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Personal Training Suus Mahna a

Posted on Monday February 28th, 2022 @ 11:15am by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Reina Akikawa

2,235 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Holodeck 1
Timeline: 239412.02


Lieutenant Commander T'Pri had found herself with some extra time on her hands. Her students were on holiday break all the papers were graded, all assignments were complete. There was really nothing going on in the Intelligence community that required her immediate attention at the moment, so she decided to post on the ships bulletin board that she was going to teach a class in the Vulcan Martial art of Suus Mahna.

Suus Mahna is the name given to a Vulcan martial art, one that takes many years of training to learn.

Within the art, there is a special move known as the Navorkot which teaches the practitioner a way to evade incoming blades. This is done by jumping to the side and rolling based on reading the movement of the enemy and to foresee when, as well as where, they intend to strike.

Though it is a Vulcan martial art, it has also been taught to outsiders. T'Pri thought it would be a good way to get some exercise and indulge in her very un-Vulcan proclivities with mingling with her shipmates.

She had gotten two responses to her advertisement so she set up a date and time and got to the holodeck a little early to set up her dojo.Suus Mahna is the name given to a Vulcan martial art, one that takes many years of training to learn.

Within the art, there is a special move known as the Navorkot which teaches the practitioner a way to evade incoming blades. This is done by jumping to the side and rolling based on reading the movement of the enemy and to foresee when, as well as where, they intend to strike.

Though it is a Vulcan martial art, it has also been taught to outsiders.

One of the responses was from a lieutenant in Intelligence who had recently transferred to the Poseidon. Since her reassignment, Reina had largely kept her head down and hadn't interacted much with her boss and colleagues, nor with the cadets in the department.

She was about to go on leave herself to pay a visit to her family over the holidays, but when she saw a bulletin providing an opportunity to learn a Vulcan martial art, Reina, always one for keeping active and combat ready, had leapt on the opportunity.

It was true, the Empire had access to Vulcan martial arts at the height of its power, but like everything else, the Empire had squandered the opportunities of such knowledge. But that was what set the First Order apart from its predecessor; if an opportunity was presented to make oneself stronger, better, than soldiers of the Order were expected to capitalize on it. In addition, the knowledge might be worth bringing back with her to implement into training regimens, to prepare for the inevitability of having to deal with dissident Vulcans once the First Order made its power play.

Reina arrived to the holodeck wearing a simple black tank top and yoga pants, attire that was indicative that she was ready for a challenge, and a good sweat.

After the Norman incident in the Lab. Then being made a fool of in front of Saeko and Calvin. By two cadets playing a prank. That got severely out of hand. Sam needed to clear his mind. So he answered yes to T’Pri’s notice on the bulletin board. Sam reported to the holodeck dressed in his training gear.

“ Hello.” He said

"Welcome both of you. Please come in and take your places the first thing we will do is some stretching exercises to limber ourselves up.

T'Pri led them both through a series of stretching exercises.

Today I will teach you the Novorkot which is especially effective when facing an opponent with a blade.

T'Pri ordered Navorkot to the holodeck and a simulated opponent appeared.

This evasive maneuver is based on reading the opponents movements to discern where they intended to strike.

T'Pri effectively demonstrated this to her class with the opponent.

"Now you try." T'Pri said.

Reina stepped forward first to face the holgraphic opponent. If the maneuver was as simple as her boss had explained, then it should be no trouble for her at all, for she had been taught during her many sparring matches to try and predict what the enemy was going to do next.

When the exercise began, Reina ducked out of the way of the opponent. Then muscle memory kicked in and from there, she proceeded to expertly neutralize the opponent.

"Very good Reina, I can see you have experience but the object of the Navorkot is not to neutralize the opponent but to avoid his blade by learning to anticipate his moves." T'Pri said.

"Sam you give it a try." T'Pri requested.

Perkins nodded. Unfortunately he was not as experienced as Reina. Perkins somehow managed to punch himself in the face and ended up face down on the mat.

“ Oh dear “ He said sadly.

T'Pri went over to help him up.

"Sam in the Navorkot the idea is to avoid any physical contact at all". T'Pri said patiently. You must learn to anticipate his moves based on his body language and feet. You will then be able to determine which way your opponent will lunge and nimbly avoid your opponents attack."

"Computer make the opponent ineffible." T'Pri ordered.

"Sam try again, this time the opponent blade will pass through you but study its body language and foot position till you get an idea of how it will move".

“ Ok. But to be honest I have never been rather good at this sort of thing. But I am willing to try this again.” He said smiling.

This time he watched the opponent more closely. The feet of his attacker were splayed out like a ducks.It also seemed to tense it’s legs before striking this gave Sam time to move out of the way.

“ Wow…” He said

"Excellent, you can do it." T'Pri said.

Perkins smiled now he knew what to do. It seemed quite easy for him.

“ Thanks T’Pri your a good teacher. Tell me what would you recommend for stress?” He asked

"What kind of stress?" T'Pri asked.

“ The kind caused by some Cadets who are running a bet. Based on how far they can push me before I throw them out an air lock.” Sam replied

"Meditation is a key Vulcan relaxation and stress relief technique. Come sit down on the mat and I will show you, Sam." T'Pri said.

T'Pri moved her mat over to his. and sat down cross legged.

