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Destination - Shore!

Posted on Friday January 13th, 2023 @ 9:37pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon & Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch
Edited on on Monday January 16th, 2023 @ 12:32pm

761 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: USS Poseidon; Bridge
Timeline: Beginning of "Shore Leave"


“We so need a vacation. It is time.” Hirsch shook his head, tired from this latest incident on the holodeck. Hirsch turned to Captain Johnson. “Sir, let me know when we are due for vacation time.” He smiled and was ready to start to take time off.

"I think you're onto something, Mr. Hirsch," remarked the Captain. "Ms. Graydon, what do you think?

Phoebe nodded thoughtfully. "I do believe some R&R would be useful to the crew, considering all that's been going on recently. Any suggestions?" She asked, looking around at the assembled crew.

"Captain, if I may," Micheal spoke up with his arm still around Ky'La's waist, "what about a nice holiday planet like Risa?" as he knew the type of place would help the crew unwind. even his wife could use it.

"Risa sounds like a great idea. Think of the sunsets at this time of the year." Hewitt stated at Michaels's comment. He heartily agreed.

" We could have our wedding on the beach," replied Micheal looking back at his wife-to-be, who still was shaken after her experience in that spooky house. but to him, it had been somewhat of a prank gone wrong and he intended to find out who did this.

"Risa sounds like a good idea. Not to far away, plenty to do for everyone involved, plus I know of just the spot for a bit of sunbathing, followed by a lovely meal. What do you reckon boss, feel like a few weeks sunning it up?" She asked, giving one of her gleaming smiles.

The Captain clapped his hands, smiling at those around him. "I like the idea of Risa. I think we can decide this. Number One, let's get these things situated."

"Well I have good news. I had already scoped out Risa as a destination before we got here, I had assumed we'd be looking at some shore leave at one point or another. Due to this I had already contacted Risa and they have kept some slots open for us in case anyone wishes to use accommodation on the shore. A lovely little hotel on the beach. I believe they may also have a function room available which may be suited to your needs Mr Stevens. Would you like me to lay in a course Captain?" Phoebe asked, holding out a PADD to him with all the details and specifications for their trip to Risa. It also included details of a nearby federation shipyard who had agreed to send some maintenance teams to assist in making sure the ship was in tip top condition.

The Captain examined the PADD briefly, before nodding to the Lt. Colonel. "Absolutely, Ms. Grayson. It's time for some rest and relaxation. I'm sure the Commodore will approve this after everything you all have been through."

Phoebe nodded, smiling slightly to herself. "Helm, set a course for Risa if you'd be so kind. Mr Stevens, if you'd be so kind as to send out a message to the crew advising them of our destination. Shore leave will be permitted for all crew members on a rolling basis, and we'll keep bare minimum crew onboard, just to make sure everyone has a chance for a break. Anything else you'd like to add on Captain?" She said.

"No, Number One, I think you did wonderful with what you said," the Captain said, smiling. He took his head in the Command Chair.

Calvin had pulled up his security report for the latest happenings on Risa. As with any vacation destination, even Federation ones had violence and stealing of possessions. With this information, there needed to be more to report. “Captain. Risa, currently, looks to be perfect, there are no concerns for crew safety, and all the latest reports of ships in the area have been pleasant.” Hirsch held his padd.

Phoebe nodded satisfied. "Well, I look forward to seeing you all on the surface." She said, looking towards the parting turbolift doors to see her relief arriving. "I will bid you gentleman goodnight." She said as she walked over to her relief to give them a hand over of the ships status.

The bridge hummed as the USS Poseidon came to life. With a report that the ship was on course, the Captain gave the order to engage. It was time for a vacation at Risa!



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Executive Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens
Chief Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Gavin Ross
Chief of Security
USS Poseidon


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