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A Meet on Risa

Posted on Thursday April 27th, 2023 @ 1:44am by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon

1,788 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Risa - A Hidden Tourist Beach
Timeline: During the events of "Shore Leave"
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development


Captain Johnson was relaxing at the beach a few miles from his hotel. It was a pleasant day on Risa, a wonderful temperature, and everything was overall perfect. After the events of discovering that his Chief Engineering Officer was being replaced, he figured he needed a good distraction. He was sitting on a bench admiring the ocean with the mostly vacant beach. Apparently there was a more "attractive" beach a mile or so away, but this one was alright.

Just then, he noticed his Executive Officer. He waved her over.

"Phoebe!" he called out. "Mrs. Graydon! Over here!"

Phoebe had been wondering around for a while, having been sunbathing on a beach not too far from their current location, however the beach had become more and more crowded, so she had decided to move on and take a stroll to get her thoughts in order. She hadn't initially been aiming in any particular direction, but she'd ended up on the new beach. Thinking back, she'd been told about it by the hotel manager, who had told her that this particular beach, being lesser known, would likely be calmer than the main beach.

She looked over at the Captain as he called. "Captain, fancy seeing you here!" She said with a smile, as she walked over. She pulled one of the chairs available at the back of the beach over to sit on and took a seat. "So, I'm assuming you heard the news about Paul?" She asked.

It was a helluva thing to start a conversation out with. The recollection of Mr. Sharpe telling Franklin he was leaving hit the Captain like a ton of bricks again. Paul had been an insanely integral part of the ship. The Poseidon would literally had not functioned on multiple instances had he not been present. To know - to remember - he was leaving felt like the world was ending. Franklin heaved a heavy sigh.

"Yeah I did," he said as he rubbed his hair, looking up at the sky briefly. "He told me himself a morning or so ago. Felt like someone had impaled me through the heart. I don't know what this funny business all is, I first thought it was extended leave for a reason. But now Starfleet seems to be taking away all my good people. Anyway, how are you doing?"

"I am...attempting to relax with not much success so far." She said, leaning back in her chair. "Hopefully we'll at least get some good replacements back from the fleet. I heard word we may even be seeing some old faces returning onboard, not sure who, but hopefully it's someone good." She said with a sigh. "So any word on where we're headed after this?" She asked.

Franklin huffed. "Why am I the only one to not know any of this?"

His question was rhetorical, of course. He knew why. The Commodore. They had, at the beginning of their three year journey, had it out with one another in words. They had come to a amicable solution, Franklin had believed. Apparently old habits died hard. He sighed heavily.

"I don't know why they have me in command of a ship I'm not really in command of," Franklin remarked idly, looking up briefly in exasperation. "I think all Gregory did was return with a new rank to the ship he loved."

"He'll come round eventually...And you know that the whole crew looks to you for guidance, not the Commodore." She said with a small smile. "We'll get there Captain." She said.

"Yeah," Franklin said. It was true, the crew did look to him. The Commodore was more or less just an imposing presence - unnecessary or not. "Thank you, Number One."

He cleared his throat, looking about the practically empty beach. A few citizens had come along and taken up their stations to enjoy the day. Franklin looked up the beach at a few food stands with benches nearby. He realized he was kinda hungry. He looked back to Phoebe, having an idea.

"We should probably find a seat. Want to get a bite to eat with me? There's a few earth-based hot-dog stands up the way there. Some nice seating too," he asked, suggesting.

"You know what, I was starting to get a little peckish myself. A hot dog would hit the spot nicely! Haven't had one in a hot minute. Used to love them back home, slathered in mustard and ketchup with some nice fried onions...the good old days." She said, standing up from her seat. "I would love to have a bite with you sir. Lead the way!" Phoebe replied, gesturing the way forwards.

Franklin gave a nod and led Phoebe along the short trek up the beach. It was still mostly vacant, with the only visible beach-goers a family of Caitian's setting up their spot. They gave a wave towards Franklin and Phoebe, Franklin waving back as he trekked upward and onto the stairs before leading Phoebe up the way to the hot dog stands. The most prominent one had a Bolian there, but everything read and felt like it was from old earth. Franklin decided to try there.

