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Arrival - Shore Leave

Posted on Wednesday March 8th, 2023 @ 6:49pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon & Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn & Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Commander Sam Perkins

1,192 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Bridge - USS Poseidon; Risa - Surface - Various
Timeline: Beginning of "Shore Leave"
Tags: Risa, Shore Leave

=/\= Begin =/\=


Phoebe sat in the Captain's chair on the bridge of Poseidon. They were just coming to the end of their warp journey to Risa, ready for their shore leave. On the bridge with her was the rest of the night crew. "Helm, prepare to drop us out of warp once we come into Risa space, then proceed at full impulse towards the planet. Ops, prepare to open a channel with Risa flight control. Mr Perkins, would you be so kind as to find us a nice section of Risa for some R&R?" She asked the three officers with her. She wanted to be as prepared as they could, to make the most of their time here. She looked around the bridge at each of the crew on the bridge. They'd all been through a hell of a lot over the last few weeks and months, and they deserved every second of rest they could get.

Captain Johnson was asleep in the Captain's Quarters in Deck Two, tucked away nicely underneath the Foyer and Captain's Ready Room on Deck One. Risa had been on his mind before he went to sleep, and he had gone to sleep with much anticipation about his planned R&R routine. For now, he rested, awaiting the call that the ship had arrived.

Risa!! The first thing Sam wanted to do was visit the Subterranean gardens and see the luminescent plants. But he knew not everyone would wish to do that. Suraya bay was good. Hopefully, they could see the Lohlunat ( Festival of the moon ). After sunset, a floating restaurant called the Little boat came along. Diners waded out to it. For some of the best Risan dishes on the planet. Temtibi Lagoon was good. No rain and the air smelt sweet.

“ Suraya bay. We should just be in time for the festival of the moon.” Sam said aloud.

Ky'La piped up, "I want to see the lagoon with the blue water," getting up and walking towards Michael.

Sam smiled.

“ They say the air smells as sweet as honey in the lagoon. Despite virtually no rainfall whatsoever. I believe it’s fed by an underground spring that is filtered through the crystal-like rock. Hence the blue tint to the water.” Perkins said

After finally completing his duties in engineering Sharpe finally returned to his quarters to pack he was looking forward to just relaxing and not having to worry about anything on the ship, the Captain had been notified of the holodeck which had been sorted, and now it was time for some much-needed downtime.

Micheal had sat at Ops making sure that things had gone smoothly with all the requests for orbit as he opened the channel, =/\= This is Lt Cmdr Stevens, Shore leave has been granted, all personnel please check in with your department heads, That will be all, Stevens out,"=/\= as he closed the channel once more he knew that Ky'La could not wait for downtime.

Ensign Lily Gomez sat at the helm of the Poseidon and programmed in the coordinates that had been sent to her terminal by Risa Flight Control. They had a prime parking spot just over the beaches of Risa. She manoeuvred them in carefully and came to a full stop. She turned in her chair to look towards the centre of the bridge. "We're now in orbit of Risa Colonel."

Phoebe nodded once, looking around at the crew on the bridge. "Alrighty folks, relief will be here for us shortly, when they arrive give them a handover, and then you're welcome to head to the transporters to beam down to the surface. I've authorized at least 48 hours of leave for all of you. Remember, be safe, be responsible, and please remember that you represent the ship, as well as the federation as a whole, so please, for my sake, don't get yourselves in trouble."

- Risa -

Finally, it was time and Sharpe was one of the first to beam down, when he was able he sought out a room and after being escorted to it he thanked the Matre'd and entered, he dumped the bag on the bed and changed into bathing gear, after a short time with sandals on and a towel in hand he headed straight down to the beach, he was going to enjoy this, he just wished his Wife could be with him.

The Captain materialized in one of Risa's famous getaway hotels not far from the spaceport. He had two days to relax in a spa-getaway package that he signed up for. With one day being treated to an extensive spa treatment - which he did need! - and the next being offered a relaxing day of rest and reading. He wore casual civilian clothes, hanging onto a duffle bag of his belongings he'd need, and headed for the reception desk. Smiling, he greeted the receptionist and began his shore leave.

Sam fizzled into existence on the hotels lobby transporter padd. He moved towards reception and was booked in by a very polite front desk attendant. However it was a shame some of the other guests booking in. Were not as polite. A rather plump and loud women that Sam was sure he had seen before. Barged him out of the way as if he was not there. Then she began speaking to the attendant. He was quite impressed not only with the attendant still being polite. But also for a women that size being able to complain for so long without drawing breath. Slowly he walked away towards the lift and his room.

Phoebe was one of the last to beam down, having wanted to make sure that everyone else was sorted out before her so there was less chance of her being disturbed. As she materialized on Risa she looked around. She was exactly where she wanted to be. As she looked around she took note of the many building around her. They ranged from spa's, to health centers, down to simple bed and breakfast places. She smiled to herself as she spotted the place she wanted, a little spa that she had frequented many a time in her previous visits to Risa. She walked in and went upto the reception desk. She tapped a few commands into the desk mounted terminal and entered her details, before a light illuminated on the floor, directing her to her room to relax in. She followed the lights and started to relax.

Franklin was greeted and accepted into the hotel. He arrived at his room and began to relax, being told that in a few hours his first spa session would begin. He closed his eyes for a nap on the bed in the room.

On Risa, the entire crew of the USS Poseidon began their much needed break.



Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineer
USS Poseidon


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt Cmdr Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Cmndr. Ky'la De'Lenn
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Cmndr. Michael Stevens
Chief Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Executive Officer
USS Poseidon


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