Cadet Senior Grade Cody Matthews

Name Cody William Matthews

Position Nurse

Second Position Counselor's Aide

Rank Cadet Senior Grade


  • 4 Mission Posts

Last Post

Monday April 24th, 2023 @ 11:57pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 21

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft 5
Weight 175lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Average build, not super muscular but in shape.


Father Edward Matthews
Mother Beatrice Matthews
Other Family various "aunts" and "uncles" which may or may not be blood relatives, but were called family members due to the tight knit community.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Cody is a generally easygoing guy, and tries to be very friendly with everyone. He is committed to being the model officer, and to be get along with everyone. He has found at times that his drive to be "perfect" has lead to some uncomfortable situations. He has a fairly pronouced Terran British accent, due to his family history, but its hard to place exactly what part of the country it would normally be from.
Strengths & Weaknesses Focused, quick learner, energetic and always willing to help. Open to meeting new people and finding common ground

Dealing with his emerging sexuality and trauma from his past, has lead him to have issues with anxiety and depression which he covers by being a model officer.
Ambitions To eventually be a Chief Medical Officer or Chief Counselor.
To find a man he can spend the rest of his life with.
Hobbies & Interests reading, hanging out with friends, enjoying holonovels, hiking

Personal History Cody was born on the small colony world of New Somerset, on a planetoid in the Beta Quadrant. He was brought up in what could be called an 'anti-tech' lifestyle, in an almost Terran Amish tradition. The colony was made up of people who wanted life to return to the ancient ways, where life was simple, and things made sense. It was regulated very strongly with rules and expectations, which one was scared to go against. They used technology sparingly, mainly to communicate with potential trading partners, and some of heavy farming duties. They only interacted with outsiders at the spaceport/trading hub when needed, and only for short periods of time.

As a child, Cody was quiet and studious, normally found in the church library reading every paper book it had, sometimes twice. He was insaitably curious about the world, and wasn't a huge fan of being rough and tumble with the other boys. He had a strong interest in working with his mother, Beatrice, in the clinic where she was a healer, but was told it was 'woman's work' and was sent to work with his father on the family farm after school.

After doing well in school, he started going to the spaceport with his father more often, to help unload the truck and load it back up with supplies they traded for. While there, he began seeing people and species that were outside of his limited view of life. He was always careful not to spend too much time staring at everything, having been beaten by his father for being lazy and too curious. These trips added to his sense that he didn't fit in to his community, but he couldn't put his finger on what the feelings he was experiencing actually were.

After turning 17, which in the colony was considered adulthood, he was told very firmly that he was to be married to Louisa Johnson, the daughter of one his father's friends who owned a dairy farm. Apparently they had been betrothed to each other as children, but had never met, except for casually at school. He was to learn the ways of the dairy farm, and eventually take it over. He protested, but was told it was already decided, and that it was a simple business decision, and to keep his mouth shut. Furious, and confused, he argued with is father, tearfully telling him he didn't want to marry her.

He was given a beating after the Johnsons had left that evening. He was told to know his place, and to be a man, and not a sissy. Not knowing what gave him the confidence, he yelled back at his father telling him that what if he was a sissy, or gay as it was normally called? He could be whoever he wanted to be, and there was a big universe out there that would accept him. The relevation resulted in a further beating, and being given an hour to pack his bags, and leave the house. He was told never to return, and that he'd be banished from the community.

Over the next day or so, he tried to find some place to stay, but was turned away at every turn. Knowing if he remained in the colony he'd eventually be violently removed by the elders, he made his way to the spaceport. After approaching various captains, he was given passage on a supply ship eventually returning to Earth, and was told to earn his keep as a medic.

Eventually, after about 6 months, they arrived at Earth for a "stop and drop" delivery. Cody took his leave, and got work in a small clinic in San Francisco as an orderly for a few months. Over time, he learned more about the nearby Starfleet Headquarters and Academy. Eager to learn how to be a healer, and to help people, he applied, and after a challenging intake process, was accepted.

After a few years, he was in his 4th year, and was given the chance to do the final year onboard a training vessel. He'd specialized in both medicine and counseling, not knowing what he wanted to do more. Soon, he was assigned to the USS Poseidon, and was shipped out to rendezvous with them.
Service Record *Standard elementary school and secondary school on New Somerset Colony

* 4th year Cadet at Starfleet Academy- Earth. Specailizing in Medicine and Counseling

*Nurse/Counselor's Aide-USS Poseidon-Cadet Senior Grade