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Security Meeting - Cultural Division

Posted on Sunday March 20th, 2022 @ 10:20pm by Lieutenant Nicholas Coleman & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Lieutenant Serran

1,259 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Deck 07, Security Offices
Timeline: Current


"Lieutenant Serran. Lieutenant Coleman. Please, come with me." Calvin met both Cultural Division Officers in the Security Offices, located on deck seven.

He was greeting the Officers at the entrance to the offices, a hallway, and various rooms. Entering a boardroom, Calvin gestured. "Have a seat. Would anyone care for water at this time?” He offered.

Coleman looked up at the security officer and just waved his hand. "No, thank you though. I had a thing of Klingon Coffee before coming onto duty this morning, so I'm all set for a little bit," Coleman said, offering up a small smile at the gesture of one of his fellow officers.

"I find myself a bit thirsty and will take you up on your offer. Water will be fine Chilled if it's not too much trouble. Specifically, 2.5 degrees.

Hirsch had returned with the glass of water as per requested to the specifications Serran had requested. "Your water Serran." Calvin set it down.

“The Security Department is interested in what your operations actions will be onboard as a cultural department. I ask this in sincere curiosity.” Hirsch tapped some LCARs on the padd that was in front of him, his forehead creased in thought. “Alright. Lieutenant Serran, Coleman.” Hirsch then finished, setting aside his padd and addressed. “I have asked you here; a review is in order." Hirsch held a semi non-plussed gaze at the Cultural Division officers as he clasped his large hands uninformed on the conference table.

Hirsch returned with his mug of silver coffee, his usual double cream, double artificial sweetener. "Any questions before I begin my questions?" Cal was busy accessing the Main Security Computer and updating synchronized coding with passwords and clearances for the two gentlemen.

Serran wondered what the precise reason was for him and his fellow department head, being summoned, but he assumed that that would come to light shortly. He raised a brow, and shook his head, but for the moment didn't say anything.

"I think that I'm good at the moment. I just want to make sure that all goes well and we can answer all of your questions for you, sir," Coleman said with a smile on his face as big as his personality. He was a bit nervous because security officers always intimidated him for whatever reason. He just wanted to make a good impression on fellow officers though and knew that he could count on Calvin in a pinch.

Coleman looked down at his hands and back up at his fellow officers before asking, "If you don't mind me asking, what can we do for the security chief?"

Hirsch handed Serran and Coleman each a padd with unique identifiers and access codes. His face as serious as ever, Hirsch imparting the seriousness of Security onboard the Poseidon. “Gentleman. These pads are essential. Each officer on board has their own in a place of the safe keep. Do not share your access codes with anyone.”

“Onboard the USS Poseidon,” Hirsch clasped his hands together, elbows on the desk, “we expect professionalism. You are not only representing the Federation but act as role models to the cadet program we have here on board. Security codes are your pass to daily Poseidon department changes, rules, and laws onboard. While onboard, you will have Rights and Privileges afforded you under the Federation Charter. You will see that your access is appropriate to the level of your service involvement requires on board.” Hirsch paused. Taking a drink from his silver mug of coffee watched them and swallowed. “Questions?”

Coleman looked over the PADD in front of him, he looked back at the security chief and asked, "Sir, since we 're technically classified as Cultural Officer and Academy Training Officers, what kind of security codes will we have onboard the Poseidon?" Coleman asked, curious because he knew there was a lot that could change at any given moment onboard a starship, especially for cadets. He wanted to make sure that, in case of an emergency, he wasn't bogged down by any security protocols, especially for the cadet's sake.

“Good question.” Hirsch continued. “Coleman, Your code. Your access is on a consistently changing security sequence, encrypting your data into your records, your onboard actions command to the computers. All of this is permanently embedded into the mainframe security systems.

“If you’re asking. Do I need to remember my security access codes? Of course, you do. This is Starfleet. Memorization is key to power, systems, and hardware failures onboard. Remember Lieutenants. Manual input is all you have in some emergencies. Voice input, any identifier used onboard the USS Poseidon has the latest encryption protocols and updates of Starfleet on a bi-daily download via subspace relays from command.”

“Your cadets will rely on you to know your access codes. Under no circumstance are you to share your codes with the cadets. I am aware the Cadets themselves have a series of codes that you will be assigning them under your program. Is this correct, Lieutenants?” Hirsch, interested, cocked his head.

Still later eyed focused on the reply. “I oversee these codes. I’m joking. Don’t worry. It’s all good.” Hirsch then relaxed a moment. He is completely resting his posture… A moment, after seeing the Lieutenants relax. He then straightened up tall and quieted with a loud throat grunt. “Take it seriously, Gentleman. I am certain you would, or the Captain and Commander would not have had you on the ship.”

Serran had not exactly relaxed, he hadn't been worried, to begin with. He hadn't known that the Security Chief had been joking, most security personnel that he knew were serious in their outlook. He had just assumed that there would be one more duty added to his ever growing list.

"Of course we will take it seriously, as you said, we are Starfleet officers. What else did you want to discuss?"

"Gentleman." Calvin nodded understandingly. There was no large to do about a security meeting, shrouded in mystery. No, not like that. Maybe with Intel, but not in Security. "You have all the necessary compendium to onboard security protocols, guides, codes... Yeah, that was the main one." Hirsch had gestured with his fingers at the padds they now both had. "You probably should read them."

Coleman smirked and said, "Already have, sir. When you have a long trip like I had coming from my last posting, you have a bit of time to do some reading and I think I've managed to read the entire manual for the ship. As long as we have our access codes and they work, we can handle the rest."

"I appreciate your time gentleman." Calvin then stood up from the conference chair at the table, gathering his attaché and coffee, other padds.

"If you need anything from us, just let us know," Coleman said as he stood up and shook the Security Chief's hand before heading to the exit.

Serran had brought just one PAAD. He hadn't been sure if he would need to take notes or not. While he had listened carefully to everything that had transpired during the meeting, he hadn't seen the need to input the information into the device. Instead, he had committed it to memory

Shaking hands came easier to Serran than most Vulcans, nevertheless, he hesitated slightly before following Coleman's example grasping the other's hand and shaking it.


Lieutenant Serran
Chief Cultural Officer
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Nicholas Coleman
Assistant Chief Cultural Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Calvin Hirsch
Security Chief
USS Poseidon


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