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Posted on Tuesday January 17th, 2023 @ 3:48pm by Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch

382 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: USS Poseidon, Hallway E-116
Timeline: Current


Hirsch was asleep when he noticed a change and direction in Poseidon’s deck plating. The difference was a new course and speed. Hirsch rubbed at his eyes, leaning up from his bed. He checked his wrist chronometer, noting the time that the evening shift had just been enacted.
This was to be expected. The orders must have been sent through from Starfleet Command.

Getting up, Calvin was not tired. He threw on a pair of white tee-shirt and pair of khaki shorts. He decided to burn some energy.
Now jogging around Poseidon in the middle of the night, he noticed the small things, the little things. Like changes and upgrades throughout the older vessel. There were new carpet swatches in areas on the flooring where they were wearing out. Usually, along the cargo bay doors and holodeck frames, the carpeting needed to be changed due to high-traffic areas.

“Ensign.” Hirsch had motioned to the passerby.

“Nice time for a jog, isn’t it, sir?” The perky night shift officer was passing by. His perkiness was undoubtedly uplifted due to the change of course to that of Risa.

“Excellent time. You have a good shift.” Hirsch had passed by. He felt good when checking his heart rate and breathing and noticing the timing of his jog.

He was not able to sleep, and thus doing a run would help him become tired, gain back his sleep, and hopefully fall asleep without any more tossing and turning.

Turning the corner, there was a standard viewport. Hirsch stopped at the view. The stars were now in a warp stream. The various twinkles were streaming past Poseidon as the training vessel made its way to Risa.

He reached forward and upward to the left and the right as he worked out his core muscles, helping expend his blood flow into his body’s extremities.

“Wow…” Hirsch stopped at this time of night the quietness of the ship. The sounds of the engines passively working. Calvin was a Security officer, yet the space and outer planetary nebula were always a remarkable sight. If he had kept trying to sleep, Calvin would have missed one of the bright orange and green nebulas they had passed through.


Lt. Commander Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Science,
USS Poseidon


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