"The first thing I want to teach you is breath focus. In this simple, powerful technique, you take long, slow, deep breaths (also known as abdominal or belly breathing). As you breathe, you gently disengage your mind from distracting thoughts and sensations. Breath focus can be especially helpful for people with eating disorders to help them focus on their bodies in a more positive way. However, this technique may not be appropriate for those with health problems that make breathing difficult, such as respiratory ailments or heart failure. I trust you have none of those?" T'Pri asked.

Perkins thought for a moment. He did have a great uncle who had a heart condition that meant he had to have an artificial heart replacement.Plus his grandmother did start having those hot flushes.

“ Not to my knowledge T’Pri. Although my Grandmother did keep having hot flushes. But that might of been the change.” He replied.

"That would seem to be a logical conclusion. Now sit down and breath deeply and let the stress of the day drain out of you." T'Pri instructed.

Sam sat down as instructed. Then he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. In his minds eye he saw a rather embarrassed Lazarus with Norman the plant. Happily wrapped around his leg. Sam have a loud cough.

“ Sorry…..I’ll try again..” he said

"Just Breathe. Inhale slowly and deeply then exhale slowly and completely." T'Pri said.

This time the image of the two cadets. Who had pretended to be the taken over computer came to mind. He shook his head.

“ Sorry…..every time I close my eyes images of all the recent bad things. That happened to me keep coming to mind.” He told her.

"Don't feel bad. Vulcans have emotions too, We just learn to suppress them as we have found logic gives us a serenity many other species lack. Just breathe Concentrate only on breathing." T'Pri said.

Sam as a scientist knew about the Vulcan mating rituals. Pon Farr when they mated every seven years.But being a gentleman he kept silent about that.

“ Even humour?” He asked “ Only I remember a Vulcan instructor at the academy. She had a very dry sense of humour.”

"Most Vulcans have a sense of humor, Although it is suppressed. It more important for Vulcans to maintain a sense of emotional control. It is what is socially acceptable." T'Pri replied.

Socially acceptable.

“ Now there is a phrase I have heard a lot during my pre Starfleet days…..” Perkins said sadly.

He closed his eyes and once again did as instructed.

“ Is this correct?” He asked

"Vulcans are sticklers for protocol." T'Pri confirmed.

Sam turned pale.

“ Sorry I meant the exercise. But yes. To be honest I am glad of it. We need someone to keep an eye on us. My fellow humans can be an untidy lot.”Sam said.

"Personally, I think humans are socially and emotionally advanced enough to look after themselves. Yes they are quicky and some are downright strange but please believe me that I find your people to be honorable, generous, and quite intuitive." T'Pri replied.

“ Then you have never met my birth Mother.” Sam said.

"True I have not, there are always exceptions" T'Pri said.

"Are you feeling relaxed yet?" T'Pri continued.

The mention of his birth mother had jolted Perkins. Due to problems during his birth Sam’s mother had never bounded with her new born son. She had become cold and distant to him. Then she did not acknowledge he was her son. Which was one of the reasons his parents divorced. His stepmother was a different story. As she could not have her own children. She acted like Sam was her own child. Which he in return acted the same. He focused on her. Remembering the smell of her and his grandmothers baking.

“ Give me a second….” He replied

"I will give you as long as it takes, there is no rush, this isn't a race." T'Pri offerred.

Slowly Sam slowed down his breathing. His heart rate slowed and the heat he had felt around his face eased. It may of been minutes or even an hour. But soon a feeling of utter calm came over him. He gave T’Pri the thumbs up sign.

“ Yes…….” He whispered

"Excellent, now clear your mind and just listen, can you hear your heartbeat?" T'Pri asked.

Sam could hear something. It felt soothing.

“ Is that what that is? I thought it was the Poseidon's life support systems.” He replied

"I hear that too, Vulcan hearing is far more sensitive than human hearing, due to the thinner atmosphere of our planet, just listen and feel thepeace build in you."

The scientist in Sam leapt up at this.

“ Really……so how do you cope with crowds. Are you able to filter out separate voices? Sorry the scientist in me is at it again,” Sam said.

"I usually avoid crowds when possible. When I can't avoid them, I shut out the voices. I have a very disciplined mind. to answer your question I can filter out the voices if need be." T'Pri replied.

“ Hmmm… that’s interesting. If you were listening to music could you pick out an individual soloist?” Perkins asked amazed

"Easily," T'Pri said.

“ It’s funny really for a race who doesn’t like to show your emotions. You do make some of the best musicians. I have a recording of T’Hio playing selections of Chopin's piano compositions. That is very good. Do you play an instrument?” Sam asked

"It's not that we don't have emotions, we do we just keep them under control at all times. Not all Vulcan's choose to follow the path of Surak. Some have been known to follow their emotions and embrace them, usually too bitter ends though. Most choose to control their emotions so that their emotions do not control them." T'Pri replied.

Did T’Pri just changed the subject? Sam decided not to press her on the subject of music.

“ Spock didn’t come to a nasty end. I know your society can be harsh towards anyone showing emotion in public. So I suppose it’s good to be able to do as you said. Humans could manage that too if they tried. Not me though too much buzzing around in my noggin.” Sam said pointing at his head.

"I believe you could learn to achieve a certain balance with all that is buzzing around in your noggin. Just takes practice and discipline." T'Pri replied.

You don't need to suppress your emotions, just control them so they don't control you." T'Pri added.



A Post by:

LCdr T'Pri
4XO/Chief of Intelligence/Senior Instructor
USS Poseidon NCC-42635


LCdr Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon NCC-42635



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