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Informing the Captain

Posted on Wednesday April 19th, 2023 @ 1:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Captain Franklin Johnson

1,272 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Risa Accomodation Complex
Timeline: After Take over from me! Post
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Departure


He logged off with a smile after speaking with Rachel and when the screen was closed down he stood up with a Padd in hand and headed to the Captain's accommodation here on Risa, he had no idea how Johnson was going to react, but may as well get it over and done with. He left his accommodation and headed to where Johnson was billeted he absently straightened his shirt as he approached Johnson's room he stood straight and knocked on the door.

Captain Johnson was relaxing in civilian clothes in his room. He had just concluded a few hours of spa treatment, having been tended to with a massage followed by sitting and relaxing in their hot tub for an hour. He was well and truly relaxed, still having damp hair as he had a towel around his neck. He wore a robe wound tightly around himself when he heard the knock. He approached the door, and opened it, seeing Sharpe.

"Hey Mr Sharpe!" he greeted. "Nice to see you. How's the vacation been so far? Risa is quite the place, isn't it?"

Smiling as he entered "Good to see you too Captain, Vacation has been good so far more time to myself than I know what to do with, Risa is a beautiful place" he said then his face saddened as he looked down at his Padd then back up. "I am here on a more sombre moment Captain and it is one that has to be mentioned before Poseidon starts her next mission" Sharpe began and paused wishing he had a strong drink on him he could only assume that his face looked dour.

Franklin noticed the change. It has to be something important. He waved Sharpe over to sit with him on the couch. He angled himself to face his friend.

"What's going on, Paul?" Franklin asked, using for the first time his first name.

Finally forcing himself to relax he took a seat opposite the Captain handing the Padd he had over "This Captain, I have been reassigned to earth, had to read it a few times, but the bright side is I will get to see more of my kids, it is just unexpected and sad that this came, but there will be a new CEO in place before your next mission, the new officer is the same rank as I am and we attended the Academy at the same time and we were an item at one point so she took the same classes and has similar skills as I do, the only difference is she has never been undercover like I was when I was at the Academy, she is a nice person who has been itching for a ship posting for years, she is one of the few people I trust with my life Captain" Sharpe said and paused, he realised this was the most he had ever said in a complete sentence or four.

Franklin hesitantly took the PADD as he looked it over. As Paul spoke, he reviewed the order of transfer carefully. Once Sharpe had finished, he had concluded reading it over a third time. He sighed heavily and nodded, handing the PADD back to Paul.

"I....damn, Gregory didn't inform me about any of this," he said as he looked away, almost dejectedly. Looking back, he had a smile on his face. "But it's good you'll get to be around family more. That's a total plus. So my replacement is recommended by you? That's good enough for me. Damn shame I didn't know about this beforehand else I'd of thrown you a going away party. Damn, shame indeed."

"I did not know about it, my replacement is Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams, is a nice lass, and as I have said she did the same courses as I have done, has similar skills as me, and her service jackets are also on that Padd" Sharpe said not taking the Padd back just yet," Sharpe said falling silent only now here in the Captain's room was it truly hit him.

Out of respect, Franklin looked back over the PADD. He nodded as he read it over again, reviewing the history and in particular her service record. Deep Space 5, USS Albany, USS Honchu, USS Gettysburg, and finally transfer to the USS Poseidon. There was a small note there. Paul had requested her to replace him. He blinked at that, setting the PADD down beside him and looking up at Paul.

"What's really going on, Paul?" he asked, his voice calm. "It's not like you to make decisions like this rashly. What's going on?"

Paul looks back at his Captain with a shocked expression. His reply tone matches the expression.

"Rashly Captain, really!! Did you not hear and read that Starfleet is reassigning me to Earth, I did not choose this and I am as shocked as you are, but I made sure you get a good replacement, Rachel had been bugging her superior on Earth about a ship posting so much that they got fed up and were waiting for the right time, so I squared it away with them and now she will be with you ready for your next mission, I have asked her to report directly to you, she is not me and she has her own unique way of doing things" Sharpe said.

"I promise you, I had not heard a thing about this," the Captain replied, honestly. "I had my suspicions that Starfleet had assigned us extended leave for a reason. I was right. I had not contemplated the complexity of it all, in all truth. Regardless, I am simply happy you're going somewhere that will benefit you more. I know my replacement, according to your words, will be just as good as you. So, thank you for informing me."

The Captain stood, smiling. "Would you like something to drink before you leave?"

Paul smiled "Love one, what drinks you have Captain?" Sharpe asked, he really needed a drink about now.

Franklin smiled, gesturing towards the provided mini bar. "Got some Romulan Ale, one of my favourites, and some standard synthahol. Pick whatever you like."

"I will have some Romulan Ale Captain, thank you," Sharpe said as the Captain poured both of them a glass and passed one to him, Sharpe held his glass up "To our future travels and wherever they may lead us," Sharpe said.

"To our future travels and wherever it may lead us," Franklin repeated, then added, "And to our friends, those who change and alter the course of our heading for the better."

After both clinked their glasses Sharpe downed his in one go and swallowed "damn, the Rommies may be a paranoid bunch but they make some damn fine ale!" Sharpe exclaimed and stood "Well Mon Kapitan, I better go and get my stuff sorted, thank you for the drink and may fortune forever be in your favour," Sharpe said holding out his hand.

"Thank you for everything, Mr Sharpe," Franklin smiled as he stood. He shook the provided hand firmly, then patted his friend's shoulder. "I'm going to miss you, Paul. Stay in touch."

Paul smiled at the Captain "I shall do my best Captain to stay in contact and I will miss you too, say goodbye to the crew for me" Sharpe said standing in the doorway and looking back "Commander Williams will report to you asap" he said and then left the room and headed straight for his.



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer (Former)
USS Poseidon


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