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An Engineers work is never done

Posted on Friday January 20th, 2023 @ 4:11pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Lieutenant Miles O'Connell
Edited on on Friday February 3rd, 2023 @ 2:24pm

1,587 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Holodeck 1
Timeline: After Holodeck Adaventure


Now that the Mis-adventure on the holodeck was over Sharpe had returned to the holodeck and on the outside disengaged the outer locks on the panel and then the inner panel with also doubled as a discharging plate, he disconnected that and put it to one side, then with tools he crawled into the space and was glad that he did not have an issue with spaces, as it was tight, he turned to the side that was on the holodeck side, she removed the panel and there was the back of the screen he looked at, he proceeded to disconnect the systems of Holodeck then One, then he realized something and tapped his Commbadge.

=/\= Commander Sharpe to Captain =/\=

Franklin exited his shower stall in his quarters as he freshened himself up after the ordeal in the Holodeck. It had been quite the experience and one that he hoped to never repeat again. He grunted at his combadges chirp. Pressing it, he heard the message, drying himself as he replied.

=/\= Mr Sharpe, this is the Captain. Go ahead, what can I do for you, Chief? =/\=

=/\= Just a heads up Sir the holodecks are offline until further notice, I thought that you might be able to spread the word when able Sir, I am at the holodeck of that adventure, and burnt toast looks better than the damage to the systems, anyway I am going to repair this one and then check the other one, will notify you when they can be used again =/\= Sharpe said

=/\= Alright, Chief, I'll spread the word. Captain, out. =/\= The Captain sighed as he closed the link by tapping his badge. Of course, he wasn't surprised by the news due to his experiences. He was, rather, disappointed. At the very least it didn't turn out to be something non-scientific. It was clearly explained. It had been all because of messed up systems. But now the cadets on board would have to entertain themselves some other way. That was going to be the hard part.

The Captain went about dressing himself to prepare for a ship-wide announcement.

When the line was closed Sharpe tapped his Commbadge =/\= Sharpe to O'Connell =/\=

=/\= O'Connell here sir, what can I do for you? =/\= O'Connell replied to his boss.

=/\= Miles I want you to assemble a team and check all the ODN lines leading to the holodeck, as well as a general systems check, we had an issue with the holodeck and one has burnt systems makes burnt brisket look edible, I have let the Captain know that the holodeck will be down until further notice=/\= Sharpe said.

=/\= Roger, Sir. I will get on it and set it to work. =/\=

O'Connell gathered all the available engineers and sent them to work on the ODN lines for the Holodeck systems. He had advised them to focus on the one the chief was addressing and then he advised them to expand and update all the holodeck ODN systems to avoid any issues in the other units. O'Connell was in good spirits and looking forward to his next chance for downtime and was using that feeling to keep his work upbeat and fun as he actually enjoyed crawling around in the ship and getting grimy and greasy.

When the line closed Paul returned to his task and made a gutting sound "I know old girl, you are working past your sell-by date but you are doing it well, now let's get those ODN and Isolinear circuits fixed shall we?" He said to the burnt circuits, so he disconnected the connections to the last panel that had to be replaced, and then he removed the destroyed sectors and scanned the area and repaired them, then he replaced the section and made the connections and scanned it with his engineering tricorder to make sure all was working and putting in new isolinear chips, then came re connecting the ODN lines.

When left to his own devices without any distractions he could work quickly, he had moved back till his legs were sticking out of the crawlway, and now with most of the circuits in place, he run a current through them to test their strength, then connecting up a small monitor he run a simulation on it and that worked out well and he was pleased with the performance figures. So he removed the outer burnt sectors and replaced those and reconnected them to the power lines, that was just the isolinear chips, now came the ODN relays. Sharpe had lost track of time but eventually, he run a test current through the newly replaced sectors and all were green, "that's my girl" he said gently patting a nearby surface as he extracted himself from deep within, now he was on the floor in the corridor looking in, he spent some time on checking the bio-neural gel packs, they were used only to improve the holodeck experience and the EMH, otherwise, this ship ran on Isolinear Chips and ODN cables.

Meanwhile, the other engineers and O'Connell were working to upgrade all the other ODN and Isolinear circuits on the ship that had a connection to the holodeck systems and this included the recently installed holographic system O'Connell was tasked with earlier. O'Connell saw to it himself to the work on the Bridge and Sickbay while other engineers did the other locations. Soon the team would have every inch of ODN conduits upgraded and all Isoliner chips would be on par with the current level of operation on the Poseidon.

Sharpe had finally gotten to the part where he reconnected the Bio-Neural Gel Packs, he found a better way to jury rig them to systems that were not really meant to take them, but the connection was strong and read safely. Putting the outer cover back on Holodeck One maintenance crawlspace he accessed the small interface and run a level five diagnostic and instructed the computer to send results to his office when done, he locked holodeck one with a command code of his own devising so no one could open it he had the destroyed pieces which he took with him. Then he moved on to the next holodeck which was just down the corridor, he tapped his Commbadge =/\= Sharpe to O'Connell =/\=

=/\= O'Connell here Chief, what can I do for you this time, sir? =/\= O'Connell replied as he was coordinating the other engineers on their finishing the ODN updates on all the holo-emitters installed throughout the ship. Most of these were all replaced just a few diagnostics to run and follow up on.

=/\= I have just finished repairing holodeck one, I have a level five diagnostic running which will send the results to my terminal in my office, what I need you to do Miles is double-check the connections from HD1 to the power exchange node and then double-check the holo-emitters in Medical, Engineering, Shuttle Bay and on the bridge, all use Bio Neural gel packs and all draw power from ships main power and the gel packs are jury-rigged so look for any inconsistencies outside of the holodeck system, I am going to check HD2, will be out of contact for a short time =/\=

=/\= Yes, sir. I will be double-checking all the holo-emitters. The first checks from all the others did not register any inconsistencies, but I will be doing a second look at the systems, especially where the gel packs are concerned. I will send the reports to your office once they are done. O'Connell out. =/\=

With the link now closed Sharpe arrived at HD2 and pulled the panel, disconnected the gel packs and pulled them out and then disconnected the outer ODN connections before removing the panelling before he crawled in there he run a quick scan after some time it detected a fault and Sharpe sighed, he got down onto hands and knees and crawled into the tight space, using his engineering tricorder he scanned for the faulty sector and eventually found it, he disconnected a small sector of circuitry panel and awkwardly put it to the side and there it was a failed isolinear chip sector that was hindering an ODN relay so disconnecting the power Paul removed the damaged chips and ODN cable they had affected, and cleaned the area and inspected it and the housing was okay.

So he replaced the chips and the short ODN cable and reconnected the small sector to the main power and it hummed into life smiling he reconnected the panel he took off and that hummed to life smiling again as he shuffled backwards checking areas as he went all reported in the green, as he was getting himself out of the maintenance hole he had a thought, he reconnected everything back and adjusted HD2 to work without gel packs, the Enterprise E had numerous holodeck and that only used Isolinear chips so now the Poseidon had one Holodeck with gel packs and one without. Replacing the outer covering and running a level 5 diagnostic on it and instructing the results be sent to his terminal in his office, with that done he packed up his things and headed back to engineering, making sure the holodeck was locked down and could not be used by anyone.


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineer
USS Poseidon


LT Miles O'Connell
Deputy Chief Engineer
USS Poseidon


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


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