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Rumor Abound

Posted on Monday April 17th, 2023 @ 8:10pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Captain Franklin Johnson

673 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Risa
Timeline: During the events of "Shore Leave"
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development


Having let his bride-to-be go off to the shops to find some fresh attire, Micheal for once had the time to relax with no stress of his department and the stores that usually would be restocked about now upon getting ready for the mission, but for now, the Miranda class vessel was undergoing another refit, as he started to wonder how many more could the ship go through before she was retired. As he took a sip of his drink and watched the children frolic on the beach in front of him and the waves crash upon the shore, Micheal knew that they had to have the wedding soon before they got called back to the ship.

As he lay on his sun bed, he heard two people talking as one of them said “ Hey, you heard the rumor that the USS Poseidon is being transferred to another fleet” This was news to him, and if it were true then what fleet were they being moved to, as both of the chaps walked off out of earshot, but the question that remained in his head as if that was so would he be transferred also to a different ship or was he still to remain with the Poseidon? He trapped his combadge as he knew that he needed to know where he was going to be assigned. =/\= Captain Johnson, This is Lt Cmdr Stevens,=/\=

With shore leave extended, the Captain was quite enjoying himself after a sauna visit. A few days ago he had managed to get in a massage visit at the spa. The sauna had been an entirely different experience, if not equally as enjoyable! He was relaxing in his room with a good book when his combadge chirped. He had to stand up to walk over to the nightstand to grab it.

=/\= This is the Captain, Mr. Stevens. Is everything okay? =/\=

=/\= I have just heard a rumor that we have been reassigned to another fleet, is this true?=/\= asked Micheal taking another sip of the drink and then replaced the ice-cold glass back upon the small table next to him, he knew that he would have been told sooner or later as he was a member of the senior staff, but if this true then he would let Ky’La know so they could plan for their futures together wherever that may lie.

Fleet transfer? Franklin puzzled over the question. First of all, it was extremely unlike Michael to go off rumors. Mr. Stevens was a reliable and dependable officer who although fell victim to a few mood swings, did extremely capable work both on duty and while teaching the cadets. Second of all, he had not, in fact, heard anything about a fleet transfer. Though...

=/\= No I have not, Mr. Stevens. Although it would explain why our stay on Risa was extended. The only explanation I got for this was that Starfleet Academy needed time to reassess our next assignment, which isn't unusual. I'll have to get with the Commodore on this and get back to you. Captain, out. =/\=

When Franklin put down his combadge, he was about to go back to his book. Instead, he went to his personal PADD device and scrolled through a few things. He looked up where the Commodore was, thinking perhaps he'd address this rumor now. He was surprised to find that the Commodore was not on Risa at all, but back on Earth.

After the call had ended, Micheal picked up his chilled glass and took a sip of the cold liquid, however, he knew that the next set of students that he would get would do him and the Poseidon well and earn the respect the ship deserved as the Training Vessel that it was. As he watched another set of youngsters playing he wondered if they would join Starfleet one day and be on a vessel like his.


LT Commander Micheal Stevens
Chief Ops


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


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