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A Meeting in the Gym

Posted on Thursday April 28th, 2022 @ 5:35pm by Lieutenant Lazarus Kord & Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn & Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Serran

2,450 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: USS Poseidon; Deck 4, Gymnasium - Upper Level
Timeline: 2395; A few months after the events at the Betreka Nebula
Tags: 2395


It was very difficult for a Gorn to find suitable exercise equipment that was capable of challenging their natural physique. A few months back, Lazarus had made a request of a supply officer for the upper level of the ships gymnasium. He had asked if there was any way to have more suitable exercise equipment installed that permitted greater weight challenges. Thankfully, following a short port of call visit recently, that request had been granted. Ever since they had left dock, Lazarus had been religiously visiting the upper level to exercise his muscles.

The weights clanged loudly as he worked then. Currently, there was around 800 pounds on the machine as he worked his arm and chest muscles. He was using a machine that permitted him to push forward, lifting the weight bars, and exercising key core muscles in his chest and arms. The holodecks could easily provide a simulation of this, but it was the thrill of being tested in the real world that made the efforts worth it. The Gorn, whilst truly standing out among his peers in appearance, was at home with his fellow crewmen around him as they equally worked their routines.

It was a positive way to work off stress as well, for Lazarus in particular. The events at the Betreka Nebula had tested every person on board the Poseidon. There had been a lot learned and a lot lost. Valuable procedures had to be time-tested and qualified continuously, and the engineering crew, in particular, had much of that demand placed on them. Lazarus had found that working out as he did helped with the stresses of his responsibility, helped kept him focused and centered, and helped managed his anger towards the situations mostly out of his control.

He finished his repetitions, moving on next to one of the areas with a large punching bag near a workout mat. He began to begin his repetitions of punches and lunges in earnest, eyes focused both in and around him as he made note of a Betazoid - probably Ky'La by the looks - and one of the new Vulcan crew members who had arrived recently. He managed a wave to the arrivals before going back to his exercise.

Serran enjoyed working out. He did only a small amount of weightlifting, more to stay toned than to add bulk., mostly he did isometrics and some cardio.

But he hadn't come to the gym to do any of those things. He came to dos some Thai Chi. He wasn't surprised to see a Gorn as he entered or more accurately, he didn't let his surprise show. He was focused on the kata, of doing it perfectly.

He saw the Gorn raise a hand in acknowledgment and raised of his own in return.

Lazarus gave a nod to Serran in further acknowledgment. He resumes his repetitions, now sitting on a bench and lifting a few dumbbells.

If the Vulcan had been competitive, he might have challenged the Gorn to a contest. After all, he was stronger than the average human. A good bit stronger. But he wasn't stronger than a Gorn, which meant he would probably have lost such a contest. But of course, he wasn't competitive. Especially when he was sure he wouldn't have won.

So, he did what he did best, talk. Walking over to Lazarus, he introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Serran. If it is not obvious, I am new here. I don't see too many of your species in the Federation."

Lazarus nodded his head towards the Vulcan. Times truly where changing if folks were introducing themselves so readily. He gave a chuckle at the comment about his species, then shrugged.

"I'm not exactly from here to begin with, but you're correct," the Gorn replied. "I'm Lieutenant Lazarus Lord, engineering Officer. I work closely with the Chief Engineer to keep this old ship running."

After looking in the mirror Perkins decided he needed to lose some weight. It did not do if the Science department head ripped his trousers when bending down. In the middle of a class or worse in front of Captain Johnson. Perkins was not sure if his commanding officer was not cross with him still. Over the incident in the lab. Where two cadets thought it would be funny To pretend the lab computer had been taken over. By an alien force bent on killing everyone. The ship had been put on yellow alert. Once the prank had been revealed as just that. Perkins got some very stern looks.

So making sure he kept his head down. Sam slowly entered the gymnasium. He saw there were other people there. Slowly Perkins tip tied into a quiet corner.

But this was ruined when the treadmill he stood on. Started up without warning and threw him into a whimpering heap on the floor.

Serran pivoted away from the Gorn in front of him to see what the noise was all about.

