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[BACKLOG] Investigation Agents & Surveillance Expertise

Posted on Monday February 28th, 2022 @ 7:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Gunnery Sergeant Maximilian Pfaffenheim
Edited on on Monday February 28th, 2022 @ 7:26pm

1,589 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Marine Detachment
Timeline: Current


Hirsch had finished reviewing the latest updates to fixing, safeguarding the computer systems. Commander T'Pri had fascinating information regarding the transmissions from the Ship on subspace channels, as to which Hirsch had brought forth insights as well. So far, Hirsch had given orders to ensure that the replicator data incident with Lt. Commander Perkins was safetied and locked. He didn't want to touch the systems on the sub-buffering deck, so he checked in with Lieutenant Stevens, ensuring that a Computer Specialist would isolate the corrupted replicator data.

Marine Staff Sergeant Pfaffenheim assembled a meeting to review the latest Security updates on the Poseidon. Hirsch had information on the forum and was happy to meet up with the Marine as he had met him only a few times and heard lots of word of mouth that the man was of upstanding credit to Poseidon.

Having exited the turbo lift in "Marine Country," Calvin had nodded to the various officers walking past him on the deck.

Checking into the nearest boardroom, Calvin peeked his head in through the doorway. "Officers, Gentleman." He gave a sharp one-off salute of respect to the military officers seated around the table. Staff Sergeant Pfaffenheim was at the head of the table with a briefing.

"Sir. Permission to sit in on the meeting?" Hirsch had followed procedural.

Pfaffenheim had just finished reviewing his notes one last time before Hirsch entered. "Of course, Lieutenant, sir.", he answered quickly, returned the salute and pointed at a seat at the table. A few other people were present, namely Sgt t'Kess of his own platoon and a few other Security and Marines. Pfaffenheim waited for Hirsch to sit down, and wondered why the Chief of Security of all people kept calling him 'sir' despite their rank disparity. On the other hand, I didn't exactly bother him, so he decided not to bring it up.

"And we're all present, now, so let's start.", he began. "I don't believe I have to clarify the situation to anyone seeing as we're all here to discuss the handling of it. Now, the platoon isn't involved in the investigation so first I'd like to make sure we're up to date regarding the recent incident with Lt Cmdr Perkins' replicator. As I understand, it...". He paused momentarily, rereading his notes. "...' exploded' when he attempted to use it. Fortunately, he survived. What I'm unsure on is what's meant by 'explode' in this context, so some clarification would be appreciated."

Taking a drink of hot coffee from his stainless steel mug, Cal listened. He had begun to review the information that the Staff Sergeant had provided the assembled grouping.

Waiting a moment for others, Hirsch then decided to step into the conversation. "Sergeant. I reviewed the replicator moments after the incident with Lieutenant Stevens. The actual explosion was a discharge of magnetic, electric gasification process. The effect is explosive with an electrical discharge." Hirsch had added from his padd to the rest of the officers' padds the information that was addressed.

"As far as I know, this has not happened, nearly ever, with Starfleet replicators. The Data Interface ODN terminal was uploaded with corrupted data. This allowed for multiple security safeties to be overridden in the process. An incredible undertaking to strike one replicator." Hirsch lent a concerned, tempered gaze at the officers. "We are running out of theories, information to tap."

"I don't doubt something will present itself in time.", Pfaffenheim replied. "As you'll have noticed, our patrol schedules have been significantly tightened. Perhaps we can catch the perpetrator in the act at some point. In the mean time, however, I suggest we notify all our personnel to keep away from replicators. Why this was done to a science officer's replicator, I don't know, but Security personnel and Marines are obvious targets." He pondered for a moment. "I'm also quite worried about what a replicator could produce instead of an explosion, if its security protocols can be overridden like in this case. Has there even been any case of a replicator producing dangerous gas or the likes? I know an incident like that once happened with a Cardassian one."

It had been the end of the week's rest and time for Micheal to get back to work although still wearing the small earplugs that the CMO had given him to wear, he decided to head down to Marine Country to find out if anything had gone wrong down there, as he stepped out of the lift and the Marine gave him a salute, Micheal returned it.

