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Receiving New Orders

Posted on Monday January 23rd, 2023 @ 2:36am by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Miles O'Connell & Lieutenant JG Vaebn tr'Jarok

904 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Bridge USS Poseidon
Timeline: 239501.15 (after the conclusion of Destination - Shore!)


4th Officers Log Stardate 239501.15

I have the watch, I was informed that Ensign Deguile was taken to sickbay because of a kayak accident in the holodeck. Security is making an investigation as to why the safety protocols were offline. Astrometrics is calibrating Stellar Cartography and has requested extra resources to be diverted between 0100 and 0400 hrs. I have okayed it in the absence of the executive officer. I have also been informed that we expect a high-priority message from Starfleet Command that should be coming on this shift. Lt Cdr T'Pri 4th officer reporting.


T'Pri sat in the center seat. It had become the habit of the command staff to rotate bridge duty to get a feel for command. This was T'Pri's 27th watch. The Poseidon was on a standard training patrol. The entire mission of Poseidon was to train cadets to operate on starships. Much of it was a dedicated college extension of Starfleet Academy where students could learn to function in their various disciplines aboard an operational starship. They were currently in the vicinity of the Mutara nebula on their return nearly trip back to Earth. They had been out on this training cruise for just over eight months.

"Lower light levels and begin night watch" T'Pri ordered.

"Aye Commander" Ops replied.

Several hours later.

"Commander, we are receiving a message from Starfleet Command, ordering us to divert to Risa."

"Very good," T'Pri said.

=/\= Bridge to Captain Franklin, sorry to disturb you at this hour. We have received a Hi-Priority message from Starfleet command ordering us to divert to Risa and commence Shore Leave. =/\=

The Captain had been asleep at the time of the message. The command staff had already made the decision to set a course for Risa, so things had been progressing just about as you might expect. There had been periods where the ship had come out of warp so the academy cadets could practice their departments. It wasn't unusual that news wouldn't reach as far as it should yet about shore leave, though he did find it odd. Groggily, the Captain tapped his communicator.

=/\= This is the Captain. Thank you, I'll grab together the staff shortly. We've already discussed this and should be en route to Risa already. I'll come to check on things shortly after finishing my sleep. Johnson, out

Entirely accidentally, the Captain fell back asleep - though it was a light sleep as his body worked to wake up.

'Helm change course to Risa, increase to warp 5." T'Pri instructed.

-Perkins personal quarters-

Sam could not sleep. There were plenty of things that could remedy this. But in truth, it gave him a chance to catch up on some reading. He had recently discovered the works of the Klingon Author Mandoor. Who served with some of the Empire's notable historical characters. During the early days of Starfleet when a certain famous starship had no letters after its name. A bit bloodthirsty in parts but a good read. He glanced out the window and noticed the star field change.

“ Looks like we have changed direction. I wonder why?” He said aloud

Sam was just about to turn the page when his comm badge bleeped.

=/\= Eeeeeee……hey get off that!……eeeeee…. NORMAN!…….eeeeeee=/\=

Sam swore and dressed at warp speed then hurried out. Returning quickly to put on some shoes. He then rushed out again.

- Engineering -

Sharpe returned to engineering and his office and put up on his wall HD1 destroyed circuit panel as a souvenir then made out his report on what he had done and what he fixed and filed the engineering report, then the announcement about going to Risa came over the ship's communications, he raised an eyebrow at this announcement and sighed, he had not been on shore leave for some time so this would be a nice change.

- O'Connell's Quarters -

Miles had been informed of the chance for shore leave and that they would be on Risa. He had just finished working on all the holographic emitter systems after the incident in the Holodeck and was finally at liberty to chill and relax. He was happy to take a shower and get some sleep. But the ideas of what to do on shore leave were racing in his mind. Would he ask a crew member to join him for some time while on Risa or leave things to grow more before venturing in that relationship zone. He felt they had a friendship brewing and so maybe a meal or two while on shore leave would be possible but he had never been to Risa and was wondering if all the stories he had heard were true or not. Only time would tell. For now Miles would try to get some rest and hopefully get some much needed sleep.

-Science Lab-

Perkins entered to find a cadet lying on the floor. His legs were tangled in green tentacle vines and Norman the sentiment plant was on the Cadets back in his pot .Another Sentiment female plant called Susan was shrieking flailing her tentacles in the air.

“ Not again……” Sam moaned



A post by

LCdr T'Pri
Chief Intel Officer/4th Officer
USS Poseidon


Captain Franklin Johnston
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


LT Miles O'Connell
Deputy Chief Engineer
USS Poseidon


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