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Time Away

Posted on Monday February 27th, 2023 @ 3:02pm by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe

1,063 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Risa
Timeline: Current


After settling into his room Paul took a book and a towel with him and some sun tan lotion, he had swim trunks on under his Hawaiian-style shirt and sunglasses he left the hotel and finally arrived on the beach, he walked some way down the beach, found a chair and sat down to read, he discovered that he was quickly relaxing and soon he dozed off, it was a deep sleep and for once he had no dreams. When he did wake up it was due to mild sunburn, he cursed sat up and put some sun tan lotion on, it was about this time a Risian server approached him, she was attractive, but he was a married man so he made sure that he did not have a fertility statue with him.

"What will it be? We have a wide selection of beverages both human and non" she asked.

He thought a moment "A cold glass of Terran larger please!" He said, the server nodded with a smile and left to get his order, with that he finished putting the lotion on then sat back and enjoyed his downtime.

So relaxed he was startled when the server arrived with his drink, her thanked the server as she walked away, he had found a more or less secluded spot, but obviously not that secluded if a server could locate him, as he sipped his cold drink he pull out a Padd that he had tucked into his towel and began to it, the Padd had a novel on and he quickly got into the book.

His commbadge suddenly sounded making him jump, so he tied it through to the Padd and the visage of his father-in-law Samuel Somers appeared on the small screen.

=/\= Oh hi Sam, what's up? =/\= Sharpe asked curiously.

His wife's father was studying his surroundings =/\= where are you exactly Paul? =/\= Sam asked.

=/\= Risa Sam, I just finished a mission. So why me? =/\= Sharpe asked and saw the old man slump a little

=/\= I tried contacting her myself but I am getting an answering service, I know you are not on the same ship, but I was hoping that you had recent contact with her! =/\= Sam said worriedly.

=/\= Last I heard she was on an away mission that was a radio silence one, the kids are okay, I hope? =/\= he responded and was looking concerned.

Sam could see he was concerned =/\= I got a call from Starfleet Academy they wanted an ETA on when she will be returning to complete her training and your kids are fit as a fiddle and very energetic =/\= Sam responded.

Sharpe smiled =/\= Which one is causing the most trouble? =/\= He asked.

=/\= It is Samantha, she is a little teraway =/\= he said with a smile.

=/\= Like mother, like daughter, the only advice I could give where the Academy is concerned is to let them know that the actual commanding Officer is still recovering from injuries sustained and that Alex is covering as acting CO for the duration of their current mission, she will return logically when the mission is at an end and the regular CO is back on duty =/\= Sharpe said.

The look Sam gave told Paul that he did not know anything about his niece's condition =/\= What happened to Jasmine Paul? =/\= Sam asked.

=/\= I do not know the full details, but apparently in response to a mission the Tomcat did where they did a BDZ order, the aftermath of that event was a cause-and-effect situation. But instead of Alex being the one, it seems Jasmine who was TFCO 11 at the time was on her way back from launching the Leto on her first mission was on her way back in a runabout when the ship was attacked and Jasmine was taken by a person who was a survivor of the Mutated Bluegill infection on the planet. To make a long story short she was mentally, and physically abused and tortured when she was rescued by all accounts on the rescue ship she was sitting opposite her tormentor and in a moment of a breakdown she apparently broke the captive's neck killing him and then collapsed=/\= Sharpe said and paused.

Sam was looking both horrified and worried at the same time =/\= There had to be repercussions for such an event! =/\= Sam commented.

=/\= Yes there was, nothing public, it was dealt with quietly, by all accounts Jasmine was encouraged to step down as TFCO an event I think she did not mind happening anyway, but if she ever makes Commodore that will be as high she will ever get, her actions have made sure that she will never make Admiral, so the way things are currently a Fleet Captain is what she will remain as, they gave a bit of leniency as she was traumatized at the time but I know she had been attending regular counselling sessions, I also know while she regrets her actions, the fact that her tormentor is dead, she does not regret that he is, she has to live with what she has done for the rest of her life and for a Somers that is not an easy thing to do =/\= Sharpe said.

=/\= I must call her to find out how she is, I take it that she will be on Starbase 51 in Medical there? =/\= Sam asked, Paul, nodded in response.

Sharpe took a swig of his lager =/\= anything else Sam? =/\= He asked, the elder man shook his head =/\= give the kids a kiss and hug from their daddy, and best to both of you =/\= Sharpe added.

=/\= No nothing else, thank you and I will =/\= Sam responded and logged off with a smile.

Returning to his reading Paul's mind was running through all the personal traumatic reactions Jasmine had, she may have gotten off easy, but not really lightly he actions had all but dead-ended her career he realised that he could not have gone through what she had gone through. Finding that he could not concentrate on his reading he put the Padd down finished his lager and went to take a dip in the shallow sea of Risa, the water was very cool compared to its temperature of it.


Lt Commander Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


[Col Rtd.]Ambassador Samuel Somers [NPC'd by Lt Cmdr Sharpe]
Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire
Sol Sector


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