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Conversations - Poseidon to Tomcat

Posted on Saturday April 16th, 2022 @ 4:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe

1,464 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Sharpe's Quarters
Timeline: In between Missions


While they were at the Starbase Paul took the time to contact his wife who was currently acting commander of the USS Tomcat, he got himself a mug of tea and sat down at his communications terminal, he applied security encryption to make sure the conversation was private then he called and waited a moment and then a tired face that had tear stains on the face, Alex had been crying, now he was concerned, she sniffed as she answered and what greeted her was her husband Paul Sharpe.

While they were at the Starbase Paul took the time to contact his wife who was currently acting commander of the USS Tomcat, he got himself a mug of tea and sat down at his communications terminal, he applied security encryption to make sure the conversation was private then he called and waited a moment and then a tired face that had tear stains on the face, Alex had been crying, now he was concerned, she sniffed as she answered and what greeted her was her husband Paul Sharpe.

As his wife's visage appeared on the screen he saw something and in a concerned tone "Alex, what is wrong?" Paul asked as his wife wiped away tears she was not one to cry so openly, she was usually a rock, but something had happened and she was cut up about it but it seems that she had not long returned from a mission.

As she saw Paul’s kind but worried visage appear on her screen =/\= Hi Paul, oh I have not long returned from rescuing Jasmine she was in a right state too, I had to put on a brave front, but honestly Paul the state of her was heartbreaking, let's forget the dirty body and matted and dirty hair that was covered in dried blood and other grime from the ship she was imprisoned on, she had been badly beaten one eye swollen shut, split lips bruises all over her body, broken leg and arm some cracked ribs, she was also naked when we found her I have seen some injuries in my time but you could barely see her pink skin due to all the bruises and dirt on her, how she was still alive I do not know a testament to her stubbornness I would assume, but the doctor seems to think that she also went through some kind of mental torture during her ordeal, what we found was not my cousin it was a practically broken person =/\= Alex said and tears started to flow again.

Feeling tears well up he used his self-discipline to hold them back and control his voice and Paul wished that he could be there to comfort his wife, but he could not =/\=It is okay to cry Alex, you are in private=/\= he said trying to be comforting over interstellar communications, but she was stubborn she held them back then he continued =/\= tell me more?=/\= He said, of course, he was horrified by the description of what he had heard so far.

A long silence followed as Alex collated herself and her emotions…

=/\= Well, we finally returned to the Tomcat, but when we were a safe distance away the spatial charges that we had placed went off and the ship went boom, we killed all but the guy known only as Apostate that was also his name as well as his title it seemed, he was the architect of Jasmine's condition. During the journey back a traumatized Jasmine found the sentience and strength to take care of her tormentor and she practically turned the Apostate's head 360, we all heard a loud crack as his neck was broken and I saw the Apostate dead, his head at an unnatural angle and Jasmine had curled back up into a ball sitting on the seat and she was weeping =/\= Alex paused as the pain of the memory was about to overtake her.

=/\= Naturally the team was horrified, I was shocked, she beat me to it I had talked to him and he wanted to do to me what he had done to Jasmine and I was seriously wanting to slit his throat she saw Paul shudder at the thought. He said that he would not be spending his time in a Federation Prison and he was correct, but I do not think he predicted his death would be the reason he would not =/\= she said with a sigh.

=/\=You do know that such a thing should not have happened?=/\= Paul said as he took a sip of his cooling tea. He felt the need to clarify that, although he knew that Alex knew it too, but still.

=/\= I know, I know but it was so sudden and no one expected Jasmine to do it well not as quick as she did and certainly not in the condition she was in at the time, but she got her closure, it was put on record by Doctor Sinclair as was to be expected, but nothing much will come of it, she will probably get a talk from the Admiralty but after they see the medical report they will most likely be lenient, so what has been going on with you? =/\= Alex asked wanting to change the subject.

=/\= Oh, I made a serious faux pas I complimented the First Officer on her looks in such a way it sounded offensive to her and she took issue with it rightly so, it was while we were on the bridge and testing out the EMH emitters. Let's just say I caught it in the neck for that one" Paul said with a small smile.

Alex looked at him in disbelief as she done a facepalm motion oO what the hell was he thinking? Oo she asked herself =/\= Oh you didn't! Damn it Paul you certainly know how to put both feet in your mouth don't you, you probably deserved what you got though =/\= she said laughing, Paul was not laughing exactly he was on the receiving end of the First Officers Ire, but compared to his wife’s the anger was a pale comparison to his wife’s temper and while he was sorry, he was not scared of the XO.

=/\= Oh stop it, Alex, it is not as bad as some of the things you have done in your past, remember that, =/\= Paul said and Alex shut up like a clam this made Paul smile Alex had done some blinders in her past and he was happy that he could still embarrass her sometimes.

=/\= So how is Jasmine now? =/\= he asked changing the subject only to allow Alex to save face.

=/\= Do not know, she is in surgery having her bones fixed and other work done, but one thing is certain she is traumatized she is withdrawn and quiet and that was before she was put under anaesthetic she has PTSD, even if she will not admit it to herself =/\= Somers responded.

Paul nods in understanding =/\= well give her my best, so when are you planning to return to the Academy to complete your Fleet training? =/\= Paul asked.

=/\= When Jasmine feels like she can cope and after I do my last duty as Commanding Officer where Awards are given out, then I will return to earth *pause* so what changes have you made to the ship?=/\= Alex asked.

=/\= Oh, I have fully repaired the ship EMH and placed holo emitters at the key areas and all work, I have used my computing skills and increased computer security for all command codes, if it would not get me in trouble I would reprogram the First Officers replicator to give only Klingon food and drink, but as it would cause more trouble than the return fire is worth I will not do it, but I was tempted, still putting both feet in one's mouth and being stupid I am only one of those things, =/\= Paul said.

Alex nodded in understanding and looked off the screen before looking back =/\= I have to go, will let you know more about Jasmine when I can, talk soon sweetie =/\= she said as she blew him a kiss he pretended to catch it and put his hand over his mouth.

Through her tears she smiled at his actions, she thought they were sweet and not like him, he must have picked up on her mood and decided to try some humour, it usually worked, as it did in this instance.

=/\= See you when I see you honey =/\= he said signing off and closing the link, and then he finished his drink and got up and placed his mug in the replicator.


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineer
USS Poseidon

Lt Col Alexandria Somers
Acting CO
USS Tomcat


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