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Regarding Perkins

Posted on Sunday January 31st, 2021 @ 10:39am by Captain Franklin Johnson & Commander Sam Perkins

2,441 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: USS Poseidon: Captains Ready room
Timeline: Just after post ‘ My little prince ‘


Hester Hoffman was angry at Lieutenant Sam Perkins. Her plan to have her little prince drop out of Starfleet. By making him take a subject he hated and was no good at. Had been ruined by the USS Poseidon’s Chief Science Officer. Who had advised her son Cadet Jeremy Hoffman to transfer to Security.

She wasn’t going to have her son be shot at by a big snarling Klingon. He was her little prince , his little punim would get hurt. No she had to do something. It was clear by the way Jeremy her little prince. Had spoken to her that he was going along with this mishegas. Her old bubbe had always said.

“ If the meal after going back six times is still not correct. Call the manager!”

oO Who was Lieutenant Perkins boss? Oo She thought.

“ Its the same as an old American President.......Clinton........Bush..........Franklin.....Johnson....that’s it. Captain Clinton Bush!” She wrongly said.

It was clear the officer on the other end of the screen was an idiot. She had never heard of a Captain Clinton Bush.

“ I wish to speak with the Captain of the USS Poseidon it is extremely urgent. My child’s life is at risk!” Mrs Hoffman said.

The officer then told her it was Captain Franklin Johnson.

“ Then put me through to him. My sons life is in danger all ready. I must speak with him.” She demanded.

Captain Franklin Johnson was quite notably relaxed behind his command chair as he enjoyed some nourishing and rather refreshing southern sweet tea. Sipping, he continued to review the academic reports of the newest cadets that had been stationed on the Poseidon. In particular, he had been reviewing the records of one Cadet Jeremy Hoffman. He had an excellent record as of his transfer to the USS Poseidon to further bolster his academic credentials. The Commodore had believed - rightly, in Franklins mind - that transferring here to the ship would finalize his training and get him fast tracked to graduation and ship placement. By the look of the Cadet's record, that was a high probability.

Noticing a notification on his monitors display, he pressed it, greeted by a Yeoman. The yeoman was brief in explaining that there had been an urgent message from the family of one of the Cadets on board. It came as a surprise to learn it was the mother of one Jeremy Hoffman. Dismissing the coincidence, Franklin was quick to put it through. As he prepared himself for the encounter, eh straightened his uniform and sat more upright in his chair.

"This is Captain Franklin Johnson of the USS Poseidon," he greeted when the screen changed to that of an older woman. "How may I be of assistance to you today?"

So this was the man who could save her little prince. Perkins would have to do what this Captain Johnson said. But how should she go about this? Pleading mother, the only one of her children still speaking to her. About to go to war. Jewish mother , did the universal translator speak Yiddish? Bossy? This was her youngest baby. Her little prince , her liddle pinky nose , her baby boy , her little prince. The light of her life. Her baby. She decided to go for all three in one go.

“ Captain Johnson please help me. My little boy chicks life is in your very hands. Please don’t let HIM send my poor little prince to war. Don’t let my little prince be shot by the Klingons.” She pleaded

Taken aback by the suddenness of the request, Franklin took a moment to breath in and once again adjust his uniform. He relaxed as he exhaled, preparing himself for quite possibly a very confusing encounter. There was a lot of information missing from this pleading request, and he'd have to get that information to move forward with anything.

"Mrs. Hoffman, right?" Franklin asked, treading carefully. "I presume you're asking on Cadet Hoffman. I recall that name and my Yeoman gave me a short brief on the matter. I'll need some additional information about your...request, however. As far as I'm made aware, Cadet Hoffman has made an excellent example of himself so far. Has he confided in you with a situation that requires my attention?"

Hester looked at the screen. Her bird like face flushed slightly.

