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Posted on Tuesday August 16th, 2022 @ 1:56pm by Commander Sam Perkins & Cadet Senior Grade Cody Matthews

511 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Corridor



Sam had been stopped by a couple of cadets. They had asked him some questions about a recent lecture. He had given in class about the dangers of taking a lifeform out of its environment.

“ But sir.” One began.

“ Don’t call me sir.” Perkins said

“Your basing the argument on one incident.” They replied.

“ On his homeworld Norman would not of attempted. What he did to Lazarus. Because the plant has been taken away from his environment. His system is now no longer adapted for life there.” Perkins replied

“ Yes but this is just one incident. Take the Earth vegetable asparagus. If it had not been taken off Earth and grown on Betazed. The species would of died out due to the bio virus that ravage the asparagus crops on Earth.”Said one Cadet.

“ True. But when it was returned Earth it was a lot more sour then before and inedible. Unless heavily mixed with spices. As I said in my lecture. Look at the tribbles now that is a typical example of what I said in my lecture.” Perkins said.

The conversation carried ended an hour later in a draw. As they walked away Perkins rubbed his forehead. He could feel a headache coming on.

oO Now I know why some creatures eat their young.Oo He thought. Sam needed a good mug of something hot.

He began to walk along. His temples were throbbing the headache was approaching without clearance. Perkins stopped to rub his temples.

Cody was leaving his quarters, en route to his duty shift in Sickbay when he saw a man he didn't recognize rubbing his head. Not one to normally approach people, but knowing it was something he had to work on, he approached the man slowly. Clearing his throat, he said "Excuse me, um Commander, are you alright? You seem to not look well. Do you require medical help?"

Sam looked up.

“Hello. Oh it’s nothing a good old cup of strong sweet tea would not cure. You must be one of our new crew members. Sam Perkins. I should know your name…..Cody?” Perkins asked

Nodding nervously, Cody replied "Yes Commander. Cadet Senior Grade Cody Matthews." He knew he didn't need to be nervous, but couldn't help himself. Perkins seemed friendly enough, but he was still someone in authority over him...

Perkins could see the Cadet looked nervous.

“ Tell you what. Why don’t we go to the mess. We can get something to drink and have a chat if you like.” Sam said

They began to move off when a Cadet ran up to Sam. Their hair was standing on edge and the Cadets clothes where ripped.

“ Commander! You must come to the lab. It’s out of control again.” The Cadet cried.

“ Norman! Sorry Cody this will have to wait. I have a naughty plant to deal with. We’ll meet up another time.” Sam said


Cadet Senior Grade Cody Matthews
Counselor's Aide/Nurses Aide
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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