped something in it to check on the engine status.

"It wasn't a part of the assignment," said Franklin. "Commodore Paladin was very clear on the route we should take. Earth Spacedock was the primary starting point because of the vicinity to Starfleet Academy."

*nods in understanding* Fair-do's Captain, fair-do's" she said sitting at the engineering station.

Trensu was just being quiet admiring the view of the station and earth it never got old. His hand moved across the security console as he prepped his station for putting all the weapon safeties in place. He thought back to another time when his people were looking over the galaxy and now almost wiped out by the borg. For Trensu he could almost remember when the station was built. That was a long time ago now Trensu does not mind that people forget how old he is.

"Captian, weapons are powered down and weapon safeties in place. The security department is ready for docking." Informed Trensu letting the Captian know of his status.

"Very good, Mr Trensu," Franklin replied. "Proceed with docking."

It had been a long time since Micheal had seen the blue orb of Earth and how he had missed home, he said: "Spacdock, this is USS Poseidon requesting clearance to dock," the soft voice came over the com channel "USS Poseidon, this is control, you are cleared to dock and welcome home," as the ship glided into the dock and came to a halt, Micheal stated "Umbilicals and docking clamps are now attached sir," he stated giving his own report as he knew the station was now feeding the ship power, he started to wonder if he could visit his folks whilst they were here.

"Excellent, Mr Stevens," the Captain said as he adjusted his uniform. "Let's all prepare for final docking preparations and get ready for shore leave. All departments should make preparations for extended docking procedures."

Whilst sitting at the secondary Security station Jessica looked at the world of her father and had been here many times before, however, this was the first time on her own as this was only a stop over to pick up some new crew.

Looking around the bridge, the Captain patted his chair, which currently had his XO in it. "Alright, folks!" Franklin announced excitedly, then pressed the button on the chair for a shipwide announcement. The PA system chimed with preparations for his announcement with the bosun whistle. Then he spoke.

=/\=Attention crew of the USS Poseidon,=/\= he said, looking around the bridge with a smile. =/\=We are now docked at Earth Spacedock. You have all been alerted, tasked, and assigned your duties. To those departing, we graciously thank you for your service with us and wish you the best paths moving forward in your career and life. To those going to enjoy a break, I order you to relax and have fun. We will acquire new crew and cadets, so make preparations for it. In the meantime, get off my ship and go on shore leave. We'll be back here in a few days. Captain Johnson, out.=/\=

Ending the announcement, he looked around the bridge and saw no one moving. "Well?!" he said, eyes wide briefly. "Go to shore leave! We got time for work after!"

“ If anyone wants to join me I am going to London. There is a rather nice old-style Chinese Restaurant. It’s based on a very well-known one from the 20th century. Which was destroyed during the eugenics wars.” Perkins said

Phoebe smiled to herself. It was nice to be back on earth, even for a short amount of time. She had plans to visit an old friend from a previous assignment, as well as check up on a few things on Earth.

From her station at the back of the bridge "I will be starting those SIF and Shield upgrades for this ship, while we are here, if I went back home this soon I would face an inquisition from my parents, I wish to avoid that" William's said.

Trensu thought for a moment Lieutenant Commander Perkins and old-style Chinese Restaurants could be different. The SIF and Shield upgrades will have to be looked into as well. "let me know if you want help with the SIF and Shield upgrades for this ship Lieutenant Commander Williams. I will check on the upgrade now and then myself as well." informed Trensu.

*Looks at Trensu strangely* "Thank you for the offer Mr Trensu, and there will be no need for Security to double-check my work, I am very proficient in what I do, but I will let you know when they are complete" William's said she did not like it when Commander Trensu hinted that her work would be less than satisfactory, she felt chagrined at this and her response showed that.

"I meant no offence, Commander Williams. I was suggesting I would help you not so much check on you. In the end, I still have to check it out it is my
job and responsibility. Lieutenant Commander." replied Trensu his tone more official but tactful.

"Commander Perkins I think I will join you for the old-style Chinese Restaurant I am still not familiar with that type of food." expressed Trensu with a smile.

The Captain stayed to watch the others flow off the bridge. Eventually, alone, he considered his options. Maybe after his expected digital paperwork was done he'd go to the holodeck for a beach visit?



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Executive Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Rachel Wiliams
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Karina Sakaguchi
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Poseidon


LT Cmdr Micheal Stevens
Chief Ops
USS Poseidon


Enlisted CDT Jessica Stewart
USS Poseidon


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