“ I know. But your Lieutenant PERKINS says different. How could you let that PERKINS teach. When PERKINS can’t see such a wonderful boy in front of him. No PERKINS would rather send my little prince off to fight the Klingons! Oh my poor little one. He’s the only one of my chicks who still talks to me you know.He tells me all is news bless him. Your PERKINS wants to kill my little prince! How can you let him do this?” She wailed.” He should be home with his mama bear. So she can feed him smooshes. Not off to fight Klingons!”

Captain Johnson nodded and followed along as Mrs. Hoffman explained herself. He kept his visible reactions to a minimum when she began talking about one of his newest Officers, Lieutenant Sam Perkins, and shelved a protest on her persistence of mentioning Klingons. He further maintained his quiet as she concluded her plea, thereafter providing a moment of silence as he watched her for further reactions. Following none, he began his response.

"Mrs. Hoffman, I can assure you that the United Federation of Planets is not going to war with the Klingon Empire. Furthermore," he continued, "Lieutenant Perkins has not persisted along any dialogue in such a capacity to warrant warmongering. He has, rather, been one of my more vocal officers concerning proper and fair conduct. I believe there may have been some miscommunication along the line, and I'm willing to discuss it with you so we can solve this issue."

This man was as bad as Perkins! Her son was not an issue! An issue? Her little prince was not an issue!

“ Captain Clinton! My son is not an issue. My little prince is not one of your statisticles. Oh your just as bad as PERKINS Captain Clinton! Put him in a yellow shirt and send him to fight the Klingons! That is all you four pipped collars think isn’t. My little prince belongs here with his mama! Why are you trying to hurt him” She began to dab at her beak like nose a handkerchief.” You deny a mothers love! To my boy before he fights the Klingons!”

That was about as enough as Franklin could withstand. He gingerly leaned forward so he appeared to be closer in the call, then looked straight at Mrs. Hoffman.

"With all due respect, Mrs. Hoffman," Franklin said, voice lowering, "Cadet Jeremy Hoffman has worked tirelessly for his efforts to attain the position he has on my ship. If - and I use this word loosely as I do not suspect your son would likely request this - if your son requests leave, I will personally address the situation to satisfy the situation per the rules governing my position. Since I do not expect that he would, I will state this very clearly, and only once."

He moved forward again, his expression glowering.

"Cadet Hoffman is a member of Starfleet and as such I fully expect that when you mention or talk about Mr. Hoffman, you will provide him the respect he has earned. Furthermore, Cadet Hoffman is in the process of bettering his life. So long as he is in Starfleet, he will be provided the best possible chance to better that life. You are not involved nor wanted in this process - unless Cadet Hoffman personally wants you to be. Until such time I am made aware of this, you are requested to leave Cadet Hoffman alone or I will report your actions to the authorities."

A moments pause, then, "And my name is Captain Franklin Johnson. Good day."

==== Elsewhere on the ship... ====

Leaning back, he cut the feed, sighing heavily as he rubbed two fingers on the bridge of his nose as the other cupped his elbow. He didn't have the authority to press charges for no reason, but the mother was borderlining against harrassment which did permit him to make that threat. It was, however, likely an empty threat. Considering Jeremy himself, Franklin believed he rightfully defended the Cadets right to a chance to better his life. He hoped he made the right choice.

Sam has just been in the process of a much welcome cup of tea. When a panicking Cadet Hoffman can in his office white as a sheet.

“ Sorry to barge in. But we have a major problem sir. Mother got in touch with Captain Johnson.” Hoffman said

Tea shot out of Perkins mouth spraying his desk.

“ ...........Oh my belts and braces!” He spluttered.

“ I can only imagine what she said because he hung up on her mid rant.” Hoffman said

Perkins wiped tea off his uniform.

“ Ok. Ok. Ok. Let’s not panic. The Captain is a fair man. I am sure he will calm down soon..... he won’t ......” Perkins comm. badge chirped angrily. “ Then again it was nice being Chief Science Officer here for a while. “ he said tapping it.

“ =/\= Lieutenant Perkins here =/\= “ He said weakly.

