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A Promotion to Chief Flight Control Officer

Posted on Monday August 19th, 2019 @ 12:51pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim & Commodore Gregory Paladin

949 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: Forward Briefing Room, Deck 6, U.S.S. Poseidon
Timeline: Post-Meeting; Pre-Departure
Tags: Field Promotion, Pre-Departure

As the Senior Officers' meeting came to a close and the officers' began to depart, Franklin, Gregory, Phoebe and Kanaka congregated to speak privately amongst themselves for a few moments while the noise of the others departing passed and died down. Freya was the last to collect her things and make ready to leave, but as she did so the Chief Counsellor called after her.

"Lieutenant Freya, would you kindly remain here for a moment longer? There is something we need to discuss."

The Commodore and Franklin were silent as the Second Officer spoke up. Franklin shared a slight grin with Gregory, the older compatriot giving a nod as he remained quiet.

Freya had almost reached the door when she heard the Lieutenant Commander call out for her and turned. "Sir?", she asked, slightly confused.

Kana smiled, and beckoned her to come stand closer to her with a slight gesture of her hand. "Come. We must discuss the matter of your position on the ship."

"Ahm... of course?" Freya was even more confused now, and slightly worried. "What is it, sir?"

Kana had a warm expression in her eyes as her face became more composed, placing her hands behind her back and taking a confident stance as she planted her feet firmly. This was her first real act as Second Officer, after all, so she wanted to do it well.

"In the recent days leading up to our impending departure, it has become apparent to not just myself but also to the Commander, First Officer and Commodore that you are fully committed to performing in your role as acting Chief Flight Control Officer. You've taken on this integral role with full seriousness and with a commitment to fully understanding this ship's workings, even when it was not a part of your original brief when being assigned to the ship. You've demonstrated your ability to reason and think coherently, and those are the sorts of qualities needed in such a position."

After a moments pause, she continued. "As such, the Commanding Officer and I agreed that - on reflection - you are more than deserving of being the full Chief Flight Control Officer. Should you accept it, you will also be awarded the rank of Lieutenant to reflect your seniority. What say you?"

Freya was taken aback for a moment, but quickly composed herself. "I am honoured, sir," she said, looking at both Kanaka and the Commander to make sure they understood she was addressing both of them. "If you are certain that I am the right fit for the job," she added, this time looking directly at Commodore Paladin, "then I will be more than happy to take on this duty, sir."

The Commodore maintained a warm, and welcoming smile. The Commander as well, both of them giving a nod.

"As much as I would like to claim this for my honour," Gregory said, "This isn't my ship anymore. Commander?"

Franklin stood, standing behind the Second Officer as he placed his hands behind his back. "You are more than deserving for this, Freya. Also, we kinda need a dedicated helms officer, so there's that," he added chuckling.

Kana allowed herself to smile once again, though maintaining her official composure. "This will mean unfortunately that you will have to withdraw from your role as a Language Specialist, as the role of a chief officer requires you to be dedicated to your department. You will also be issued a new red uniform to reflect your new station."

Freya nodded, trying to hide her disdain. "Red uniform?", she thought to herself, "Not going to happen. Even if you stick me in an agoniser booth." Still, she forced herself to smile. "I understand, sir. Thank you." Something else occurred to her. "Will that also mean that I will be assigned new quarters?"

Kana noticed the very brief falter in Freya's expression at the mention of wearing a Red uniform. Making a mental note, she responded to the new senior officer's question with an affirmative nod. "Yes, you will be assigned your own personal quarters on Deck Four."

"I see," Freya said, slowly nodding. "Good thing I barely unpacked then." She suddenly started laughing. "Sydney is going to miss me, but she will cope, I am sure." She touched her hand at the Lieutenant Junior Grade pips on her collar. "That only leaves one thing to do, doesn't it?"

Kana stepped forward, and produced from her hand a rank pip which she had subtly obtained from the Commander whilst they were talking amongst themselves earlier. Using one hand to gently grab Freya's collar, she used the other to put in place her new pip, officially awarding her the rank of Lieutenant. She then stepped back and took the newest senior officer's hand in a firm handshake. "Congratulations, Lieutenant. You will do well, I'm sure of it."

Freya returned the handshake. "Thank you, Lieutenant Commander. I hope I will not disappoint. Is that all? I better go get my stuff ready, I suppose."

When she had been given the clear to leave, Freya turned towards the door. "If I had known I would get a promotion, I would have tidied up a bit," she thought to herself. "Still, better figure out how to get out of that red uniform they want to put me into."

"Lieutenant," Kana called after her once again. "Make sure you dress proper for when we depart. You're a senior officer now; we can't have you on the bridge looking like you've only woken up five minutes ago, can we?" She smirked, the tone of her voice still official but tinged with humour.


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Commander Canaan Serine on Wednesday August 21st, 2019 @ 5:08am

Congratulations, Lieutenant!!