Having little chance to comment upon hearing the noise, Lazarus noticed Sam. He seemed injured. He glimpsed at Serran briefly and excused himself.

Ky'La walked into the gym just in time to witness Perkins's treadmill accident. She could not help stifle a small giggle to see Sam in a heap on the floor. Walking over to him, "Sam, how in the world did you wind up in a heap?" she asked, offering a hand to him.

Lazarus rushed over, as modestly as he could, and began to assist his friend up as the Betazoid began to offer a hand.

"Thank you, Lt. Kord. How he ended up like this, but it was good we were here to help him," Ky'La said as both the Gorn officer actually got Sam to his feet and onto a bench.

"You're welcome," Lazarus replies as he assisted Ky'la with Sam.

“ Oh that hurt…Thanks……” Sam said taking their outstretched arms

"Lt. Kord it is a pleasure to see you again. I know your love of keeping fit and it does you well. Usually, I come every time I get a chance which sadly I must say is not as often as I would like," Ky'La said sadly, finishing with helping Sam to his feet.

"Same here, the Chief usually has me busier than normal. I'm even helping training with cadets now." Kord replied as he gave Sam a gentle pat on his shoulder.

After giving Sam a once over, he asked, "Are you okay, Sam?"

“ Just the old pride. I thought those things had a safety device?” Sam asked.

"It should. I believe maybe it should be looked at to see what went wrong. I will have engineering take a look, right Lt. Kord?" Ky'La said. winking at the Gorn. Ky'La was trying to make light of the situation by kidding around. "Oh and Sam, do try and be careful. Treadmills love to eat people for breakfast," she said slightly laughing.

Rubbing his side Sam nodded

“ Hope I don’t get a bruise….so how are you all?” Sam asked

Kord, in his simple understanding of human behavior, took the joke literally. He gave a nod and went to examine the equipment as Sam and Ky'la sorted themselves out.

Having seen that his fellow officer was okay, Serran relaxed, just not visibly. He moved to join Kord in his examine the treadmill. He was pretty sure that Sam had just had an accident and if it was anyone's fault it was his own, nor had he taken the comment literally like Kord, but it made logical sense to check things out, even if he was not an engineer.

Dropping the rank Ky'La looked at Sam, "Sam how is it that you are always winding up with crazy stunts? I am not saying the treadmill. You are the funniest person I have met yet you also are the most adept person in your field?," she said, looking at his head as well. "You're gonna have a big lump there my dear," she added.

Perkins did seem to be a trouble magnet lately.

“ You know I have been trying to work that one out? Why is it always me. Run away plants , being attacked by a replicator slot and cadets taking pranks way beyond a safety zone.” Sam said

Lazarus noticed Serran, moving aside to allow him to assist with the initial troubleshooting of the treadmill. It turned out there was, in fact, a problem. A burned circuit in the panel had allowed the motor to wind up faster than the safety values allowed.

"I'll be right back," he told Serran. "Need to replicate a new board for this and it'll be good as new."

Lazarus closed the small maintenance flap for the treadmill and stood, quickly jogging off to grab the required material to repair it.

"So there was something wrong after all with the treadmill. A burned out circuit is what I heard, Sam sue the company!" Ky'La said chuckling.

“ But we are the company. So what do you recommend in here. That won’t add to my bruise collection?” Perkins asked.

Ky'La put her hand on his shoulder, "Well Sam, I know one thing, since we didn't manufacture it here on the ship, we can't sue ourselves. So that leaves who? Starfleet!" Ky'La said laughing. She was trying to make light of the entire situation. Now wether or not it was working, was another matter.

Lazarus returned and repaired the treadmill. "Thanks for your help, Serran," he said to the Lieutenant before he turned to the others. "It's fixed!"

Sam eyed the treadmill.

“ Thanks Lazarus is it safe now?” He asked

Lazarus nodded "Sure is, sir. It's safe to use now."

Lazarus wasn’t still annoyed with Sam over the Norman incident. Was he?

“ Thanks Lazarus. “ Perkins replied to his friend.

