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Reporting to the Captain

Posted on Saturday April 29th, 2023 @ 4:33pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams

934 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Various
Timeline: During the events of "Shore Leave"
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Introduction


Rachel had finally settled into things and had over the next few days managed to map the ship, she noticed most of the modifications Paul had done to the old girl, but those were mainly computer-based, there were some impressive security algorithms that Paul had put in, but she knew nothing was foolproof, now she was in engineering again as the crew had returned and were getting ready for the next mission, Rachel pulled up the location of the Captain and found he was currently in the CRR, so picking up the transfer padd she left engineering and headed for the bridge.

- Bridge -

She walked straight into the nearest turbo lift "Bridge" she said when the doors closed and the lift took her to her requested destination, a short time later the lift opened onto a bustling bridge as the last-minute departure preparations were done.

As Rachel arrived on the bridge she tucked her hair behind her left ear and approached the CRR doors and pressed the annunciator.

- Captains Ready Room -

Captain Johnson had made an unexpected visit to the USS Poseidon following the events of the Klingon Warship appearing in orbit and threatening its destruction. The entire situation had been a scandal from the start with his most prominent and capable engineering officer, a Gorn by the name of Lazarus Kord, going on a small trek with Chief Science Officer Sam Perkins and both encountering a band of Klingons. Needless to say, their defeat at the hands of Sam and Lazarus was not well received, but he heard that the officers on board the Poseidon had done well to quell the situation. Regardless, he was here now for cleanup and debriefing.

He was not dressed in Starfleet uniform. Instead, he wore civilian clothing. He was also not expecting visitors. He felt startled by the chime, instinctively responding with, "Come in!", before he stood up and realized what he had done. Cursing quietly he made his way around his desk to stand near the door. His eyes widened when he recognized who it was.

"Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams?" He greeted her in a quizzically confused manner. He was not expecting her yet. "You're early! Though, I presume since Mr Sharpe has departed Starfleet wanted you here as soon as possible. Very well then, come in, please. Welcome. Sorry for my uniform of choice, we're still technically on vacation at Risa. Had a bit of an issue with Klingons a day or so ago and had to come up to debrief those involved. Bit of a scandal, that. Anyway, neither here nor there. How was your trip and how do you find my ship to your liking?"

Hands at parade rest behind her back and her long brown hair angled over her right shoulderRachel entered the CRR, and she had a Padd in hand "I was very early Captain you and the crew were still down on Risa when I arrived before you say anything I wanted to give you all time to enjoy your shore leave."

Then she proceeded to answer his questions, "But I did not waste my time when I arrived I took a tour of this ship into all its nooks and crannies and then I read Commander Sharpe's evaluation, what he told you about the ship was true, but I will do my utmost best to keep the old girl running.

I like your shirt, Captain, granted it is not regulation, but then again you have not long returned from shore leave and as you said I was early. My trip was uneventful thank you, Captain, oh before I forget" she said holding out her transfer orders to the Captain.

"Here are my transfer orders," she finished.

"I'm glad you took the initiative," the Captain said with a smile, taking the orders. He examined the PADD and skimmed the notes. Setting it down, he looked back to Rachel. "You're pip and chipper this morning, already down to business. We're not expected to depart for another few days. Do you have any plans for yourself during that time?"

"I will have to hold an engineering meeting to introduce myself to the team, I have a feeling some will have minor troubles as they got used to Commander Sharpe, he no doubt settled in quickly, but it is pointless speculating if one does not know the team heh Captain?" Williams said.

"Excellent," Franklin remarked, nodding approvingly. "Get it done. In the meantime, if there are any issues, you can contact me on my communicator."

She nodded as her arms went sub-consciously to Parade Rest behind her back now she had handed the Padd over "Understood Sir" she said and turned so sharply that her long hair flipped around and landed on her shoulder as she left the CRR and a return to engineering, she was actually happy to be away from Earth soon the CRR was behind her as she entered the turbo lift, she was unaware of the Captain's reactions after she left if he did have any.

Franklin watched her leave carefully. She wasn't a Sharpe, that much was clear, but she seemed to be a capable replacement. He sighed as he considered Paul and what he was doing presently. The Poseidon wouldn't be same. But it was his job as Captain to make sure that Rachel got whatever she needed and felt just as welcomed. He gave a small smile, hopeful for the future.



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt Cmdr Rachel Williams
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


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