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Is This Seat Taken?

Posted on Thursday January 12th, 2023 @ 5:48pm by Lieutenant Miles O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden
Edited on on Friday February 3rd, 2023 @ 2:30pm

2,251 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Concluding Affairs
Location: USS Poseidon; Deck 6 - Crew Lounge
Timeline: Shortly before the start of "Shore Leave"


- Crew Lounge -

O'Connell was just off his shift and so he headed to the lounge to get a bite to eat and a cold beverage. He had just worked a double shift recalibrating the deuterium bilateral manifolds as well as the routine maintenance on the lateral sensor array power conduits. He arrived and found a table in the corner. As the server came over, he requested a Western Burger without onion straws or Jalapenos and then added a order of mac & cheese bites and finished his order with a mug of Cardassian Ale but it had to be only two degrees above freezing.

The server come back and delivered his order and O'Connell thanked him and took a swig of the frosty ale. He was a fan of Cardassian Ale and he did not care how it was originally made but the version the replicators made was good enough for him. He then sat quietly at his table and gazed out into the starfield outside the portal by his seat. He once had real Cardassian Ale as well as some authentic Cardassian food. However, the food was hard to obtain as while the replicators could make passable ale, the program could not make viable Cardassian food.

Kicil was lounging in a seat next to the view of the starfield as she looked over an article in Starfleet Medical on addictions. She was casually eating on toasted Cardassian lava bugs with cinnamon sprinkles, that Galoe had gotten her addicted to, and taking sips of her Cardassian Ale. She seen a figure approach and seat himself at the table next to the chair she was at, and overheard his order, she looked up as few people appreciated Cardassian Ale. She saw it was a human male, Lieutenant j.g. Miles O'Connell from Enginering if she recalled correctly. She decided to interduce herself and got up and stepped over to his table with her tray and PaDD, "May I sit with you?" she inquired.

Miles heard the doctor inquire if she could join him. He stood up and looked at her. "Well, I would be honored to have you join me." and he stepped over to pull out the other chair at his table. "I will warn you that I just finished a double shift so I may have a unpleasant aroma about me." Miles did have some soot from crawling around in the engine compartments. He was doing his best be a proper gentleman.

Kicil took the seat that Lieutenant O'Connell had pulled out. She laughed at his comment about his unpleasant aroma from working double shifts "Trust me the very first thing an individual who wishes to become a medical doctor learns is how to deal with 'unpleasant' smells." She set her tray and PaDD down "So you like Cardassian Ale, I couldn't help but overhear your order. What made you try a Cardassian beverage?"

"I can't get enough of Cardassian Ale. I discovered on a trip to Deep Space Nine. The funny Ferengi barkeep told me it would make ma a man and put hair on my chest. So I drank one and at first it was not the best ale I have had but he told me the taste would grow on me and after 2 bars of gold pressed latnum I was hooked on the taste and from there ai moved on to trying Cardassian foods." O'Connell replied. "But the food is only good to me if I get it authentic and not replicated. However, I bet you find it odd that a human would enjoy the taste of Cardassian Ale?"

"Somewhat, Cardassian foods and beverages have multiple layers of complexity and taste, hence the reason it probably took you so long to acquire the taste. I find that most humans do not have the patience or desire to sort through the layers of taste." she said in a pleasant voice. "Here, try one of these, I assure you that it is quite authentic and not replicated. Made by a very famous Cardassian chef." She slide the bowl of Cardassian lava bugs with cinnamon sprinkles towards hi, feeling entirely mischievous and playful.

"Wow, authentic lava bugs, I have only had them once before and could not get enough." Miles replied, "If these are not replicated, how long can you store these?' Miles then took one of the lava bugs and put the whole thing in his mouth and his face was full of content as she savored the flavor.

Kicil laughed, "Pretty much for as long as you like if you have access to a stasis field, which being a doctor I do. So, what do you think, I enjoy the twist of the cinnamon sprinkles. Eat as much as you like, I can always acquire more and Galoe passed on his recipe to me."

"I enjoy Cardassian food and can never get enough." Miles replied after he had swallowed his latest bite. "I am very glad you joined me. This has turned out to be by far the best part of my day. Nice company and nice snacks. I must admit that I also like Vulcan foods but most of their beverages are not to my liking. However, my parents were always doing research in and near Cardassian territory and worked undercover so they had a habit of bringing their work home with them most of the time so that is how I got in to eating Cardassian food. Once of age, I delved into the alcoholic beverages and was hooked."

"Well then I shall have to endeavor to make you a traditional Cardassian dish and serve some traditional Cardassian alcohol beverage, then serve you a traditional Vulcan dessert." said Kicil in a teasing manner.

Picking up a small bit of what he thought was a flirtation, Miles sort of smiled back. "Well, that sounds like a date I will be looking forward to. I really appreciate the offer. Not many people I know enjoy Cardassian entrees and I never expected to serve with a Cardassian so I must have hit the lucky grease in Engineering this afternoon."

Kicil laughed "Trust me it has not been easy. It took the backing of the Vulcan Science Academy and several high-ranking diplomats to even get me in to Starfleet Academy. Then I have had more than my fair prejudices to deal with. When I was doing my residence, many beings did not want me as their doctor. I have persevered through and made many friends along the way."

