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Phasing Tapeworms

Posted on Thursday February 2nd, 2023 @ 11:12am by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden

1,147 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Sick bay, Surgical suite one

Lieutenant Priadden hated wearing EVA suits, they made her feel claustrophobic, but she had to concede that Lieutenant Commander Perkins was correct in the fact the EVA suits were more suited to the task at hand. Standing in surgical bay one she looked at those assembled around her, "Okay everyone you have been briefed on what we need to do and the possible dangers. Let's get on with it, there is a life at stake here."

Eucestoda. Tapeworm. A Nasty parasite. Make it an inter-phasing one. Sam feared that whatever he and Doctor Priadden. Did here would be to late to help the infected. As things went he did not mind the EVA suit. Claustrophobia wasn’t really a problem for him. He just wished he had more nimble movement in his gloved hands.

“ Agreed. Doctor. Our first task is to get this chamber ready.As this is important I highly recommend we use an independent power source. Just in case the main power fails. What do you think?” Sam asked.

Kicil nodded "Agreed we will need an independent power source. Petty Officer Micha get the portable independent batteries used during red alerts and power outages up and running. Nurse Amber prep the biopsy table and place the sample on it."

Perkins looked at the sample. He made a face at the nasty looking thing. He just hoped the sample containers force field would hold until the chamber was ready.This was a good sized piece it would be a shame to loose it.

“ How long before the chambers field kicks in? The sample won’t hold for long.” Perkins asked

Petty Officer Micha 'responded "Systems are ready when you are Sirs." Kicil looked at Lieutenant Commander Perkins, "Well the ball is now in your teams court, as they say on Earth, Commander."

Sam nodded. His team began to work on the chamber as quickly as they could. Time and a life was at stake here.Once everything was set Perkins tapped some controls.On a key pad set in the side of the unit. He glanced at the readings which much to his relief looked good.

" Doctor Pradiadden. The chamber is up and running. The fields look good and the sample is reading 100% stable. To quote your good self. The ball is back in your court." Perkins said.

Kicil smiled, the bulky environmental suit made it difficult as she slowly removed one of the eggs, a segment, and to her amazement a small newly hatched tapeworm. "Okay, got an egg, a segment and a bonus, a freshly hatched tapeworm. Let's start analyzing these things folks."

Perkins looked at the readings and checked them against earlier reports.

“ Interesting. Toxicity levels are not that high. Could be an allergic reaction by the patient to the natural secretions of the tapeworm.” Perkins said

Kicil looked at the Toxicity levels and considered what Lieutenant Commander Perkins hypothesized, then she saw it "No this by product of the tapeworm's digestive enzymes is interacting with the digestive enzymes produced by Cadet Shyann MacGilloway, the two enzymes are not compatible and are creating an enzyme toxicity pattern that is carried into the blood stream."

The doctor was correct. The tapeworms digestive enzyme was the major cause of the Cadets ailment. As Sam looked at the readings from a medical point of view rather than science.

“ The inter phasing. That’s a worry. I would bet my hairy chin.This is the cause of the incompatibility.” Sam said

Kicil looked at the data one last time, then looked at the chamber and decided “Okay, bring Cadet Shyann Mcgilloway to the bay. Let’s see if we can safely remove this bugger. Anyone want to dissent?”

Sam looked over the readings and shook his head." I think this is one of those cases where its best to let the proper department handle this Doctor. So please go ahead and begin." Sam said.

"Very well" said Kicil. She hit her combadge =^=Nurse Wilcox, please suit up and move Cadet Shyann Mcgilloway into the surgical bay. =^= There was an immediate response =^=Understood, be there in five minutes.=^= Kicil looked at everyone, inperticuliar the science personnel "If you have issues with the sight of blood I would recommend leaving now. I do not want anyone passing out or vomiting in their EVA suits."

Sam was rather sad to see a few of his science team turn to leave .Especially as most of them where human. He would stay of course. Perkins was well used to the sight of blood. Even his own sometimes.

" We have the holding cell ready for the tapeworm. If we can get it out in one piece that would help. Plus if this happens again. We will have a heads up on treatment procedures." Perkins said

Kicil nodded her understanding, then remembering she was in a full EVA suit and some people may have not seen her nod, she replied “Affirmative.” her mind going through the steps of the procedure she was about to perform. “Okay here we go folks.” Kicil looked to make sure the surgical support frame was in place. “Nurse Wilcox please monitor the patient and administer drugs as necessary, Petty Officer Micha you’re on medical instruments. Commander Perkins you and the rest of your team stand by with the holding cell.” Kicil did not even wait for any confirmation of her orders, this was her domain, and she was positive everyone would follow their orders. “Exoscapel” she said holding out her left hand, instantly it was placed in her hand by Petty Officer Micha. The surgical site had been thoroughly cleaned and the patient was under sedation, with Nurse Wilcox monitoring the situation via the surgical support frame. Kicil began her incision carefully opening Cadet Mcgilloway’s abdomen and stomach. “Okay spreaders” again Micha was in there with the spreaders and Kicil opened the abdominal cavity and stomach. Inside was a blueish-purple squirming worm-like creature. “Forceps” Kicil snapped. Again, it was placed in her hand, Kicil looked at Micha, “Hold the spreaders while I catch this damn thing and surgically remove it.” Kicil then went in with the forceps catching the creature by the upper part of its attached body. As she was doing this the creatures lower body squirmed and wiggled then suddenly snapped forward sticking a stinger into the heavily gloved hand of Kicil’s EVA glove. She ignored this and began to slowly excise the creature from the stomach lining of Cadet Mcgilloway.

Sam stood back. There was not much he good do now. It was all up to Dr Priadden and her team.

“ Well it looks like you have this all in hand now Doctor. I think this is my que to exit left.” Perkins said


Lieutenant Kicil Priadden
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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