Lieutenant Reina Akikawa

Name Reina Akikawa

Position Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant


  • 1 Mission Posts

Last Post

Monday February 28th, 2022 @ 11:15am

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Terran (Human)
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 140 lbs
Hair Color brown
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Reina Akikawa has been described by many as having the body of a model. While comments on her good looks certainly have flattered her, Reina doesn't hold her figure in high regard.
She is known to not care much for her Starfleet uniform, preferring instead to wear black business attire when possible.
Despite her outwardly Japanese appearance, Reina speaks with a British accent, what is considered a 'proper' way of speaking where she hails from.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Lieutenant Commander Raizo Akikawa
Mother Lieutenant Tetsuhiko Akikawa
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family Raizo Akikawa (Adopted Father)
Tetsuhiko Akikawa (Adopted Mother)
Ensign Reina Akikawa (Counterpart, deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Reina puts forward a no-nonsense business personality when she is on duty, often seeming cold and distant towards others. When she is off duty, she's a bit more friendly, but is still very secretive.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths include:
+Martial Arts
+Phaser training
+Battlefield improvisation

Weaknesses include:
-Trouble showing emotions
-Hates Klingons and Cardassians
-Doesn't like bright light
Ambitions Ms Akikawa's ambitions are classified by Starfleet Intelligence, to be distributed to individuals who can demonstrate a true business need-to-know. Activity may be monitored while viewing this restricted information.
Hobbies & Interests -Anime
-Ground Cars
-Propaganda of mirror universe origin
-Conducting an orchestra
-Reading, writing, and partaking in holo novels. She is currently writing a holo novel: "How to Beat a Klingon at Chess and other Life Lessons."

Personal History Ms. Akikawa's personal history prior to her joining Starfleet Intelligence is classified by Starfleet Intelligence, to be distributed to individuals who can demonstrate a true business need-to-know. Activity may be subject to monitoring whilst viewing this restricted information.


Reina Akikawa was born on April 5, 2360 in sickbay aboard the ISS Hermes, an elderly Excelsior Class Starship in service with the Terran First Order: A military junta formed from a remnant of the Terran Imperial Starfleet that fled into Romulan space as the Terran Empire fell.

From a young age, Reina was trained to fight. Being taught hand-to-hand and melee combat, marksmanship, and battle simulations when she was old enough to competently handle a phaser.

The Terran First Order knew that in order to restore a purer Terran Empire to the Alpha Quadrant, they would need to possess the finest soldiers in the quadrant, constantly vigilant against any signs of weakness or disobedience. As such, Reina was subject to extreme behavioral and personality conditioning, being allowed to only watch Terran First Order-approved content.

Such content deemed 'safe' for consumption was pre-first contact Anime and Manga, from a time when Humanity believed they were alone in the universe. Reina often found comfort in this pre-first contact media, and spent the precious free time allotted to her reading manga and watching anime on a PADD, and would often leave anime playing when she slept rather than the Terran First Order propaganda she was supposed to be listening to.

Like it's need for fine soldiers, the Terran First Order also knew that its aging fleet of hand-me-down vessels from the Terran Empire would have to be replaced at some point, and so the order began sending recruits into the alternate reality first discovered by the NX-01 ISS Enterprise in the 22nd century to steal starship plans to be used by the order to build newer, more advanced starships to combat the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.

Reina was one such recruit, and she was sent into the alternate reality to "replace" her counterpart, identified as serving as an engineer aboard the USS Iowa, an Intrepid Class Cruiser.

At first, Reina performed her mission dutifully; after disposing of her counterpart, she began downloading all the information she could on the Intrepid Class to bring back with her. However, as she did so, she realized something: The Terrans of this alternate reality indulged in prosperity while those of her timeline suffered, and she realized that far more needed to be done than just her simple mission outline. So, despite objections from her superiors following her successful delivery of the stolen information, Reina returned to the alternate reality to aid hers in more ways than the short-sighted leadership of the TFO could understand.

One day, Reina was visited by a woman of unknown origins dressed all in white, who claimed to know who Reina really was. After some back and forth, it was revealed that, like Reina's reality had people that studied the alternate reality, the alternate reality likewise had people that studied hers, and this individual, who wished only to identify herself as 'Lady X', was one of those people.

Lady X had spent many sleepless nights studying the TFO, and after an anonymous tip-off from the Iowa's command staff about Ensign Akikawa's personality change, she suspected that Reina was a TFO operative, and wished to recruit Reina into her organization, Starfleet Intelligence. To entice a mutually beneficial relationship, Lady X offered to do whatever she could to assist Reina's people if Reina joined.

Reina knew that this was precisely the opportunity she was looking for, and so she agreed to Lady X's deal.


Reina Akikawa graduated from Starfleet Academy with a major in Engineering and was assigned to the USS Iowa as an Engineering officer. During her tenure at the academy, she appeared to have a real drive and passion for Engineering. However, after graduation, something changed about her, and within three years of graduation, she returned to Starfleet Academy to further her education.

Following her second graduation, Reina was assigned to the USS Shuto as an Intelligence Officer, retaining her rank of Ensign from before. In Intelligence, Reina seemed to be just as happy as she had been in Engineering, and this newfound enthusiasm seemed to translate well to her work, and in 2391, she was promoted to Lieutenant JG.

In the years following her promotion, Reina was constantly encouraged to apply for a Chief Intelligence Officer position. However, she was reluctant to do so. However, by 2394, the Shuto's command staff sat her down and gave her an ultimatum: They knew Reina had more secrets than she was letting off, and if she wished to avoid a court martial, then she would step down from the Galaxy class starship and be reassigned to a smaller vessel with lesser duties.

Not wishing to be tried and very likely executed for what she had done, Reina accepted the terms of the ultimatum and with it, a transfer to the USS Poseidon.
Service Record 2382-2385: USS Iowa (Ensign- Engineering Officer)
2385-2389: Starfleet Academy
2389-2391: USS Shuto (Ensign- Intelligence Officer)
2391-2393: USS Shuto (Lieutenant JG - Intelligence Officer)
2393-2394: USS Shuto (Lieutenant - Intelligence Officer)
2394-present: USS Poseidon (Lieutenant - Intelligence Officer)