Slowly he stood on the treadmill.

“ Ok here we go” He said

The Gorn Engineering Officer watched carefully as his friend stood on the treadmill. Seeing no issues with how Sam used the treadmill, Lazarus was satisfied in the knowledge that he fixed the problem. The Gorn have a thumbs up gesture to Sam.

"Looks like you got it, sir," Lazarus said. "I'm going to finish my routines, but if you want sometime later, do you want to catch up over lunch? I don't think we've had a chance to recently."

It seemed Lazarus had forgiven Sam over the Norman incident.

“ Yes please.” Perkins replied.

Looking at Sam on the treadmill, she could sense a little trepidation him, but he seemed comfortable with Kord's repairs. "Sam, you got this hun. Tread away in calm," Ky'La said smiling warmly at him. Turning back to her own exercises, she picked up her sheathed bat'leth from her bag and went about her exercises with the weapon.

If it had been possible Sams eyes would of popped out of his skull.

“ Wow!!! Is that a bat’leth?” He said in awe.

Kord, in the meantime, gave a nod to Sam before returning to his exercises.

"Yes it is. Was given to me as a gift. J'Loni has been teaching me how to wield it. I have gotten quite good but the expert is J'Loni. I am still learning how to defend and attack," Ky'La said, twisting it over her head skillfully and bringing it down hard barely stopping just above the gym floor," she said grunting with the effort.

Perkins was fascinated.

“ On my last posting we stopped off at Kronos. I saw one of these from a distance. The owner refused to let any non Klingons anywhere near it. Said something about the dishonourable would taint a noble blade. Looks quite heavy and yet you wield it like it was made from air.” Sam said

"It took a good while before I could wield it as you say. It was very heavy when I first started to use it. However, after a number of weeks, it got lighter, or I got stronger, but in any case, I got better with it," Ky'La said, continuing her exercises.

Sam nodded pressing a control on the treadmill. Slowly the track beneath his feet began to move. He made a thumbs up to Lazarus. He turned back to the others.

“ Well you do make those exercises look fluid Ky’La. Once I am done on this any suggestions what to try next?” He asked.

Lazarus finished his repetitions and, after briefly putting away his shared equipment, bid farewell with a wave of a hand before departing back to his quarters. His shift would start soon. He also made a mental note to contact Sam later on that offer of lunch.

Watching Kord leave, she looked at Sam, "Well we could do bench presses together if you want," Ky'La offered.

Sam nodded.

“ Yes please. Um I know this may seem a silly question. But hey it’s me so if a silly question is to be asked. Well it has to be me who asks it. What are bench presses?” Sam asked

Lazarus stopped and looked at Ky'La, thinking on the offer. He then shook his head. His shift would start soon. But his expression lightened. Like Sam, he could make a future meeting out of this.

"Perhaps you and I could meet up to work out together?" the Gorn asked, implying a future workout session where they could do repetitions together.

Looking at Kord, " Sure, how about tomorrow after your shift. I would enjoy a future workout session with you," Ky'La said smiling.

The Gorn gave a nod to confirm, saying "Sure", then waved as he departed.

Turning back to Sam, "A bench press is lifting weights off a set of holders for a barbell with weight rings on it. Then you lay on a lifting bench and lift the dumbbell off the holders and press them up and down till you finish the sets," Ky'La explained to Sam.

Even though he was Chief Science Officer Sam felt a little out of his depth here.

“ Sets? As in tennis?” He asked.

Ky'La could not contain the giggle that escaped her lips. "No Sam. Not as in tennis. Come again tomorrow and I will show you," she said as they both gathered their belongings.

“ Yes please. Your off now then?” Sam asked.

"Yes I have to get ready for my shift. We can meet tomorrow and I will show you Sam", Ky'La said smiling as she gathered her things.

Perkins gave her a sad nod.

“ Ok” He said.

[ OFF ]


Lt. Cmdr. Ky'La De'Lenn
Chief Flight Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt.Cmdr Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Lazarus Kord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Serran
Chief Cultural Officer
USS Poseidon


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