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(BACKPOST) "Love At First Sight"

Posted on Wednesday March 30th, 2022 @ 7:31am by Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn
Edited on on Wednesday March 30th, 2022 @ 9:33am

1,588 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Corridor B Deck 6/Michael's Quarter's


Ky'la was walking towards the gym peacefully humming a tune she learned as a little girl. It was one that her grandmother taught her back home. Of course, and as usual, she wasn't paying attention to where she was going. Lt. Stevens was walking in the same corridor, but going in the opposite direction. Now whether he was looking where he was walking or not was important. What was important was there was about to be a collision of tremendous proportion.

Ky'la came around the bend, Lt. Stevens came around the bend from the opposite direction...... 'Bump...Ooof....Aaah...Damn!!' They collided in a heap on the deck.

As Micheal fell backwards and landed on the floor, he said "Hey, watch where you are going will you?" as he rose up from the deck; as he still was not happy with the state of things that had been going what with the Captain being targeted for some reason and then the ships sensors and now someone bumping into him, today was not a good day.

Getting up, Ky'La looked at the Lieutenant, "Excuse me? Lieutenant.....Stevens is it? It seems we collided by accident," she said looking dead at Stevens.

"I'm sorry Commander, I was preoccupied with my thoughts on what is going on at the moment," replied Micheal as he looked at the brown-haired female officer who he thought was attractive, He thought to himself oO Oh wow, she could take my mind off things Oo as she was a bright light in this darkness.

A smile crossed her face as she saw the eyes of the Lieutenant literally light up in wonder. "Well, Mr Stevens what department are you in? I don't usually get away from the helm often or go walkabout on the ship," said Ky'La wondering.

"I'm the Chief Operations "replied Michael looking back at the officer in front of him as he thought to himself oO how I could Operate on you, Oo as it had not been long since leaving sickbay and being put on weeks R&R whilst his hearing cleared up. he asked, "and what do you do when you are off duty, Maybe I can help you with it?"

"I like to hike and to do this I have to work out on the wall as I also like climbing. I could use a hand on the Bungie line to make sure I don't break my silly neck, if you don't mind," Ky'la said chuckling.

Micheal smiled as he quipped "You know what I'd like to do?" as he was getting rather excited by the prospect of being with her "Climbing you," he finished as he hoped that she hadn't taken offence to what he had just said to her.

"Oh? Really? Well then I must put you down on my list of things to do, Michael," Ky'la said giggling and placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Oh please do," replied Micheal looking back at her as he knew that by making her feel wanted and by putting her at ease, he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, finished "you are so cute and sexy,"

Ky'La made no attempt to pull away from the kiss only she let it happen. From what she could sense was a sort of Don Juan type of guy who was very interested in just more than say a social sense......but something she was accustomed to. "Well sir, Michael, I will accept your invitation to dinner. We will see how that goes and take it from there," she said returning the kiss on his cheek.

"If the lady would care to join me," he said offering his arm to her as he continued "and what would the Ladylike to eat for dinner?" as he waited for her to take his arm.

Taking his arm, Ky'La smiled, "Why thank you Mr Stevens. I would like a juicy steak with baked potato and veggies. Desert would depend on how dinner went," she stated. By now she was flattered by how straightforward he was. It was a quality that she wanted in a man and possibly the one she could call her Imzadi.

"And we are going to eat where Michael?" Ky'La asked sarcastically. She had an idea but needed to hear it.

"My quarters of course," replied Micheal giving her a smile looking back at Ky'La he continued " as we are going to have some fun," as he kissed her cheek. he finished," you do know that I have fallen for you,"

Flattered was not the word. To say the least, the feeling was mutual but she would not tell him outright that she too had been smitten with feelings for him in the most profound way "Who would have guessed that?" Ky'La said sarcastically.

Once they had entered his quarters, Ky'La spun him around and kissed him dead on the lips allowing just a small amount of passion to come to the surface, "Imzadi" was the only word she whispered through the kiss.

Micheal took the kiss deeply as he broke it he said," So, forget dinner go straight to dessert then?" as he smiled back at her, he finished " and if I remember my translations that means beloved one," as he kissed her again. has he broke the kiss, he asked, " so how do we bond?"

Ky'La looked him in the eyes, "The bond is a serious commitment. It means that we declare to each other that we are Imzadi for life and become bonded until we get married.

"I understand that Hon," replied Micheal looking back at her as he asked the question "So how do we do the bonding?" as he was curious, to say the least "and when I make an oath I keep it." he looked at her and kissed her again. upon breaking the kiss he said, "I herby Commit myself to you here and now."

"Wait Michael, it has to be done a certain way.," Ky'La said walking to the replicator. She ordered 5 candles, two white, two red, and then ordered a very specific gold candle that was two beautiful birds, a symbol of love. Placing the candles around the birds, she knelt down in front of the birds. Looking at Michael, " Come, kneel here in front of the birds facing me. You have to repeat after me....*taking his hands* Michael, I, Ky'La De'Lenn, declare that I commit myself, mind, body, and soul to you for all the days I breathe air. You are my beloved Imzadi and I freely give my love to only you."

Whilst still holding her hands, Micheal responded "Ky'La, I Micheal Stevens, Declare that I commit myself, Mind body and soul to you all the days I breathe air. You are my beloved Imzadi and I freely give my love only to you." as he knew that he spirits of his folks were watching this oath and were happy for him that he now had someone to back him up.

Kissing him deeply, Ky'La was glowing all over. They were bonded for life and Stevens was a glorious strong man, quick whit and all hers now and forever. Desert would wait! She was hungry and needed fuel cause the night would be a long night !!

Micheal broke the kiss he asked her "so, when do we tell your folks?" as he needed to tell her about his folks and what happened to them with their shuttle accident, now here he was asking about his new in-laws looking at his new wife to be.

"Soon as we dock my beloved, just as soon as we dock," Ky'La said. Walking back to the table for the lovely meal that was laid out. "We must eat for the night will be very long for us Imzadi," she added.

"Oh," replied Micheal as he knew what was to come and was being sarcastic with his bride to be, Micheal took his seat and asked Ky'La "So, when are you moving in?" as he opened the bottle of wine.

"Is tomorrow too soon my beloved?" Ky'La asked sipping the delicious wine. Eating the wonderful food that he had prepared, Ky'La actually enjoyed the idea of moving in with him. They would be a couple bonded by vows and married soon after that. "Desert is going to be equally pleasurable," she said coyly.

"That's fine with me, but don't we have to clear it with the Captain as you are a higher rank than me?" replied Micheal looking back at his Imzadi, as he knew that it had to be done by the book.

"You are absolutely right and quite possibly moving to my larger quarters. We can ask him tomorrow," knowing that soon they would be eating dessert together.

"Yes that we will Imzadi" replied Micheal as he was getting used to calling Ky'La that, he continued, "so, are you ready for Dessert?" as he could not wait to get her in his arms and spend the first night with her.

Getting up, Ky'La wrapped her arms around Michael and kissed him deeply. "Desert is being served", she whispered into his ear.

"Ohh, I am going to enjoy this dessert," as he scooped her up in his arms and started to make his way to the bedroom, he knew that there will be ups and downs, but tonight was the start of living with Ky'La.


Lieutenant Micheal Stevens
Chief Operations
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn
Chief flight Officer
USS Poseidon


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