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Wedding plans

Posted on Friday August 19th, 2022 @ 5:44am by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn & Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens

1,285 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: USS Poseidon; Bridge, Captains Ready Room
Timeline: During the stay at Starbase 129; Before Cardassian Refugees
Tags: Marriage, Michael, Ky'La


Michael had spoken to Poseidon's XO about his upcoming nuptials to Ky'la and wanted to ask Captain Johnson if he would perform the Ceremony as he felt rather nervous about doing this, he heard the voice of Ky'La in his mind calming him down, and he stood outside the Captain's Ready room and tugged at his uniform and pressed the door chime.

"Enter!" invited Franklin.

The Captain had been in the middle of looking over weekly reports from all departments. He was particularly interested in what level of consumption in terms of supplies each department had reported. So far, despite the increase in Cadets on the ship, the resource and supply management of each department appeared to be in the green. He gave the Engineering Department report a signature of approval before turning off his rotating display, gazing up from his desk to the door and looking to see who entered.

As Micheal entered the Captain's Ready Room, He said "Sir, I need to speak with you about a Personal Issue " as he carried his monthly stock report on a Datapad. He continued "and also a request for Married Quarters,"

The Captain, taken aback, momentarily halted his rise to take Michael's datapad before resuming. The brief shock turned to a smirking smile. He gave a nod as he began to review the datapad, though his primary attention was on Michael.

"A quarters for a married couple?" Franklin slyly asked, raising an eyebrow. "I knew you were the go-getter, Mr Stevens, but not even I could imagine this level of commitment so soon! You have my earnest congratulations."

A slight chuckle, then finishing reviewing the datapad - and seeing nothing out of order - he gave his signature on the pad before handing it back to Michael. Usually, he'd keep them and redistribute them once he was done, but since Michael had come with him and was available, it made sense to return them.

"Now about that personal issue," Franklin remarked, growing serious. He crossed his arms after straightening his uniform. "What's the matter, Mr Stevens?"

"Ky'La and I would like to ask you to Officiate our Nuptials," replied Micheal looking back at the Captain," It would please us both Sir if you did," he stated as he knew Ky'La knew what was going on as he had sent a thought to her ~we have our Married quarters Imzadi~

~I sensed that~ she thought back....then realised Michael was not Betazoid. Hurrying to the captain's ready room, she hit the door chime quickly and waited to be admitted.

Surprised by the chime, Franklin looked to the door. "Enter!" he invited, looking back to Michael. "I presume this is Ky'La?" he asked unnecessarily as the door would open and the captain adjusted his uniform.

"Yes Sir, she is the Chief Flight Officer," replied Micheal as he could feel her in his mind, as he now waited for his Imzadi to Enter the room, as he to straightened his uniform.

The Captain chuckles at Michaels's remark. "I knew who she was, I was... never mind."

He brushed away the attempt at social humour with a smile, standing beside Michael and prepared to officiate and seal the marriage between the two. It brought him great pride to know that two of his most trusted crew members had found solace in one another. That he would help seal that bond was another private source of pride.

Ky'la quickly entered and stood next to Michael.. "Sorry Imzadi, I forgot you might be unable to hear me in your mind," she said giggling. Looking at the captain, "Yes sir we would like you to perform the marriage ceremony," she added smiling now. Nervous yes, scared? No, happy definitely...ready to spend the rest of her life with Michael? That was a no-contest answer in her book. She was willing to give up her life for him.

Franklin looked between the two and could only smile. Both, in terms of service on board the ship, we're relatively new compared to most senior and junior officers. That didn't hide the fact that both Michael and Ky'La had quickly become irreplaceable parts of the ship's inner and outer workings. Their experience helped Poseidon through multiple situations, from benign to outright dangerous. The Captain expressed his appreciation in the smile he displayed; genuine and full. happiness.

"It would be my honour," Franklin replied.

What other reply was there? None. This was the happiest moment of their lives and his. As a Captain, seeing those you serve with and fight alongside grow and mature was the most rewarding experience one could be honoured by. It humbled the Captain and, in this particular situation, made him shed a small almost unseeable tear of pride.

"Thank you, sir. You have no idea how much this means to me," Ky'La said smiling widely. Moving quickly, in excitement, Ky'La hugged and kissed the captain on the cheek. "Thank you so much sir!" she said.

Taken aback by the polite kiss, the Captain could only blink in surprise as his arms instinctively wrapped around Ky'La in return for her hug. When she concluded her impromptu display of appreciation, the Captain adjusted his uniform and gave a smile.

"Yes, well," Franklin said as he cleared his throat in slight embarrassment. "I am very happy for you. For the both of you. When do you plan this event to take place?"

Ky'La looked at Michael, then back to the captain....."As soon as possible I guess," she said unsure of what Michael had planned.

"And Sir can 2 seats on the front row be left Vacant in memory of my folks," asked Michael looking back at the Captain as he wanted to Honour his folks.

"Alright, I think we can work something out very soon, but honestly you don't need my permission to organize it," the Captain said. "Unless you have a very special part of the ship you'd like to utilize other than the typical crew areas, you both decide what and when you'd like to conduct your wedding. I'm just, as of this moment, the man who will help tie the knot metaphorically. But if it helps, I completely agree and will work with whatever you'd like to do."

He then thought a moment, then asked, "Is there a particular part of the ship you'd like to use for this wedding?"

Looking at the captain then at Michael, she then made the decision. "Cargo bay 1, we can decorate it to look like the ceremonial hall on Betazed. We can use the replicators to help in building it," De'Lenn said almost in a whisper.

"If that's ok with you Sir," replied Micheal as he knew that the Captain would let them, but he had to make sure, as he also knew that whatever his Imzadi wanted she got as it was her special day.

"Absolutely! That sounds fantastic. I'll have it arranged," the Captain agrees and promised with a smile.

"Thank you, Sir," replied Micheal as he now knew that Ky'La now was going to be busy setting up the hall and he was going to be busy moving into the Married quarters, he looked at his Imzadi, he said, "well, Imzadi, we need to start preparing the hall,"

" Yes Love that we do," replied Ky'la, continued "and thank you again Sir for doing Our Nuptials," as she knew that her day was going to be a happy one.

"No problem at all," smiled Franklin as he watched the two exit. He seemed rather happy for them.



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Micheal Stevens
Chief Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Cmdr. Ky'La De'Lenn
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Poseidon


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