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Danger on Risa: An investigation beckons.

Posted on Tuesday May 2nd, 2023 @ 8:40am by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu

1,413 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Corridor,
Timeline: Shore Leave, 2395
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development

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After his discovery in the sickbay. Sam knew he had to speak with Hirsch. But as he walked along Perkins realised his friend in security had just come back from a leave of absence. So he would be very busy catching up.He knew there had been a few new faces on the Poseidon. But he was not sure who the next in line was in Security. Maybe Sam should speak with Lazarus first?

He nodded and turned away just as an unfamiliar voice rang out.

Trensu heard someone asking questions about Lieutenant Commander Hirsch. "Perkins, Is there something I can help you with?" asked Trensu. Looking over the Lieutenant Commander. the man has short hair with a beard and mustache. He has blue eyes. A slender nose sits in the center of his face. He has a muscular frame with powerful legs. Although he walks with a slight limp trensu notices. Trensu studied all the officer's records and knew them by sight or tried to.

“ Yes. I need to report an incident that took place on Risa. It may have repercussions for us and Starfleet. Myself and Kord were attacked by some Klingons. One of them was a Romulan in disguise.” Reliant-class reported.

Trensu looked concerned at what Perkins just reported. "OK, Perkins, let's go to my office. You can give your testimony there." requested Trensu. He motioned with his hand towards Trensu's office. the office was professional looking not much in decorations there was an array of weapons on the back wall from different cultures and a few other artifacts here and there. trensu motioned to a chair in front of his desk for Perkins to sit.

Trensu walked over to the replicator. "Volcan green tea hot" he ordered. it materialized he picked it up and took a sip.

"Do you want something Perkins ?" asked Trensu.

“ Yes. A green tea would hit the spot, please. Very sweet because boy have I got a doozy to tell you!” Sam said.

Trensu ordered the Tea and handed it to Perkins then sat at his desk "Computer! record report given by Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins, Second Officer. Mark stardate and time. This is Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu Assistant Chief Security receiving the report given by Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins." Trensu gave a pause.

The computer replied, "Acknowledged recording started."

"Lieutenant Commander Perkins, continue with the report," said Trensu with a sip of his tea.

Trensu paused thinking waiting on Perkins. "so tell me everything you know, Perkins" asked Trensu.

“ I think there could be a Romulan spy pretending to be a Klingon either on Risa or above the planet. Myself and Lazarus were attacked by some Klingons looking for revenge. In the fight, a female Klingon got injured and her blood was green.” Sam said.

Trensu sat back thinking about what Sam said. "The other officer involved is Lieutenant Lazarus Kord Engineering Officer? I know so far a The attack was a cave system into an opening in the forested area In more detail did this attack take place? Where there anyone else involved? When exactly did this attack take place? I know one of the Klingons was Jazik Lagiv, Son of Cheka, of House Lagiv. Did you get blood on your uniforms from them did you report this to Risa Police? asked Trensu needing more information if he was to start asking questions down on Risa.

“ Lazarus beat the Klingon who declared honor served. They beamed back to their ship. But I defiantly know what I saw. A female Klingon got injured in the hand and her blood was green. She hid it very quickly so I doubt the other Klingons knew. But the question is why is there a Romulan posing as a Klingon?” Sam wondered.

"This is troubling" replied Trensu. "OK, we might have to go back down to Risa so I can look over the area. You asked why, well infiltration for one two intelligence I would guess. They could be after something or someone. It is hard to say with the crafty bastards." Answered Trensu.

Trensu looked at Sam "You did not answer did you report this to Risa Security?"

Sam shook his head.

“ No and for good reason. In order to visit those caves you have to check in. Which means, someone turned a blind eye to a group of Klingons deciding to go rock climbing. They were looking for a couple of Poseidon officers. I have a theory ever since Hobus the Romulans have been technically an endangered species. They’re looking for any way they can to get back to how they were before Romulus went bye-bye.I believe they're trying to smuggle agents onto our ship. To learn how we run our ships giving them an advantage over us.” Sam explained

Trensu thought for a moment he balled up one if his fist "Probably the Tal Shiar. Out of all the things out there next to the Borg I hate the Tal Shiar most. Which means now I have to go and double-check everything on this ship." replied Trensu. "Cadets, any of them could be Tal Shiar. Even one of the crew" commented Trensu. He smiled looking back at Sam and chuckled quietly. " what did you get into?" said Trensu still just above a whisper.

Sam was not sure what Trensu meant by ‘ what did you get into ‘ this was not his fault.

“ I hope you don’t think this is our fault? We went to those caves to see the Luminous fungi that grow below ground. It’s some of the most spectacular plants you have ever seen. Just as we reached the bottom they were on us. If anything you need to check the Risans maybe their policy of openness needs to be updated.” Sam said with a face like a smacked ass.

"no I don't think it is your fault," replied Trensu. "It's always the Klingon's fault," he said jokingly taking a sip of his tea. "We do need to report this to the Captian and I do need to get to Risa to take a look around," said Trensu more serious now. this ties in with another investigation into a cadet something I was not going to tell but I will now," said Trensu. "Computer stop recording."

"What I tell you does not leave this room. I am investigating a Cadet for cheating cadet Roho Elden Louis's senior class. But there is still some investigation work I need to do. things I need to check on." explained Trensu.

“ Dang it another one? We had this problem last year a Cadet cheated on an exam, mind you the guy was so stupid it stuck out a mile he was up to no good. Plus a couple of months ago two Cadets messed with the holodeck trapping myself and half the crew in a horror novel. They’re still at large by the way. Somehow they managed to hide their IDs.” Sam said.

"You always have the one or two no matter how many times you tell them. They will get caught. They always think they know more than you do." replied Trensu.

But in this case, what is strange his friend's grades did not improve that much nothing worth talking about. None of the cadet's friends really had bad grades including Cadet Louis's grades and if it is him how is he doing it? so much to do, so little time." commented Trensu.

“ Well, we finally discovered that there was a back door left in the main science computer. The last Chief Science Officer's log-in code was never completely wiped. One of the Cadets had found a way to fill in the blanks so to speak. They too are still at large by the way. But that little door was closed very quickly.” Sam said

Trensu's deminer changed to one of Frustration " I can see this job will not be easy. I will make a report and turn it in. I thank you for bringing this to me and am glad to meet you as well. If you think of anything else let me know. said Trensu standing and holding out his hand to Sam.

Perkins shook Ahkhsu's hand.

" Thanks I need to go. Shore leave is ending and we have a load of new Cadets arriving." Sam said.


Lt. Cmdr Ahkhsu Trensu
Cheif of Security
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lt.Cmdr Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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