The sign on the stand - if it could even be called that since the stand itself almost seemed like a permanent establishment with how large it was - read "Bills Dogs and Burgers". The Bolian wore a jovial expression as Franklin and Phoebe approached, his green shirt having the nametag "Bill" on it. He waved the two over and extended his hands to his "stand". It had a theme of green and white to it and above his counter was a sign for the various menu items. Beside his "stand" was a seating area with umbrellas.

"Welcome to Bills Dogs and Burgers!" greeted Bill, "I'm Bill, the owner. Very nice to have the rare customer here during the week. What will ya have?"

Franklin looked around the beach briefly. "So there's a time during the week where this beach is active?" He asked.

Bill laughed. "Oh yes! During the weekends this beach turns into a party. Absolutely everyone who is anyone is here. I make most of my business then. Anyway, I stay open usually everyday, and sometimes like today I get lucky with a customer! But two! And a pretty lady to boot!"

The Bolian gave Phoebe a wink.

"What will it be?" He asked again, motioning towards his menu above.

Franklin looked above at the menu briefly before deciding on a Chicago Hotdog with all the toppings and a drink. He ventured a peek inside the "stand" and noted that the "stand" did, in fact, have an actual stove.

"I'll have the Bills Chicago Dog Special," Franklin said, ordering by the menu item. "Just some syntha-soda to drink."

"Absolutely!" Bill beamed, then he looked to Phoebe. "And what shall this wonderful, dashing Princess have today?"

Phoebe laughed. "Flattery will get you everywhere Bill, just remember that! I'll get a chilli dog with cheese, onions and a syntha-soda as well please." She said, giving a large smile.

"Coming right up!" Bill beamed.

The order took about five minutes. Technology had advanced considerably since the advent of stoves, so the heating process had been quickened along with the health implications lessening to slim to nothing. Bill returned, handing over his orders, thanking them both. Franklin gave a nod as he guided Phoebe over to a table nearby. He took a seat, opened his drink, and sipped with a satisfied sigh. He even took a bite to enjoy briefly.

"This is wonderful," Franklin said after swallowing. "Risa I mean. We needed this. After everything."

Phoebe nodded, taking a small bite of her food. "We did...we're the lucky ones I guess...some of us didn't make it this far, although we'll never forget them." She said, giving a small smile. "What's the plans from here?" She asked.

"I've been in private talks with T'Pri," Franklin said, giving a small nod. "Back and forth with the Commodore too. Apparently we've switched fleets. This is unofficial for me since I'm not supposed to know yet, but Gregory informed me of everything last night over comms. Starfleet Academy had a falling out with Pegasus Fleet and they wanted to get us transferred to another fleet. Theta will be our new home. Gregory seems to know them well. I don't."

He took a minute to bite into his food, sipping some drink, then swallowing as he admired the view. He sighed.

"Like I said I've been in talks with T'Pri and Gregory," Franklin continued. "We've got a plan in the works. A seven month plan. It's gonna require all hands on deck."

Franklin turned, eyeing Phoebe seriously then.

"You and Kanaka switch places a lot, you know that?" the Captain remarked, giving a grin. "I need you, Phoebe. I need you with me on this. Things are going to get serious soon. The Academy likes us. Gregory saw to that, our actions saw to that, those that lost their lives prevented worse for us. We got to make it right for them. You on board?"

"Always with you Captain. Whatever you need you know i'm here to help, you just gotta ask!" She said, smiling.

Franklin smiled back, nodding. "Thanks Phoebe," he said. A moment after taking a bite, he added, "And speaking of jobs, what can I do to better help the Marines on board? I know ya'll must have some new cadets coming in."

"Nothing really, unless you know a magic way to make the crew more comfortable with marines on board. They still don't seem to be one hundred percent comfortable with us on board. I'm sure that'll come with time though. Anyway, I need to head back to my hotel, I have a report to right for SFMC Command...apparently they don't like it when we have to be used. Who'd have thought?" She asked rhetorically, taking the last bite of her hotdog and standing up. "I'll see you back on board Captain...and try and get some time to relax without thinking about everything going on. It'll help, i'm sure." She said, nodding. With that said she gave a crisp salute, before heading away towards her hotel.

Franklin stood to return the salute, watching Phoebe leave before sitting down. He sat there for another hour as crowds passed. Phoebes words on his mind about the Marines as well as stipulations and thoughts on future events. Eventually he'd retire for the evening, letting the hotels bed provide a way to dreams.



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Executive Officer & Marine Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


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