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Takeover for me!

Posted on Monday April 17th, 2023 @ 3:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams

858 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Sharpe's Room on Risa
Timeline: After The Last Time? (POST)


Prior to starting his leave, Paul had gotten a text message on his Padd, he was in a rush so all he read was reassigned, Earth, asap he translated that as his being reassigned and let Sam know, that CSOs reaction was unexpected, now he read it through correctly and it said what he had surmised he had sent a message to Starfleet Engineering asking his someone he knew could replace him on the Poseidon and when he said who, it was quickly agreed on this gave him the feeling that Rachel had been nagging her superiors for a different posting so that end was all set all he had to do now was square things away with Captain Johnson, now he went to the desk terminal and opened a secure channel to earth and old Academy friend who had been cooling her heels in an Earth-side posting, now sending the call he waited for the response and eventually a dishevelled half-awake Rachel Williams visage appeared she squinted then her grumpy tired countenance vanished and was replaced with a tired smile.

=/\= Well, if it is not the mighty Paul Sharpe, are you calling to say you have left Alex and want me? =/\= She asked only half teasing, she had a massive crush on the guy through the Academy and before he became serious with the Marine he was now married too they had some fun times.

With a deadpan expression, Paul ignored her flirty banter =/\= oh Rachel, I am sorry I forgot the time difference there, in that case, I will keep this brief =/\= he said.

=/\= It is okay I was getting up in like five hours =/\= she said then squinted =/\= what are you wearing? =/\= She asked.

=/\= I am on Shore leave on Risa, after our last mission it is needed, but the reason I disturbed your slumber was to ask if you were serious about a Starship posting and getting off the earth. =/\= Sharpe asked.

He did not know that she could wake up so quickly but she did =/\= very serious about getting a new posting, are you that influential and you managed to get me one? =/\= She asked.

Paul smiled =/\= Not exactly, I have received orders to return to earth, so I was thinking of possible replacements for the Chief Engineering Officer position on the Poseidon and yours came to mind, would you be interested? The ship is a Miranda class on her last legs and needs a good engineer to keep her flying, I have a novel idea in the works which I will leave the plans for you to see if you can improve upon them, so would you accept the post of CEO and take my place? =/\= Sharpe asked.

Rachel blinked a few times in disbelief =/\= I thought you enjoyed Engineering after your first failing stint a year ago, excluding the orders why are you readily accepting the reassignment? =/\= She asked.

=/\= I miss my kids Rach, they are going on for five-years-old and they have barely seen their parents, Alex will be returning to earth after her currently unexpected stay as Acting commander on the Tomcat is over, where they may have seen their mother more, they have barely seen me, so this new assignment has come at a good time, so can you?" Sharpe asked ending with a question.

=/\= Yes, what about the Engineering Admiralty here on Earth? =/\= Williams asked concerned.

=/\= Well it seems that you have made enough requests that they were way too eager to agree to it, what the hell did you do Rach? =/\= Sharpe asked.

=/\= The usual nagging constantly, but respectful, I suspect they jumped at the chance =/\= she said.

=/\= Oh they did, never seen a Rear Admiral agree so easily, anyway it is squared with your bosses at Starfleet Engineering and I will speak to Captain Johnson, you will need to report to him upon arrival with transfer orders, but I am happy you have agreed to it =/\= Sharpe said.

Rachel smiled and could not stop a yawn from escaping her lips *yawns* =/\= Sorry it is early hours here, I take it I can depart Earth anytime then? =/\= she asked and Sharpe nodded =/\= that means I have already been released from my duties at engineering then =/\= she added and again Paul nodded.

=/\= I will let you get some sleep now Rach and wish you luck on your new assignment, beware of the Academy Cadets that do time on her =/\= Sharpe said with a smile, her reaction was priceless, but in the end, she sighed.

=/\= Okay, enjoy your trip home, and thanks Paul, I appreciate it and I will look after Poseidon like she were my own =/\= Rachel said.

Sharpe smiled =/\= sleep well Rachel =/\= he said and logged off with a smile, when the screen was closed down he stood up with a Padd in hand and headed to the Captain's accommodation here on Risa, he had no idea how Johnson was going to react, but may as well get it over and done with.


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer/2XO (Outgoing)
USS Poseidon

Lt Cmdr Rachel Williams
Chief Engineering Officer (Incoming)
USS Poseidon


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