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Favourite things prt 2: Movie night

Posted on Saturday August 21st, 2021 @ 7:30am by Commander Sam Perkins & Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Lieutenant Miles O'Connell & Ensign Lethe Sivarr & Lieutenant Lazarus Kord

1,456 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Shuttlebay
Timeline: Arrived at Betreka Nebula


- Shuttlebay -

The first thing Perkins did. Was to ask Captain Johnson for permission to use the shuttlebay instead of the holodeck for movie night.

“ With all the recent trouble with the replicators. It might be safer for us all on the shuttle-bay of course, Captain. You would be our guest of honour. I’m sure we have a movie you may enjoy?”

"I'll see if I can join in," replied the Captain with a smile. "Though while I don't mind the usage of this part of the shuttle bay, have you cleared this idea with Operations first? If they're okay with it, I am too. Make sure engineering knows about it too since they'll have service personnel working in that area likely as well. Once that's done, you're all good in my book."

The Captain glanced at the then-empty space filled only by boxes and other equipment, as well as nodding to the passing engineering and operations cadet and officer.

"Might be a decent change of pace, this idea of yours," Franklin mused in a complementary fashion.

"Thank you. Captain, I'll sort that all out." Perkins said.

Sam was just about to tap his comm. badge when he noticed a Cadet fiddling about with a replicator slot. He walked over as he tapped it.

“ Perkins to Stevens come in please,” Perkins said.

The Cadet gave it a bang with her arm. Just as Sam came up to her. What happened next made Sam give a yell. As suddenly the replicator slot started to spew out popcorn at a very fast rate. Hitting Perkins as he just stood there. Turning the startled Chief Science Officer into a small mountain of buttery delicious popcorn.

"What movie shall we watch"? T'Pri asked.

Walking into the shuttle bay Paul caught what the Vulcan said "I would say something funny Commander T'Pri and I have always wanted to see a Vulcan smile when it is not diplomatically required" Sharpe said.

Humour is a difficult concept to understand in the best of times, but what is life without a little whimsy?" T'Pri asked.

O'Connell arrived in the shuttle bay after completing his daily tasks of installing and updating the holo-emitters in the various areas of the ship. "Wow, this movie night has really come full circle. Can't wait for the entertainment."

"Did someone say Movie night?" replied Michael as he entered the room, he continued," what about that old film about a race across the states " as he looked at everyone around the room "Cannonball run,"

As the Captain departed, Lazarus entered the shuttlebay and glanced around. Upon seeing the replicator spewing popcorn he became highly suspicious.

Sharpe looked up to see who entered as the Captain left and saw the Gorn who was eyeing the popcorn machine with some suspicion, he walked over to the Gorn and gently placed a hand on his shoulder "relax Lazarus, it is just a popcorn machine, it heats small seed-like items and they explode into what you see there, go ahead and try some popcorn, it is one of the foodstuffs that has no nutritional value, but is a staple of watching a film" Sharpe said with a smile.

Sam did not know if Kord or Sharpe realised the mountain of popcorn had him inside it. But when a clawed hand reached out to take some. Perkins's head broke through the surface. Staring at their rather surprising faces Perkins said.

“Hello. Please try some of this delicious treat.”

Startled for a moment, Kord allowed the inspiration from his Chief and the antics of Sam to bolster his resolve. He blinked, trying the new treat, and surprising himself by emitting a pleasing purr! He really liked it!

Hirsch had joined in on the festivities of the movies. Patting his dog, Benson, Hirsch had brought out his mother's ancient family heirloom. The Family 'Betty Crocker 2002 Home Baking.' The book was ancient, with long-lost recipes. Among them was the Hirsch family famed 'Rice Crispy Squares.'

Slowly with help, Perkins was pulled from the pile of popcorn. Luckily the Captain had left so Sam’s embarrassment was not completely at 100%.

“ Rice crispy treats! My grandmother used to make those. Whenever ever I was sad she would make some to cheer me up. Fortunately, I was a happy kid or else I would’ve been quite fat. But she used chocolate in her recipe.” Sam said

Not asked to bring anything, Cal had entered along with an aluminium tray of cut squares as a thank you.

Immediately, he noticed the Popcorn Machine. Presently he saw Kord, Sam, Sharpe, Captain Johnson, and ahead. Cal thought this was interesting, if not highly amused. He grinned. We have a small prankster on board. 'Who is this?'

"Greetings, Hirsch here. I am passing around 'rice crispies,' thee the original earth treat." Cal began to vagrant the room of his treats. "Capt. Johnson, Kord Sir, Sam, Sharpe, Perkins..." He cocked his head.

On the far side of the bay, Ensign Sivarr entered with a padd in hand, consulting it for a moment before approaching the stacked cargo containers and began comparing serial numbers. After scanning through a few he stopped, mandibles spread as he sampled the air, picking up an unusual, but not unpleasant aroma. Food, he guessed, though why was it in the shuttlebay? He turned and spotted several crew and officers assembled on the far side, including someone apparently standing inside a mound of... whatever it was he was smelling. His curiosity piqued, Lethe abandoned his search for the moment and began heading across the bay to see just what was going on.

Lazarus was the first to notice Lethe, having heard his footfalls approaching. Cocking his head in the Rechakan's direction, the Gorn approached as he munched on some more popcorn. He held out a clawed hand with some more popcorn.

"Want some?" was all Kord asked. "It is good. Popped corn seeds."

"It's called Popcorn Kord, Not popped corn seeds," replied Micheal looking at Kord, he continued " So, have we decided on a movie then?" as he still thought this was a good idea what with the investigation going on with the replicators as he hoped that nothing else would go wrong whilst he was watching the movie.

Looking around "go easy on Lazarus and the ensign, they may not be too familiar with human foodstuffs, let them enjoy the new tastes," Sharpe said "as for the movie something funny I am easy on what we watch" Sharpe added.

The Gorn took the correction in stride, looking briefly between Michael and Paul before once again offering his open palm to Lethe. "Popcorn," Lazarus corrected. "want some?"

"Popcorn..." Lethe repeated, eyeing the items in the Gorn's palm a moment, before he gently picked up a single white kernel, tested the consistency with a single squeeze between the tips of his fingers, then spread his mandibles to draw in the scent, and cautiously popped it in his mouth, and proceeded to swallow it whole. "Strange texture," he noted, nodding slowly. "It seems based in something quite flavorful, however. Is it..." he paused, recalling the confection he had snacked on a few times back at the academy, "...butter?"

"If that is Movie Theatre Butter, I am about to put on one pound." Hirsch sounded defeated. "Sam! This is delightful. The whole get together." Cal had smiled.

The Gorn shrugged at Lethe, offering up as much as he wanted before retracting his palm and downing the rest into his own snout. He chewed the popcorn and swallowed. It tasted dry at first but swallowed easily due to the copious buttering. He gave Lethe a nod before turning to observe the happenings around him, his tail slowly moving side to side above the surface of the shuttlebay floor.

T'Pri tried some of the popcorn as well. To her surprise, it was quite palatable.

As everyone was tasting the popcorn Sam wiped his hands. It was time to show a movie.

O'Connell had some popcorn but had managed to replicate a confectionary called 'Snocaps' which were chocolate chip like candies which tiny non-perils on them. O'Connell was enjoying them and glad no one realized he had found something new.

To be continued in part 3.

Lt CMDR Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Michael Stevens
Chief Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant JG Miles O'Connell
Deputy Chief of Engineering
USS Poseidon


Ensign Lethe Sivarr
Damage Control Specialist
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Security
USS Poseidon


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Lazarus Kord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt Cdr T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


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