"Well, I for one am glad you have made it this far. Otherwise, I would never had the chance to get fresh lava beetles while on a starship." Miles replied. "Also I would not have such great company to enjoy my off-duty time with today. Vulcans are more compassionate then they get the credit for in my opinion." Miles then reached for one more lava beetle.

"Yes, Vulcans are 'master's' at hiding their emotions and claiming they only believe in Logic, but they do have emotions, there just well controlled for good reason." replied Kicil. "I know my adoptive parents care deeply for me and worry constantly because I chose to join Starfleet as a doctor, and I am Cardassian."

"I did not realize you were adopted by Vulcans." Miles replied. "I can not imagine what that would have been like. But the Vulcans I know and have worked with were all great parents and even great instructors in the ways of the universe. So you are just full of surprises and yet I find that very comforting as I do like certain surprises as long as it is not a surprise party or such."

"Yes, Vulcans are very 'LOGICAL' in their approach towards everything. They even arranged for a Cardassian ex-pat, Aisha S’lti, to help tutor me in Cardassian ways. My adoptive aunt, M’aya, also had a hand in my education and upbringing."

"Well, to be more open, I am actually Terran by dna, but I was raised in this universe. My parents were sent here to be sleeper agents and then had children as time moved on. I was born here so I am more human than true Terran. I have no memories of ever being in the Terran Universe. My foster family helped me get my education but never helped me with any nurturing or such." Miles stated. "I think we are getting along well due to our unique profiles. I also feel that could explain why I enjoy a whole variety of different tastes than most humans. I even like to eat Ferengi grub pie."

Kicil made a small face at the mention of Ferengi grub pie. "I have tried it but found it's taste underwhelming. Now Irinari Drunken Insects is a very delicious dish. Have you ever tried it?" she inquired. "So, what else are you into, besides unusual cuisine?"

"Well never had Irinari Drunken Insects but sounds intriguing." Miles replied and took a swig of his ale. "Let's see, what else am I into besides unusual cuisine. For starters I am into what was once called graphic novels and comic books. I like the genre of what was once referred to as superheroes. There was one called Green Lantern that made constructs of green light from a special ring that harnessed the power of his will. I also like spelunking and hiking. The lunar trails on the moon of Tanges XII are wonderful for night hiking and the lush, humid environment make the experience more enjoyable in the nude as the humidity is think and sticks to your clothes and really weigh you down. I also enjoy the beach and swimming. What about you?'

"Me, I love horticulture. In fact, I generally try and grow my own vegetables, fruits, and herbs. I am a 'Foodie' and enjoy gourmet cooking. I am a rockhound and also love archaeology. I'm a decent artist in oil painting and sketching. Finally, I enjoy orienteering?" replied Kicil.

"I like orienteering as well." O'Connell replied. "Not so much in to horticulture, as every plant I try to tend to seems to die a horrid death of dehydration or drowning. I was a model for several art classes when I was in the academy. It was liberating and I found it was a nice way to spend some free time as I always had someone to take back to my place afterwards so I was never alone, but I changed my ways and realized I needed to get more serious and make my life mean something. So I shifted my focus so now I am looking for a more stable future."

Kicil smiled "Please do tell what a 'more stable future' is, especially for Starfleet personnel?" She took a bite of her meal "This is why they train and have individuals like me. Medical has to fix the injuries by our adventures."

Miles swallowed his last bite and looked up at Kicil. "Well, a more stable future was how I looked at myself from where I was a carefree youth in the academy and not really thinking of the future. I decided to be more focused on my career and not having all the fun. Fun is allowable in limits but I was more of the academy party boy than a top student. I turned that around and rose up to make a name for myself and prove I could be in control of my path in life. I know 'stable' is not the best word to use, but I use is it for the purpose of helping me realize that going home with someone different ever night was not the best for my future and I become celibate and put my energies into being the best engineer and officer I can be. Does that make sense?"

Kicil smiled, "The trick is learning to have fun, but not letting it dominate your life. I myself enjoy having fun, but also have learned to be serious when I have to. Take for instance now, I am having a wonderful time, but also am on call."

"I know exactly what you mean. I once got so wrapped up in my work that I forgot to have fun. But now as the deputy chief engineer, I have been able to understand the division of work and fun. I want to say I am also having a great time with you now. I was curious if we could do this again sometime?" Miles replied.

Kicil smiled and replied "Of course, I too am enjoying this time." She finished her meal and looked at Lieutenant O'Connell, "You know where I work and live. Let me know what you would like to do next time."

"I will take you up on that." Miles stated as he looked at Kicil and then took a the last swig of his beverage.

"Please do" responded Kicil as she got up to leave, "Unfortunately duty calls. The Cadets always looking for a way to get out of work." She smiled and put her tray in the recycler and left.

Miles stood up with Kicil as it was how he was raised. "I understand and looks like I need to be getting back myself. Thank you for the companionship." Miles stated as he watched the attractive lieutenant depart for duty.


Lieutenant Kicil Priadden
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Miles O'Connell
Assistant Chief Engineer
USS Poseidon


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