=/\= Lieutenant Perkins, please meet me in my Ready Room as your earliest convience. Johnson, out. =/\=

==== Back in the Captain's Ready Room ====

The Captain was still getting over his encounter with Jeremy's mother. He had contacted his Chief Science Officer in hopes to clarify a few things. He took a moment to rise from his seat into the Foyer for a glass of cold sweet tea, then sat back down in waiting for his CSO to arrive.

Sam had three options. The first send a message to Captain Johnson saying. His sick Aunty was calling out of him. Then run like a Ferengi with a box of stolen gold press Latium. The second go in there naked with nothing but a rubber glove on his head. Painted orange and pretending to have gone mad. Three just go in and see him. Perkins picked the third.

“ Hello Captain you asked to see me?” He said brightly.

"Mr. Perkins! Thank you for coming," the Captain greeted as he nodded for him to sit. "I've been having an interesting problem concerning one of the cadets under your command. Nothing serious, just family issues. A Cadet Jeremy Hoffman, to be exact. What can you tell me about them that you haven't in your reports?"

Perkins gave a sigh.

“ I am so sorry sir.” Perkins took a breath

“ Hester Hoffman. It’s quite sad really. Her marriage collapsed after her husband. Could no longer take her over baring behaviour. So she turned to her three children. Two of them rejected her in favour of the husband. The third was to young to escape her clutches. Until he was much older ,convincing her somehow. To let him join Starfleet academy. But she made him take up science. A subject she knew he hated. Mrs Hoffman hoped he would drop out. Then come home to her. Something he did not wish to do. So I suggested he should try a different subject. He choose security and from what I hear. Is top of the class after just a few weeks.” Perkins reported

Franklin nodded. So he had been right to defend Mr. Hoffman. That eased his concerns, if only slightly.

"I see," replied the Captain as he gave a sigh, though one unequal perhaps to the one his CSO gave due to the circumstances. "I've maintained a position that Mr. Hoffman should be able to choose whatever he decides. However, due to the unique circumstances surrounding this situation, I believe I'm more obliged to ask what you recommend we do."

Perkins gave a sigh.

“ The thing that worries me about this. Is what Mrs Hoffman will do next. If she is that intent on getting her son out of Starfleet. That she dares to disturb you. Whose ear will she rant in next. The last we thing we need is some top brass on our backs. They may not believe her. But they would still be angry at being nagged like that.” Perkins said.

Franklin gave a nod, "I do agree that is a concern. It's unlikely it'll do much, since Commodore Paladin is supervising this entire operation. With that in mind, I can forward a report and recommendation to him concerning this. I just want to know what you recommend."

Perkins looked at the floor for several moments. Then raised his head.

“ That Cadet Hoffman be aloud to continue his studies. We should also put a temporary ward of sanctuary on him. So his mother can’t pull him out of Starfleet without his consent. We should also warn Starfleet command about Hester Hoffman. Plus she should be barred from all Starfleet property. This should also include any future postings. Cadet Hoffman attains. We don’t want her turning up on a Starship. She should also be barred from calling any Commanding Officers he may have. Failing that a one way trip to Kronos seeing she’s so obsessed with Klingons.” Sam said

Franklin smiled. As Sam was making his suggestion, he had been dutifully logging them down on a datapad. A minute after the Lieutenant concluded, he looked up from checking his work and gave Sam a nod.

"Noted and recommended," Franklin said as he added his own 'CO Recommended' tag to the datapad. "I think this should solve the situation, though I do recommend getting with Mr. Hoffman concerning this decision."

Inside Sam was relieved at how well the Captain seemed , to be taking all this.Not all commanding officers would not be as patient or understanding. If they had been confronted by a woman like Hester Hoffman.

“ Once again sir. I am really very sorry she hijacked you like that.” He said

"It's not a problem at all," Franklin said as he stood and smiled, extending a hand, signaling the end of their conversation. "If you don't mind, could I have a conversation with Cadet Hoffman as well? After you do, I mean. I'd like to get the message firmly across that we stand behind him in this situation."

Perkins nodded and shook the Captains hand.

The Captain shook, giving a firm nod, pleased with their progress on the situation.


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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