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Academy Days: Part One (Flashback)

Posted on Thursday March 3rd, 2022 @ 2:28pm by Lieutenant Serran
Edited on on Friday March 4th, 2022 @ 6:13pm

746 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Starfleet Academy, San Francisco
Timeline: August 2378


Seran had spent the first five years of his life in space. He didn't fully remember those years, but he did remember he had been happy, then, or as happy as a Vulcan child was allowed to be. His father was a logical man and wanted the best for his children, sent his two sons to Vulcan to live with a cousin of his, where they attended primary school. Those years, the freshman remembered vividly, but not fondly.

It was his mother, who persuaded his father to allow Serran to choose where he wanted to lie and he choose Earth. He didn't have a lot of friends on Vulcan and most of those were human, so it was the logical choice. His teenage years had been the best years of his life up until now. He had learned so much about himself. Given a little breathing room he had become his own person. He was still growing he knew that which is why he had entered the academy and started this new chapter in his life.

His father should have been pleased. After all, he had been a Federation officer, until he had retiredto Vulcan three years ago, but his father was not given to emotion. Or, more accurately in Serran's mind, he cloaked those emotions under a cloak of logic. The real truth in the younger Vulcan's mind was that his father was ashamed of him. Ashamed of the choices he'd made, the career he'd picked, his being too much like a human, his lack of scientific skill, who he loved. The list was exhausting and if Serran thought about it, that wall of logic he had built would come crashing down and he'd drown in the sea of emotions.

So, Soren chose not to think about those things he buried them deep within himself.

His first week at the Academy had been a fascinating one. His roommate Ren, was an Andorian, an interesting choice given the history between the two races, and Ren was far more emotional than any human that Serran had met, but he was still nice enough. His classes had been manageable so far, though it was still the first week, and he expected them to remain so. At least he desired that to be the case. He planned to take just enough of the hard sciences classes to meet the minimum requirement, otherwise, he didn't foresee any real issues.

He was currently sitting in a booth at Harvey's, an establishment that had sat less than a kilometer from the main gate at the Academy for seventy years. It was mostly a pub that served traditional Terran food. But it was open twenty-four hours and in the morning and early afternoon, it was more of a coffee shop.

Serran was there for the coffee, or more accurately the hot chocolate. It was after all only 0900. The early rush crowd had mostly thinned out and Serran was enjoying his drink along with a cinnamon roll, an intriguing combination of tastes, but he was also waiting for someone. Someone who had sent a message to his PADD asking to meet him. It might have been some elaborate prank, he was sure that was a common thing, but it was logical to find out for himself.

A few minutes later, he heard a voice from behind him.

"Hey, you must be Soren, right?"

The Vulcan turned to face the source of the voice.

It was a human male, probably an inch or two taller than his own 5'10". with dark hair and turquoise blue eyes. He was dressed in his red cadet uniform and wore a cocky smile.

"Serran," he corrected, "my name is Serran, not Soren."

"Oh, sorry. We are in Rasmussen's astrophysics class together."

Serran searched his memory for a moment. "Yes, you're in the fourth row on the right side correct?"

The cocky smile broadened. "Ah, you do remember me. Good. Well, I asked you here because you're Vulcan, so you must be pretty bright. Right? I thought we could study together"

"Vulcans don't respond well to flattery. Besides, you're making assumptions based on appearances. They may not be accurate. still, it is logical to pool resources and talent. I am open to the possibility."

"Good, because I do have an ulterior motive."

"Which is?"

"Well, I know I shouldn't judge on appearances, but you are hella cute with that blond hair and all.



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