"Can you take me to Lieutenant Hirsch Please?" he asked as he had been told that the Security Chief had ventured down here as he himself needed an update on the investigations, the Marine Sargeant replied "Yes Sir," as he looked at the upcoming marines "Corporal Jensen, Please escort Lieutenant Stevens to the Staff Sargeant's office,"

Corporal Jensen replied "This way Sir," as Micheal Nodded his head and followed the Marine.

Hirsch had smiled and nodded when his friend Lieutenant Stevens had entered the room. Stevens was the officer to report on the replicator and its subsequent data matric failure. Hirsch could offer a report, an analysis of the findings, yet he could not offer any finer technical details of the 'how to' and 'who could' tamper on the Poseidon like this.

"Lieutenant Stevens. Good to see you." Hirsch had smiled and stood up and moved over a seat so that Stevens could take a seat next to the Staff Sergeant. "I hope you can offer insight into what occurred with Lt. Commander Perkin's replicator?"

"Thanks, Nice to see you too Calvin," replied Michael looking around the room, Michael continued Nice to Meet you Staff Sargeant " as he held his hand out in greeting as he hoped that more information had come to light as to who had been sabotaging the Poseidon. He finished "Shall we get down to business."

Hirsch awaited Pfaffenheim and his men to begin their meeting. He had his padd and wanted to see what they would address as he was there to listen and to soak up any informed opinions from the men.

Pfaffenheim shook Stevens' hand. "Good to meet you too, Lieutenant. We shall, yes." He waited for a moment, and when nobody added anything, he continued. "As Lieutenant Hirsch mentioned, the incident of Lt. Cmdr. Perkins' replicator was quite explosive. I've already instructed my men to keep their distance, most certainly in combat scenario. What concerns me the most, however, is the possibility that the replicators could be used to, say, flood the ship with KO gas." He paused again, looking around and noting everyone's serious expressions. Nobody in the room was taking the situation lightly at all, but the Staff Sergeant wanted to see whether they had already considered such a scenario. "My Marines have closed-cycle suits for these exact situations. I presume Security has some kind of countermeasure as well?"

Hirsch clasped his fingers together, the thought of KO gas being a byproduct of corrupted replicators was a fascinating proposition. Calvin had nodded, as his eyes watched back at the Staff Sergeant, listening to him. "Correct. We have only a standard compliment for emergency situations with labs and some suits already have built in..." He tried his best not to state it. "Bio or Chemical atmosphere contaminants onboard should they need to be deployed." Problem was. How and when and how many crew would be in danger before any type of security response could be initiated. Hirsch waited to see where Pfaffenheim was going to go with this.

"That would mean that I would have to request a drill to be done with the Captain or the XO" replied Micheal as he hoped that this would not tip their hand and scare whoever it was that was doing this, He continued, "but if I have to, I'd like both of you to sign it as well," as he knew that it would carry more weight from the three of them.

Hirsch had turned to Stevens and gave a nod. "Of course." At this point there wasn't much he would not sign, especially if it furthered security of the crew from danger.

"Certainly.", Pfaffenheim agreed. "Although we should see if we can mitigate the problem at the same time, and I believe I have an idea. Lieutenant Stevens, would it be possible to detect gaseous emissions from the replicators via the internal sensors and use security doors or forcefields to contain them?"

" I think I can do that, but I'd need help from Engineering," replied Micheal as he looked back at the staff Sargeant. as he knew finding the perp was a top priority.

"I believe if we could implement it, it'd be excellent, though I'm afraid Security and Marines on duty should still be wearing their respective gear at all times.", Pfaffenheim replied. "It won't be pleasant, but caution demands it."

“Agreed,” Calvin replied. The Lieutenant continued to modify and operate security protocols according to o the latest developments. “We will act accordingly,” Hirsch added with a nod, getting ready to leave the meeting with his padds and coffee.

Noting Hirsch's approval, Pfaffenehim nodded, satified. "Very good. Ladies and gentlemen, I suggest we get to implementing immediately. Marines, please stay for a few more minutes as we have related platoon-internal matters to discuss."


Lieutenant Michael Stevens
Chief Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Security
USS Poseidon


Staff Sergeant Maximillian Pfaffenheim
First Sergeant, Marine Detachment
USS Poseidon


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