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A Matter of Survival Part One

Posted on Sunday March 20th, 2022 @ 1:39pm by Lieutenant Serran

669 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: USS Relevant
Timeline: Six-months ago(a flashback)

Serran’s breath was deep and rhythmic He wasn’t asleep, he was meditating. Meditating prevented him from having dreams that were too intense and out there. Plus, when he meditated it made it easier to keep his emotions, for the most part, under lock and key. So, when his com badge buzzed, he ignored it. At first. But, then it kept on buzzing. Finally, he had no choice. He had to answer.

“Serran her,” he spoke still seated, hoping that whatever the interruption was, it would not take long.

“Serran,” came the XO’s familiar voice, “the Captian wants to see you, in his room. On the double, please.”

Serran sighed, not very Vulcan like he knew, but he couldn’t help himself. “I'm on my way,” he replied glancing at the chronometer on his nightstand.. 23:52. He pushed irritation, allowing curiosity to float to the top. It had to be important to be called at such a late hour and the fact it wasn’t on the bridge or the ready room, made the invitation all the more intriguing.

He debated changing out of his robe into a uniform and decided against it. Wearing a uniform to an informal, and he assumed the clandestine meeting would draw the wrong kind of attention. The Senior Officer’s quarters were all on one deck, and while Serran might have been the most junior of those officers, he was still an assistant department head. So, the walk was a short one.

Just as he was about to press the chime, he heard Captain Mitchell’s voice. “Come Serran,”

So, he entered the room. His eyes grew wide and his brow rose to his hairline, as he saw who was in the room?’”

“Amanda?’ he asked before quickly correcting “Captian Edwards?”

Then regaining a measure of his Vulcan neutrality, he continued. “It is agreeable to see you.”

It had been years since he’d seen her. She has been his first Captain, albeit for three months on his Senior Cadet Cruise. He knew her well enough to know what her reaction should have been. A smirk, a smartass reply that sounded biting but really wasn’t. But, she gave him none of that. Her expression was grim, no smile, not a hint of humor.

His eyes cut between his current Captian and his former one. “Obviously, this isn’t a social call, You could have used subspace for that. Or announced your visit. May I inquire why you are here?”

Amanda’s expression didn’t change. “I got a call from Admiral Winters. It’s Logan, he’s gone missing. On a mission.”

Serran absorbed the words. It was the Winter’s family he had stayed with back when he was a teenager and Logan had been, was, his best friend. Their relationship was completely platonic. Logan had a well-deserved reputation as a lady's man and even back when they had first met he was juggling dating two girls, one a cheerleader, the other a soccer player.

But they had been through so much together and despite their many differences, were closer than brothers.

“I am sorry to hear that, I truly am. And I appreciate your coming here to tell me in person, but there is not much I can do. Except for display that human emotion called worry.”

“Actually there is,” Captain Mitchell interrupted, “You’re being reassigned. Just on a temporary basis. The Seraphina has been assigned to retrieve him if they can. And given your history together and the fact you’ve mind-melded with him, Command, and Amanda think you could be helpful. Of course, it’s voluntary. You don’t have to go.”

Everyone in the room knew there was no choice, Serran was not the kind of person to turn his back on a friend. He wasn’t a spy and wasn’t sure exactly how his skills would be used, but without hesitation, he stood to his feet. “I’ll go pack.”




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