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Relaxation, Rejuvenation of the Soul

Posted on Friday April 29th, 2022 @ 4:58pm by Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch

486 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Holodeck I, USS Poseidon
Timeline: Current


The past week had left Calvin mentally drained. The past mission haunts were still shrouding him. He did his best to shake off the mental images of what he had experienced.

Cal’s large nose is deep into the grind reviewing the latest security updates to the USS Poseidon. Authorizing the computers onboard interlinking content, files, data, and updates took time for the security dept to process.

It was the perfect day. The sun was gorgeous above the sky, the light warming Calvin’s epidermis. The breeze seemingly flittered through his white tee-shirt and cargo shorts lying on the beach. All he knew was that this action, this holodeck program “de-stressing yourself in 5 easy steps…” was a wonderful program.

The first step was to set aside his work. Work was always there for Calvin. The Poseidon was a heavy volume vessel of Security issues and passed hazards, all coming to fruition under his first Cheifman-ship of a department. It was a dismal failure. He wasn’t sorry for himself; he felt he let the crew down with

Failure was funny, though. He was told that overthinking past security issues would bring down his efficiency as an officer. Officers grow; this was his growth experience.

“How is the sun, darling? Isn’t it a natural gas!” Oriana, the half Orion- human computer-generated beach companion, hadn’t misjudged Hirsch’s interests. Not by one bit. The corner of his sunglasses he lifted with his eyebrow, reacting to Oriana beside him.

“This is amazing. Is it truly gorgeous in here!” The sandals he wore were kissed with fresh white sands intertwining Calvin’s large, strong toes. He wiggled them for once in his adult life, like a gleeful child.

“Hahaha. I can see that. You’re enjoying yourself. That is wonderful.” The Orion/Human holodeck-inspired companion. “I am as well.” Came the timid yet overdone on the sexiness side of things. He was here to lay on the beach. Not have a lay in the sands. Although secretly, he’d never tell anyone if he chose on the deck.

“It’s ok to be lost in my backyard.” Hirsch realized. “At least it is mine!” he chuckled to himself as his eyes closed, breathing in and out, his glistening six-pack oiled in the sun. “Or are we all just faking it?” He let out another mutter. Nobody could come away from that monster on that mission without psychological help. At least he was taking his first steps. He would check in on the Security Cadets and meet with Sam as he had made an urgent appointment to see him.

“Pause program.” Hirsch saw the bikini-clad Orion slave girl glistening beside him. Sun-kissed thighs and begged to relax some more… “I’ll be back!” He held his hand, gesturing for the frozen image to stay there.

Lt. Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Security
USS Poseidon



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