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Information gathering

Posted on Sunday August 22nd, 2021 @ 7:42am by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch

966 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Science Lab
Timeline: Probes Recovered [Reviewing Data]


- Science Lab -

Sam was angry. He was livid. If it was possible to have a contest to see who could be the most angry. Perkins would win the top prize. Michael was correct. The first two probes, like the replicators, had been tampered with.

Before they had launched the second set of probes. Sam had virtually taken them apart to check. Everything was in working order. The information they had received proved. It would be too dangerous to send the Poseidon into the nebula.

Plus he had a call from Lieutenant (jg) Ted Silver from the Tomcat. Asking about if plants like Norman would make great mascots. Sam told him no and explained without mentioning names. About the incident with Kord.

Sam sat in the science lab looking over the data. He heard the doors opening and turned around.

"Lt. Commander Perkins." Hirsch entered. He took the time, as usual, slowly walking inward to any large surroundings. In this case, the large open labs. Last he had known, there was a plant enthusiast, a botanist onboard. Hirsch generally had a science of plants, biology, and living nature, but he had been told that Sam had a pet plant for his life. Probably now was not the time to ask him about that. "We're having issues with the Probes."

"When did you first notice there was a problem," Hirsch asked curiously. He noted the work that Sam was reviewing in regards to the Science Probes.

Perkins took a seat and reached for a jug of water and a glass.

“ It was when the trouble with the replicators started. I was a bit worried about some readings so I asked Steven’s to have a look. That’s when we discovered the probes had been tampered with.” He explained.

"Once again, If you might. Can you explain to me the finer points of the Probes? What is it you are searching for?" In its instruments, Hirsch had known the probes picked up any intel and science data on the systems and gaseous anomalies, etc. "Hirsch took out his Tricorder, his standard-issue, yet it was uploaded with a few different Security Department methods related to the examination. Such as fingerprints, such as particles decay, and 'orthogenic compounds.'

Perkins poured some water.

“ Well our first task was to see if the Poseidon could go into the nebula.” He explained

"Sam, Perkins, Sir. Would you take a look at this for me?" He handed the Tricorder to Perkins.

"I'm picking up faint, barely registrable. Complex coordination metal particle decay. The radiation decay is no longer there, yet there is a subtle mark left on the inner probe casing?" Hirsch had become intrigued.

Perkins took the tricorder and had a look.

“ Hmmm…. Looks like the remains of some kind of device. Probably to mess with the readings and also to transmit the proper readings somewhere else. Once it’s job was done it destroyed itself. Romulan made no doubt but since the Tal Shiar got handed their pants by the founders. These things can be purchased on the open market, by anyone.” He explained

"Incredible." Hirsch was taking in all the connections he had already. The Syndicate had the proprietary know-how to replicate an inferior, yet passable, Engineering Computers LCAR. So far, since then, the Replicator had been tampered with. This was still being considered an opposite event. If not curious in itself.

"Commander." Hirsch had looked at the surrounding data downloads from the probe. "So the data was collected, transmitted, and then the device had destroyed itself?"

“ It looks that way.” Sam said

"Fantastic." Hirsch had sounded rather curious, not sarcastic. He looked at Sam, who was doing an incredible job finding these issues and working around them as a Scientist. "Commander. This device. Metallic ion level, complex coordination... These particles are complex. A device with a masking agent, thus, would be complicated to transport and remain stable. It would have to be manually placed on the Torpedo. Not to mention, the half-life of the substance, the metallic coordination ions, would it not have an effective decay rate? Can we calculate back to when this was placed on the Torpedo?"

“ It had to of done well before the probes were brought on board. They were sealed in a protective area so there could be no contamination. Before they were launched.” Perkins replied

"Because if we know someone had placed the device on say, 5 hours ago, then we narrow down a lot of theory work. The unknown saboteur may still be on board." Hirsch already was more than halfway through his Cadet, inter-department reviews. He was not finding a saboteur. Hirsch was still finalizing his riot act to read to the Cadet responsible for the Captain's Klingon cuisine....... Disaster.

“ If we had blindly followed the data from the probes. The Poseidon would be stuck in the nebula by now. It is quite possible the saboteur is still on board. No doubt waiting to attack once we were helpless.” Perkins explained

"Mr. Perkins. Would you be fine this to the Captain and Commander?" Cal looked to his silver chronograph wristwatch. A simple electronic beep had sounded now for a moment. A small chime repeatedly for 10 seconds.

" What is that?" Perkins asked

"It would seem. I have.... trapped something, or someone." Hirsch's eyes twinkled as he stood up. His hand slipped to the holster. He would have time to get to the weapons locker.

Tagging his communication badge =^= Lt. Vladinchi, Commander Karn. This is Hirsch. Gentleman, please meet me at the Weapons locker. That is all. =^= He closed his communication badge.

" Becareful." Perkins said as he watched him go.



Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant. Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Security
USS Poseidon


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